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UERKINUSUAW'S LIBKAUY OF AMERICAN BIOOKAPUY. Johnson, WiUiam, lawyer, ('ongrcssnian, was born in 1819 in IreUimL He be^an tiie In practice of law in Hanafleld, Ohio. I803-6o lif w ;i- a reprcHt'iitati vf from Ohio to the thirty -eighth congress. Ue dieil May 3, 18M, in Mansfield, Ohio. Johnson, William, frovcrnor. Uv « as governor of ]<weutucky. Ue died June 1888, in Bardstown.


Johnson, William Bullien, clfrpyman, aithor, vioa born June 13, 1782, in Sir JuIui'h bland, 8.C. He was a memlier of the Bible revi'finii soci«*ty; forty years pri'siilcnt of the Georgia baptiMt eunvention; and throyears prt-sident of the general baptist conjiitcd Statt'8. vontion of tlif TT«' wan the author of Iniatit liaptixm Argueil froiu Analogy: The t'hurch'n Argument for CluriB% Examination of Snodgrass on tiunity; I

Apostolic Succession Kxamination of Confirmation Kxamined; and a Memoir of Rev. Nathan P. Knapp. Ue died Jan. 10, 1802, in Greenville, 8. C. waa Johnson, William Christie, 8oMi< born March lU, 1843, in Claremont county, Ohio. In 1M2 he enlisted in the civil war u» a private Holdier in the eighty-ninth regiment Ohio volunteer infantry; and in 1886 waa mustered out of service. In 18667^ he was a druggist of Union City, Tnd.; and in 1881-90 was in the hardware business in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1880 he was elected commander-iii cliief of the (irand army of the republic. Since llKMl he has been {mstmaster of Cleveland, Ohio. Johnson, William Cost, lawyer, state leg;



islator, congressman, was iMirii in ISOti in Frederick county, .Md. In 1H37-43 he was A representative to the twenty-fifth, twenty-aizth and twenty-seventh congresses. He

served in the state legislature In't'ore entering and after he left congress. Ue died April 1, 1860. in Washington, D.C. Johnson, William Eugene, journalist, author, was born March 25, 18U2, in L'oveutry, N.Y. In 1895-99 be was associate editor of the Xew York Voice: and sinic 1S!M» lias been associate editor of the New o«ce oi In lii()6-07 he was special Chicago, HI. agent of the interior department to in force tuc li(|uor laws in Indian Territory and Oklahoma. He 18 the author of The Gothenburg System. Johnson, William Franklin, linancier. author, was liorn March 11, 1856, in Jasper county, ill. Ue is a saviitgs and loan broker of New York City. He is the author ol Poco a I'oeo. Johnaon, William H., banker of Alpena, Mich., was bom Feb. 10, 1840, in Elkhorn, Wis. Hr hs Ih n ciiva;.;! tl in the lumberi

ing, real cittate

and banking business.


president of the Alpena National bank, of the Alpena City Water company and president -of the Alpena City Electric Light company. Hi- is also treasurer of the Alpena Portland Cement company and of the Alpena L'uited Telephone comis



Tic served as a private in Chicago pany. battery during the civil war. J(din80n, WilHttn Hallodic^ educator, clergyman. |isycholo|;iHt, author, was born Dec. Since 1UU3 he 3^ I8tt5, in New York City. has been professor of Greek and new testacrsitv of nu'ut literature in Lincoln IVunsylvauia. In 18U7 he was ordained a presbvterian minister. He is the author of Thr Fi.-,. Will Problem. Johnson, William Henry, soldier, clergyman, author, was born March '^9, S4~>, in l{4'aufort. S.C. lie MTVed in the confederate army as iin oHicer in the regiment which garrisoned Fort Sumter; and was lieutenant of the first regiment of South Carolina artillery. He was the author of The World's )iMiivcrera. He died in 1007



Cambridge, .Mass. Johnson, William Martin, journalist, author, was born Dee. 12, lHii2, in Hoston, Mass. Ue is art editor of the Ladies' Home Journal. He is the author of Inside of One in





Johnson, William Mildred, lawyer, donor, In 8, 1847, in Newton, VJ. 187(»-l!»tHt li.. practic.'d law in New fersey.

was bom Dec.

in 181>.'>. |<,HM» In- was a member of the New Jersey state .senate; and in 1000 was president of that ImmIv. In l!l(K» he was acting governor ol New .ItTs.-y; and in IDOU02 was first assiwtant |n»^tmastcr of the I'nited States. In 1!><)1 he donated a public

library to Ilackcnsack, N.*).

JoluMOB, William SumtMl, lawyer, jurist, president, congressman. United States senator, was born Oct. 7, 1727, in Stratford. Conn. In ITB.! he was a delegate to the congress at New York. In 1772 he was appointed judge of the supreme ciiurt of Connecticut; and in 17H0 was a member of the councii of Connecticut. In 1784-87 he was a delegate from (Connecticut to the c.nif incntal c(in;.'rcss. In 17HI>-!>1 he was Cnited States senator, in I787-180U he college

was president of Columbia

college in


York. lie was elected llrst I'nited States senator from Connecticut, but resigned in 1703. He died Nov. 14, 1819, in Stratford, Conn. Johnson, William Shaler, ciimator, journalist, author, was l)orn Nov. 23. 1836. He has been superintendent of the city water works of Chester, I'a.; and served as a member ot tiic board of education. He has contributed valuable papers to societies and current literature. Johnson, William Smith, educator, college president, was born Oct. 8, 1869, in Clark county. Ark. In 1892 he waa appointed jm >i<I< lit of the Mountain Home baptiat college of Arkansas. Johnaon, WiUUm Wallace, educator, clergyman, author, poet, was born Nov. He was a mem1813, in Bucklami, Mass. ber of the Wisconsin state legislature in 187f). He is tlx' aiitlinr of three works; and is a noted genealogist and poet*

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