Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/36

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Hall, Cyrus, soldier, was bom in Illinois. 184G he enlisted in the United States and in 1801 was major of the seventh regiment Illinois cavalry. In 1865 he was hrevetted brigadier-jjeneral of volunteers, lie died Sept. 6, 1878. Hall, Darwin S., soldier, journalist, con-

president of the American telephone company; and president of the Southern Bell telephone and teh^graph company. Hall, Edwin, clergyman, educator, author, was born Jan. 11, 1802, in (Jranville, N.Y. {v was a congregational clergyman; and professor of theol«)gy in Auburn seminary in 1854-77. He was the author of The Law of Baptism; The Puritans and Their Principles; Historical Records of Norwalk; and Shorter Catechism with Proofs. He died Sept. 8, 1H77, in Auburn, N.Y. Hall, Edwin Herbert, educator, author,

gressman, was born in 1844 in Kenosha county, Wis. He was elected to the Minnesota state legislature in 1870; was register of the Unite«l States land othce at Benson in IK7S-86; and was elected to the state senate in 188f> for a term of four years. He served in company K, forty-second Wisconsin volunteer infantry, as a private during the civil war. In 188U-5M he was a representative to the fifty first congress as a repub-

wsis born Nov. 7, 1855, in (iorhani, Maine. Since 1895 he has bi*en professor of physics at Harvard university. He is the author of A Text-Book of Physics; and Lessons in Physics. Hall, Eliza Calvert, educator, author, poet, was born Jan. 11, 1856, in Bowling tireen, Ky. She is a noted poet; and has contributed to the Atlantic Monthly, Scribner's and the Century.


Hall, Ernest, soldier, lawyer, jurist, was born Oct. 24, 1844, in Ixindon, England. He served in the army and navy during the civil war. In 1866 he. began the practice of law in Bronx, N.Y.; and in 1882-87 was city judge. He is president of the Alumni association of the university of law. Hall, Fitzedward, philologist, author, was born March 21, 1825, in Troy, N.Y. He was inspector of schools in India in 1846-62; and in the latter year became professor of Sanskrit in King's college, Ix>ndon. He is the autlior of Recent Kxeinplifications of False Philology; Modern Knglish; English Adjectives in -able with Special Reference to Reliable; Lectures on the Nyaya Philosophy; and several works in Sanskrit. He died in 1001 in Kngland.

born Nov. m, 1853, in St. Albans, Maine. In 1876 he graduated from Dartmouth medical college; and has attained bUcefSM in hia profession at Dover and Foxcroft light and iieut eompany; and a director and trustee of

several corporations. In


Hall, David, printer, legislator, was born He came 1714, in Kdinhurgh, Scotland. to .America alM)ut 1747, entered into a partin

nership with Benjamin Franklin, which was 17rt<>, and tiieti formed another with William Sellers. As a menU)er of these was one of the printers of the Pennsylvania (Ja/.ette; and afterward the business was carried on in the names of William and David Hall. He was for several years a njemper of the Pennsylvania legislature.

dissolve<l in

firms he


dietl Dec. 24, 1772, in Hall, David, governor.

Philadelphia, Pa.

He was



governor of Delaware in 1802-05. He died in Delaware. Hall, Dominick Augustine, lawyer, jurist was Intrn in 17ii'> in North Carolina. He was ilistrict judge of Orleans territory in 1801)12. when it became the state of Louisiana; and in 1812-20 was United States district


jud^e of the state. N'ew Orleans. I^a.

died Dec. 12, 1820, in

clergyman, was born Sept. 2. 1800, in Alcdford, Mass. In I82rt he was ordained pastor of the Unitarian church at Northampton. Mass.; and in 1832 was pastor of the First congregational church at Providence, K.I. He died







Providence. R.I.

Hall, Edward Hagaman, journalist, h>cturer. historian, author, was born Nov. 3, IS5S, in .uburn. N.Y. He is the author of Financial Red Book of .America; Ho for

.Ma^ka: and other works. Hall, Edward Henry, clergyman, author, was born in 1831 in Ohio. He has (illed pastorates in the unitarian church at Worct'sHe is the autlior of ter and Cambridge. Ortho<loxy and Heresy in the Christian Church; Lessons o!i the Life of Saint Paul;


and Discourses.

died Feb. 22.



was born


Edward Perth


She is a lecturer of Plainfield, N.J.; in 1893-1900 was president New JerShe is sey woman's sulTrage association. the author of Social Customs; and The Cor.Mass.





Good Society.

Hall, Francis Joseph, educator, theologian, author, was born Dec. 24, 1857, in Ashtabula. Ohio. He was educated at the Racine college; attended the theological General

seminary; and received the degrees of B.A., M.A. and D.D. In 18H6 he was ordained as a priest; and since 1894 has bei-n registrar of the diocese of Chicago. 111. In 1898-1901 he was secn-tary of the diocesan standing (







and in examining chap-



Cambriflge. Mass. Hall, 1853 in

Hass, Mrs. Florence Marion, lecturer, auwas born Aug. 25, 1845, in Boston,


In 1898-99 he was president of the Western theological lain for the diocese of Chicago.