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18H(i Idis


profpssor of dogniutir theology in tlic V«'htern theological M'tniiiaiy. U> in tin- author of Theolojiiral Uutlinrs. in tlin-c voIiiuk's: Historioal I'osition of tlic KpiHt-opal Clunvli; Kenotic Tlu-ory; Intrudui-tion to Dogiiiatir Theology; aii(l other workn. Hall, Francis, journalist. >:is burn .March In 1S1:{ he 12, 1785, in Tannt<in, England. bee.nne co-oditor of the New York Commercial Advertiser; ami remained ccmneeted with it for fiftv-tliroe years. He died Aug. 11,



New York


Hall, Frank L., lawyer, founder, wan b<»rn July 4, ISilO, in liridgeport. Conn. In 1874 he began the practice of law in N«'W .lersey. He organized the Univert*ity elub in 187D; and wa.s the founder and president of the INi upsilon <lub <if New York City. Hall, Frank Oliver, clergyman, author, was March 10, 1860, in New Haven, Conn. He is a universalist clergyman of New York City, lie is the author of Common People.

UK AMKKICAN BIOGRAPHY. <:is native city, of which he was a trust««e at the time of its incorporation; and under tliat act becanje its first mayor. He died Sept. 1»>, 18I58, in Hrooklyn, N.Y. Hall, George Eli, tmancier, diplomat, author, was born March 17, 18U3, in France. Since 1801 he has been consul-general of Balloon Turkey. He is the author of .scension at Midnight. Hall, George Henry, soldier, was born in


In I8ti2 he was colonel ii^ the fourth ri'giment Missouri cavalry; and in 18»>4 he attained tiie rank of brigadier-gen-



He resigned



Hall, George Henry, painter, artist, was In 1868 he in 1H25 in Hoston, Mass. became a member of the National academy of design. He is a painter of tigures. especially of Italian and Spanish peasants. He also paints still life pictures, especially



His principal works are Precious fruit. Lady; The Four Seasons; and The Roman

Hall, Frederic, lawyer, author, was born lie rec« ive(l Oct. IH. ia2.'>. in Rutland. Vt. a lilK'ral education, stutiied the sciences, and

Hall, Gertrude, autlior, poet, was born Sept. S, 1803, in Hoston, Mass. She is the author of Far Froni To-Day, a collection of strikingly original stories; Allegretto, a volume of verse: Foam of the Sea, and Other Tales: anil Verses. Hall, Granville Stanley, educator, college president, author, was born May 6. 1846, in Ashlield, Mass. Since 1888 he has been presi<lent of Clark university Worcester, of He is the author of Aspects of (J e r m a n Culture; Hints Toward a Bibliography of P^ducation: How to TeacJi Reading: and other

Greek. Latin French, Spanish and Italian. In 1852 he was admitted to the bar of the supreme court of California; and in 1859 to the bar of the supreme court of the United States. In 1807 he visited altto


and was em-

ployed as on«' of the counsel to defend the Kmperor Maximilian, lie was the author of Life of Maximilian; ami History of San Jose, ('al. He died in IS!»S


San Francisco,


Hall, Frederic Byron, sohlier, lawyer, jurwas lK»rn Feb. 20, 1843, in Saratoga Springs, N.Y. In ISO:? he enlist»'d in the seventeenth regiment Connecticut vcdunteers. In 1S77-8!) he was judge of the superior eourt of Connecticut. Since 18!I7 he has been an associate judge of the supreme court of i-rrors of Connecticut. Hall, Frederick, educator, author, was born in November. 1780, in <Jraft»>n. Vt. He was prof«'ssor of chemistry in Columbian college of Washington at the time of his death. He was the author of L«'tter8 from the I'.ast and from the West. He died .lulv 27. IS4.'5. in Peru. 111. Hall, George, congressman, was born in New Haven, Conn. He was a member of the ist,


'S'ork state assembly in 181ti; and in 1810-21 he was a representative from New York to the sixteenth congn-ss. He died in



Hall, George, first mayor of Hrooklyn, was born Sept. 21, 1705, in Hrooklyn, N.Y. He was a print<'r; and the great«'r portion «»f his life was dovotod to the interests of


works. Hill, Harrison, scientist, author, was born 5, 17H5. in Octorara, Md. He was a


scientist of Philadelphia: and in 1815 publishetl a work on Distillation that was mucli commended in its «lay. H*- died March 0. ISOO. in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Hall, Harry Alvan, lawyer, author, was Karthaus. Pa. In 1890 he was elected a member of the Pennsylvania state sj'iiate: and in 1803-07 was I'nited States att«)rney f*>r the western district of Pennsylvania. In 1808 he mustered in as captain of company II. sixteenth regiment Pennsylvania infantry l'nite<l States volunteers; served as judge advocate -general, and was promoted to major for gallantry »»n the field of battle of Coamo. Porto Rico. He made a specialty of railroad corporations and international law:

ind is a noted author, linguist and traveler.

lM>rn Oct. 7. IHOI, in

Hall, Henderson, physician, surgeon, was born March II. 1S4S, in C«mcordia Parish. La. He received his education in the public and private schools of his native state; ami