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372 nal.


died Oct. 21, 1884, in Bethlehem,


Kane, Elias Kent, state legislator, United State Beiiatur, wa« Inirn June 7, 1796, in New Y«»rk City. He began the practice of law at Xahliville, Tenn.; and in 1815 he moved to Kuttka^skia, III. He was a delegate to the state constitutional convention; and was the first 8«H'retHry of the state of Illinois. He was elected a member of the state legislature; and in 182.')-35 he was I'nited States senator from Hlinois. He died Dec. 11. IH.'M. in Washington, D.C. Kane, Elisba Kent, surgeon, explorer, author, was born Feb. 3, 1K20, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was a surgeon in the United States

navy; and was famous as an Arctic explorHe joined the first (irinnell arctic expedition as surg<>on, naturalist and historian; and made iniportiiiit discoveries as commander of the 8e<M)nd (irinnell ex{M>dition in search of Sir John Franklin. He was the author of The United States Grinnell Kx|H-4lition of 1H.V); and Second (Jrinnell KxiJedition. He died Feb. 10, 18.">7, in Haer.

vana, Cuba.


died June 23, 1878, in Baltimore,

Md. Kane, John Kintzing, lawyer, jurist, was born May 10. 17l».'>. in Albany, N.Y. In 1845 he was chosen attorney-general of Pennsylvania; and in 1846 resigned to accept the position of United States district judge for the state of Pennsylvania. He died Feb. 21, 18.)8. in



Kane, John Patrick, merchant, capitalist, was born Oct. 10, 1841», in Canaan, NJl. At the age of sixteen years he went to New Y«»rk City and secured employment with William .F. and J. S. Peck, dealers in building material; and finally became their head salesnutn. In 1871) he embarked in the same busiju'ss of his own account; and the John P. Kane company was duly organized. Kane, Thomas Leiper, soldier, lawyer, author, was born Jan. 27, 1822, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was a lawyer of Philii<lelpliia; and a brigadier-general in the federal army in the civil war. He was the author of The Mormons: Alaska; and Coahuila. He died Dec. 26.



Philadelphia, Pa.

Kantmann, Adolph was

railway oflicial of Jan. 23, 1873, in in the grammar and high schfmis of T«"rre Haute, Ind. .Siiue ISill he has In-en in railway service; in IH!i'>-MMM> was draftsnuin and chief draftsman with the Vandalia road. In 1900II he was ehief draftsnuin of the Nashville. Nasliville. Temi.,


umes. Kaplan, A. Ornstein, poet, was born in Nov<'ml>er, lH4t). in (lermany. In 1857 he come to America with his parents; lived in New York City until 1861 ; and in Ix)venear Cincinnati, Ohio, until 1 8 6 8. Since that time he , ^ ' has lived in Cincin-

rland, '

Kane, George Proctor, merchant, was born Aug. 21. 1H17, in Haltimore, Md. He held various local otiices; and was collector of the port of Haltimore; and its mayor in 1878.

the civil war; and attained the rank of brigadier-general. Kanz, George Frederick, mineralogist, author, was liorn Sept. 20, 18.'>6, in New York City, Since 1883 he has been special agent in the United States geological survey; and in 11MK» was a delegate from the United States to the international congress at Paris. He is one of the foremost American s|)ecialiHts in jirecious Htor"s; and is president of the New Y'ork mineralogical club. He was s|M>cial agent in charge of precious stones in the twelfth United Statea census. He ii the author of CJems and Precious Stones of North America; and Pearls in Sj'ience. Art and Industry, in two volin




He was educated

Chattanooga and St. I^ouis railway, and 11M2 has been suiH-rintendent of machinery of that road. since

Kantz, August Valentine, soldier, was born Jan. 5, l!S2S, in (Jermany. He served

nati, principally eninsurgagi^l in the ance business. He ia the author of several

volumes, notably brothree poetical chures, entitled The




Prince of Hades; and The Baby's Biography. Karge, Joseph, soldier, was born in Germany. In 1861 he was lieutenant-colonel in the first regiment New Jersey cavalry; and in 186.") was brevetted brigadier-general of volunte«»rs. He was honorably mustennl out in 1871. He died Dec. 27, 1892.

Karr, Mrs. Elizabeth, author, was born in (Jeneva. N.Y. She is the wife of General Charles W. Karr, a Cincinnati lawyer. She is the author of The American Horsewoman. Kasson, John Adam, lawyer, legislator, diplomat, congressman, author, was born Jan. II. 1822. in Charlotte. Vt. In 1842 he graduated from the university of Vermont; and was engaged in the practice of law until 1861. in 1861-62 he was assistant postmaster-general; and in 1863-67, 1873-77 and I881-8."i he was a representative from Iowa to the tliirty-eighth. thirty-ninth, forty-thinl. forty ft)urtli, forty-seventh and forty-eighth congresses as a republican. In 1867 he was a commissioner from the I'nited States to negotiate postal conferenci's with several foreign ciiuntries. In 1868-72 he was a member of the general assembly of the state of Iowa. In 1877-81 he was envoy and minister of the United States to Austria-Hungary; and in 1884-85 was minister t«i (Jermany. In 1893 he was envoy to the Samoa international conference and was a member of the United .States and British joint high commission to