Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/390

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HERRINGSHAW8 LIBRARY OK AMKRICAN UIOGKAHHY. adjutit Cantidian questiunH. In 1807 he was I'nitfd Stiitvs H|HTial cominisHioner pleni-

potentiary lor L'oniiiu'rciai treaties. He is the author of History of the Kurination of He died the United States C'ontititution.



Kastle, Joseph Hoeing, educator, chemist, WHS born .Ian. 2.>, I8(M, in Li'xington. K. In 1SS8-1!M».'» hv wjih profensor of elieniisiry at the state a^rieultural eoUejje of Kentucky; and wince l'M'i haw bwn chief of tile diviHion of chemistry in tlie hygienic I'nited States public Ijiboratory of the He is health and marine hospital service. the author of The Chefnistry of Metals. auttior.

engineer, was born Nov. 14. 18:}0. in Kngland. In 1H80-1»8 he was chief »'ngineer of the New York central

Katte, Walter,


and Iludnun river. New York an<l Harlem, and West shore railroads with their branches. He is now engaged as a consulting engineer.





secretary, curator, was born Dec. U, 1867, In 185K) he graduated in Greenville, Ohio. with the degree of LL.B. from the university of Michigan; and in ISnOOl studied in Hei»lellK>rg university. He is a noted lawyer of Greenville. Ohio; is a lieutenant in the Ohio

guard; and prominently identiwith the business and public alTairs of

national is


his city




secretary and treasurer of the Phi delta founded in 18(i!»; is a life member of the Harvard riernianic museum; and secretary and treasurer of various societitts. He has been a delegate to various conventions; served as curator; is a member of the American historical society; and of various is


law and

1010. Kaufman, Abraham Charles, financier, philantliropist. was born Sept. 10, IH'M), in Charleston, S.C. In 1871 he b<'gan his business life as a financier; and for over thirty years was identified with large enterprises in Charleston, S.C. Kaufman, C. M., merchant, banker, railroad prcsidi-nt, was born .July 2, 1862, in

county, Pa, In 1885 he took charge of a general st«ire. In 1801 ho was one of the promoters and organisers of the Williams Valley railway company, of which he became president an«l general manager He is president of the Citizens' in 10(M. Si'liuylkill

water company of Tower City, Pa.; is president of the Tower City national bank; and president or is corporations.


man catholic He died .July Kauffman,

Milwaukee, Wis. Fond du I^c, Wis.

arcldjisliop of

20. I!MW. in




Mi.H born in 1877 in Ciiester county. Pa. He has b<>i>n on the editorial stall of the Philadelphia l'r«*ss: and since 1004 has been associate e«litt)r of the Saturday Evening Post. He is the author of Jarvis of Harvanl; Chasm; In the Balance; and other





Boiling Springs, Pa.

graduated from Princ»'ton







he moved to Natchitoches, Texas;. and served against the Indians. In 1839-43 he was a member of the Texas house of representatives; and in 1843-45 was a member of the state senate. In 1845-51 he was a representative from Texas to the twenty-ninth, thirtieth an<l thirty-first congresseB. He died Jan. 13, 1851, in Washington, D.C.

Kaufman, Herbert, born

journalist, author,


1878. in Washington, D.C. of the Herbert Kaufnewspaper syndicate of New York He is the author of Songs of Fancy;



He has been head

man City.

and The Stolen Throne. Kaufman, Matthias Sailor, soldier, clergyman, author, was born Nov. 7, 1845. in Decatur, III. In 1874 he graduated with the degrees of A.M., D.D. the Northwestern uni1876 reversity in ceivitl the degree of from Garrett B.D.




has also received the de<»ree8 of A.M., D.D. and Ph.D. He served the civil war in in the fifteenth regiment Illinois volunteer infantry; was in the Chickaof battles mauga and Nashvilh-; and was mustered out as first corporal in 1865. He has filled pastorates in Illinois. Minnesota, North Dakota. artist, was born Dec. Hanover. His works in-

Kaufman, Theodore,


Kauffman, Samuel Hay, journalist,



county, was for three years a telegraph In 18.'>4 he was an editor and

wa.H horn April

Ohio. He operator.



Kaufman, David Spangler, lawyer, state li-j;ishitor, congr«'NH!uan, was born Dec. 18,

scientific societies.

Katzer, Frederic Xavier, educator, archbisliop. was l«irn Feb. 7. 1844, in Austria. In 1875-78 he was rector of the Green Bay cathedral; an<i in 1878 berime vicar-general. He erected many schools and a convent in Green Hay, Wis. In 1886 he was consecrated bishop; and in 18'.)1 was made Ro-


journalist of Zanesville, Ohio. In 1867 he was one of the proprietors of the Evening Star. lie was the first [M-rson to suggest and urge the establishment of the National museum of Washington, IJ.C. He died in


1820, in


1S14. in Nel.son,

clude (M-n. .Slu-rman near the Watchfire; On to Liberty; A Pacific Railway Train Attacked by Indians; Slaves Seeking Shelter