Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/393

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ITfRol's AostlicAnalysis of the F^motions nn«l Christian l)«K.'trine Ilarmonizwl.


Keefe, John C,



journalist, invontor, was bom June 27, 1846, in Chiooiiep, Mass. In 1878 he became ediHe is the intor of the Milwaukee News. ventor of several useful patents. Since 1893

he has jirartifed law in MilwauktHi, Wis. Keefer, Thomas Coltrin, civil in^ineer, auIn thor, was l>orn Nov. 4, 18'J1, in Canada. IS;JS he entered the engineer <H)ri>s of the Krie canal: and in 1S4I was transferred to In the construction of the Welland canal. 1845 he was chief enjrineer of the OttJiwa lie is the author of river improvements. a ]iiimplilet entitled The Philosophy of Uail-

ways. poet, litterateur, J. Tremaine, Sept. 10, 1847, in Herlin. Conn. He the author of Hells of San Bias; Deserted City of Yucatan; The Exile's Dream; and


was burn


Wanderer's Hetum. Keeler, Harriet L., educator, author, was Iwni in 1846. in Delaware county, N.Y. Sin<e 1879 she has been a teacher iu the Central hit:h sch(M)l of Cleveland, Ohio. She is the author of Studies in English Composition: Wild Flowers of Early Spring; Our .Native Trees; Our Northern Shrubs: and lliuh School Kiifilish. Keeler, Charles Augustus, litterateur, author, poet, was born 0«-t. 7, 1871. in Milwaukee. Wis. He was educated in the public and Till-

private school^ of Mil-



N ew

City at the school of Herkeley, Cal and took a special course in the university of California. In 189.'J he made



voyage around Cape Horn in I 8 9 9 w a s with the Harriman exa




and iu 1901 made a voyage to the South Seas. He is director of the museum of the California ncadeniy of sciences; and a memHe is the ber of the philosophical union. author of Kvolution of the Colors of North .Vmerican Laml Hirds; The Light Through the Storm, a volume of poems; The Simple

Home: eisro


Tin* Triumph of liiglil Tlirouuli l'^irth<|uake and



San FrauFire; and


Keeler, James Edward, educator, astronomer, was burn Sept. 10. 18.j7, in La Salle, In |S<il-l9t»(l he was director of the III. Alle;:heiiy observatory: and profes.sor of astrophysics in the Western university of rennsylvanin. He was the editor of the .stropliysical .Tournal. He «liscovered and measured the motions of nebulae while at the Li« k <»l>servatory and while at .Mle:

irheny se<Mired speetr<>s<-opic proof of the meteoric structure of Sattirn's rings. He died Aug. 11. 1900, on Mount Hamilton, Cal.

journalist, author, was Keeler, Ralph, He was the boni in 1830, in New York. special corresiwndent of the New York Tril>une in Cuba and while engagiMl in the work mysteriously disappeared. He was the author of <ilover»on and His Silent Partner; and Vagabond .dveutures. He died Dec. 10. 1873. at sea near Cuba.

Keeler, Richard Woolsey, educator, college president, was born Feb. 14, 1824. in Columbia county, N.Y*. In 1850-59 be was elected the first president of Cornell college of .Mt. Vernon, Iowa. Keeley, James, journalist, litterateur, was Ixirn Oct. 11, 18<)7. in l>ondon, England. He was reporter, night city editor, city editor; and since 1898 he has been managing eilitor of the Chicago Tribune. Keeley, Leslie E., physician, founder, was lM»rn in 1830, in New ork. He was the founder of the Keeley institute system for the treatment and cure of inebriety and the use of narcotic drugs, known as the Keeley <Mire; and was president of the Leslie E. Kwley company of Dwight, III. He dietl Feb. 21. 1900, in Los Angeles. Cal.

was born

Keely, John Worrall, inventor, Sept. 3. 1837, in IMiiladelphia, Pa. inventor of a hydro-pneumatic

vacuo machine, whose action,


He is



pulsating claimed,

pro<luce<l by forces obtained from water air. He con8truct«Ml one hundred and twenty-four different engines; and eliminated the use of water entirely in developing the energy that he claimed to control. He was .said to have been an impostor. He died Nov. 18. 1897. in Philadelphia, Pa. Keely, Patrick Charles, designer, architect, is


wa-i lM»rn





1810, in Ireland.







cliurdies in the I'nit***! States, including the catlie<lruls of Chicago, Boston, Hartford, and

Providence, and almost every important Catholic church in New York city except St. Patrick's cathedral. He died Aug. 12, 18'.Mi. in Mrooklyn. N.Y. Keely, Robert Neff, physician, author, was liorn in 1800 in Pennsylvania. In 189192 he was surgeon to Lieutenant Peary's arctic expedition. He is the author of In Arctic Seas. He wrote Travels on the Mos«|uito Coast. Nicaragua. Keen, Gregory Bernard, curator and statesman of 1300 lx)cust st., Philadelphia, Pa., was born March 3, 1844, in Philadelphia. Pa. Me has receivetl the degrees of A.H.. -A.M. and LL.D. He has been professor of mathematics in the theological seminary of St. Charles. Iu 1880-98 he was s«-crelary of the historical society of Pennsylvania; in 1887-97 was librarian of the university of Pennsylvania; in 1898-1903 was librarian of IIh' liistorical society of Pennsylvania; since then has l)een curator.

Keen, Morris Longstreth, in<iit<»r,




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manufacturer, 1820, in West to the this led


wood; and