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and eleventh congresses. He subsequently moved to Alabama, where he ninth,


served for many years in the legislature of that state, but declined a re-election to congress. He died Oct, 22, 1843, near 8elma. Ala. Kendall, Adelbert A., lawyer, jurist, was born March 3, 1851, in Janesville, Wis. In 1893 he was appointed judge of the eleventh judicial district of Nebraska; was elected to fill the vacancy in 1894; and re-elected to the same position in 1805. He is a not€'d lawyer of St. Paul, Xeb. Kendall, Amos, author, journalist, cabinet oflieer. was lK»rn Aug. 16, 1789, in Dunstable, .Mass. In 182!) he was appointed fourth auditor of the treasury of Kentucky; and in 1835-40 he was postmaster-general. He subsiijuently took up his resijiencc in Washington City and was the founder of the Deaf and Dumb Institution. He was the author of History of His Life and Times; and a Life of Andrew Jackson. He died N<iv. 11, 1869. in Washington, D.C. Kendall, Charles West, lawy«'r, legislator, congressman, was born April 22, 1828, in Hi' was educated Searsmont, Maine. at P h i 1 1 i p s' academy.

Massachusetts, and attended a partial course at Yale college, studied law in Sacramento. Cal., and practiced



Nevada. In he was a

member lature

of the legisof California,


in 1871-75 was a representative from to the fortysecond and fortythird congresses. He was a successful orator; and served on several intportant committees while in congress. He died about 1898 in Hamilton. Nev, Kendall, Edward, musician, composer, was


born March 1. 18(18. in Fort Walcott, NewPort Harbor. R.I., but seven towns in Massachusetts claim his birthplace. He was a noted ;^ii(l popular bandmaster. He compose«| the Keh«» Song; Wrecker's Daughter; and Woo<ls (Quickstep. He died Oct. 20. 1861, in Mostoti, Mass. Kendall, Edward Hale, designer, architect, was horn luly 31. 1K42. in H»)ston, Mass. He was a>.soi-iated in designing the original lM|iiitable building of New York City; and was the architeet of the (;erman Savings bank on Fourth avenue; the Washington building on lower Broadway; and the residence of Hobr rt and Ogden rJoelct on F'ifth avenue. He died in 19(»9 in New York City. Kendall,




author. Since l8S»i she has been a teacher of history at the Wellesley college. She is the author oi Source Book of Englislj History; History of England; and Short His-

tory ot England.

Kendall, Ezra Fremont, comedian, actor, author, was born Feb. 15, 1861, in Alleghany county, N.Y. He was a printer in his early days; and since 1881 has been in the tlieut* rieal business. In 1896- 1902 he was in vaudeville; and since 1902 has been starring in The Vinegar Buyer. He is the author of SjK>ts of Wit and Humor; and Tell It to Me; and the play entitled We, U»

and Company. Kendall, Ezra

Otis, educator, author, was .May 17, 1818. in Wilmington, Mass. In 1855 he was elected to the chair of matliematics in the university of Pennsylvania; and in 1883 was chosen to till the oOicc of vice-provost. He was the author of a work en<,itled I ranograpiiy. He died Jan. 5, 1899, in I'hiladelphia, Pa. Kendall, Frederick Augustas, soldier, was lM»rn

born Aug. 28. 1838, in Concord, N.H. He attended Dartmouth and Bowdoin colleges. In 1861 he enlisted in company B, eleventh regiment Indiana volunteer infantry, and during several transfers was rapidly advanced until he became captain. In 1866 he entered the regular service; was on frontier service in Texas until 1874; when he

waa in recruiting service at Cleveland. He was professor of military science and tacthe Brooks' Military academy until 1879, when he returned to Texas for duty,

tics at

until r;*tired from active service in 1884. In 1H89 JHJ he was president of the Cleveland Life I'nderwriters' association. In 1896 he was selected junior vice-commander of the Ohio comniandery of the Military Order of the L<»yal Legion; and his wife is aUo regent of the Clev«'land chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution. In 18971901 was president and memlx'r of Board of Education of Cleveland. Ohio. Kendall, George Wilkins, journalist, autlior, was born .ug. 22, 1809, in Amherst, N.H. He was a journalist of New Orleans; and establislied the Picayune of that city. He is the author of The War between the I'nited States and Mexico; and The Texan Santa F<^ Expt'dition. He died Oct. 22, 1867, in

Oak Spring, Texas. Kendall, John W., congressman,


was born

in Elliott county, Ky. He Owingsville academy; and after ills admissicm to the practice of law was twice elected c«mnty attorney of Morgan county. He served throughout the civil war as first lieutenant and adjunct of the tenth Kentucky confederate cavalry. He waa twice a member of the Kentucky legislatun-: and f<»r six years was commonwealth attorney for the thirteenth judicial district. In 1891-93 he was a representative from Kentucky to the fifty-swond congress as a (h nuurat. He died March 7, 1892, in Wash




ington, D.C.

Kendall, Jonas, legislator, congressman, was horn in 1757 in Worcester. Mass. He served thirteen years in the legislature of Massachusetts; and in 1819-21 he was a
