Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/406

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In 1883-08 he praeticed law in San Lnis OhitiiHi, Cal.; in 1S!»'2 !'H was court cnmrnir*«iouer vt the superior court of ban Luis Dbispo county; and since 1898 has praetieed of two in S' uult'. IIt> WHS alldwid

author, was bom Dec. 18, 1839, in Hush county, Ind. In 180.5 he graduated from the Long Island college with the deHe has attained success in gree of M.D. has l>ecn his profession at Muncie, Ind.

tiiouband dollars by the federal judge in a bankruptcy matter; and is a director and

coroner of Delaware county examining surgeon for pensions: and in 1886 was elected pn-sident nf tli*> Indiana State Medi<al soHe served through the war, first as ciety. a private in the seventh regiment, and be* ame as8i><tant surgeon f»f (lie seventeenth He regimeut Indiana volunteer infantry. has cootributed more than tifty articles to He is the medical societies and journals. author of The Worlds Anatomists; and a booklet. Uses of SufferiuK. KempS, Louis, naval officer, was bom Duriug Oct. 11, 1841, near Belleville, HI. the civil war he attained the rank of lieuIn 1896-99 he was in tenant-rommanfler. command of the receivitiK ship lndei««ndence; and in 18iW became rear-admiral of He was retiretl in the Inited States navy. 19U3; and in 19U4-Uj was engaged in special


attornvy for vurioiiH

for|M>rjil i'tn^

Kemp, Henry was bom Nov. 30,

inerchant, ».tat«-!jinau, 1860, in Bristol, Wis. He was educated in Keni>»h!i. Wi«.. iincj is a Kuccfssful hardware mert-hant of i'hoenix, Arizona ; and a lieavy stockholder in various lie served as a utiu r Ini^itioss ejit'Tprisos. uieiutMT o£ the eiglil<M'nlli li'^:islalive council of the Arisona territorial legislature from lie was the first presiMaricopa county. deut of the rhuenix chamber of commerce; and hai^ taken a prominent (tart in the busi'> ncsa and public affairH of Arizona. Kemp, James, clergyman, bishop, author, was born in 17(34, in Scotland. In IS 14 he was consecrated bishop of Maryland. Ue

was the author of I^ettt rs



Tract on Conversion





Sermon on Deathbed Uepentance; and A Sermon on the Death of Bishop Clagsett. He died Oct. 28. I«i7, m Haltinion-. Md. Kemp, James Furman, educator, geologist, autiior, was twm in 18S9 in New York Oity.

He is professor of ^^oo^ly;y in Coliimliia university of New iork City, lie is the author of Ore Deposits of the United States and Canada. clergyman, Kemp, Matthew Stanley, author, was l>om Jan. 15, 1876, in Tamaqua, Pa. In 1897 ht> i;nif)nnted from the Lutheran theological






decrees of R.A. and A.M. In 1898 he was ordained to the Lutheran ministry in 1K07190,5 he tilletl a pjistorate at SmicksburR, and .voiimore. Pa.; and since ISMI.5 has preached in Turtle Creek. I'a. In 1899 he was secretary and in 1903 was president of the eastern conference of the Pittsburgh synod; and president of the general synod of the Lutheran church. Kempe, Frederick, colonial governor. In 1644'45 he was colonial governor of Vir*


Kemper, Jackson, clergyman, bishop, was Dec. 24, 1780. in Pleasant Valley. ^.Y. In 1835 he was elected the first missionary


bishop of the Protestant Epis< o)ia! hiin li, his juriKdiction comprising what was then known an the northwest. He died May 24, <









Kempshall, Thomas, pioneer, congressman, In 1830-41 be was a in li^ugland. New York to the twcntyIlf^ was one of the pioneei-s sixtli <on;:r«'ss. of Itochcster, NA'.; and held several local He died Jan. 14, 1866, lb Bocbester, offices. N.Y. Kempster, James AquiUa, artist, author, was bom March 16, 1864, in Bfaigland. In 1880-1900 he was engaged in journalism in San Francisco, Cal.; and is now an artist and literary critic of New York City. He is the atitlior of The Way of the Qods; and 'I'Ik- Mark. Kempster, Walter, educator, soldier, physician, author, was horn May 25, 1^41, in London, England. He served throughout the civil war; and in 1865 became acting assisIn 187:! SC. he was superintant surgeon. tendent of the Northern Wisconsin hospital for the insane, at Oshkosh, Wis.; and now Milwaukee. Wis. l»ra( ti(es liis profession in Ue is the author of The International Dissemination of Cholera and Other Infectious Diseases; and A Roman Dinner. Kempton, Edward S., railway official of Duluth, Minn., was bom Nov. 27, 1848, in In 1874 he entered WillMirton. England. railway service with the Milwaukee, Lake Shore and Western railway as clerk and became traveling auditor, ticket m ininlaiit

was born t

epresentative from



and in 1888-93 was chief clerk in the audiIn 1803*95 he was chief clerk in tor's office.

served ten years in the l^islature of Virginia. He served as a colonel, and became a majorgeneml in the confederate arnty during the dvil war. In 1874-78 he was tlM» thirty* second Rovemor of Viri^iiiia. He died April 7, 1895, in Charlottesville, Va. Kenqicr, WilUam Hairisoa, p1iyaieian,8nr*

tn':i'-ii!i r's nfliiv of the DulUtb, Missalie til.' and Northern railroad; and since 1806 has been treasurer of that rMd. Kenan, Thomas, state senator, congressman, was born in 1771, in Duplin county, In 1790 he was a member of the N.C. served in the state house of delosates senate in 1804; and in 1805-11 he was a Oaroiina to the North representative from

Kemper, James Lawson, soldier, legislagovernor, was bom June II, 1823, in Madison connty. Va. He servi>d throtiuh the war with Mexico as a captain; and

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