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for the union as a lieutenant and euptuin ; and in 18U5-ti7 he waa a representative from Midsouri to the thirty-ninth congru8». He died in Missouri.

Kelso, ThomAS, philanthropist, founder, lie founded in 1784 in Ireland. the Kelso orphan home, for the orphans of nienilxjrs of the methodist church, at a cost of one hundred and twenty thousand dollars; and gave liberally to churches in Baltimore and Washington. He died July 20, 1878, in Baltimore, Md. Kelton, Dwigbt H., soldier, genealogist, author, was born Uct. 4, 1843, in Montpelier, V't. After graduating from Norwich university he enlisted as a volunteer in the civil war; and was made captain. In 1806 he was appointed second lieutenant in the I'nitcd States army; and in 1888 was retired while a captain. He is the author of Annals of I'ort Mackinac; History of the Sault Ste Marie Canal; and edited Indian Names of Places Around the Great Lakes. He is also author of two genealogical works entitled Kelton Family Items and JSprague Family Items. auKelton, John Cunningham, soldier, thor, was born June 24, 1828, in Delaware county, I'a. He was a brigadier-general in the Tnited States army and in ISS."} 93 was on duty in the adjutant general's oflice at Washington. He was the author of New Manual of the Bayonet; Fencing with Foils; Pigeons as Couriers; an<l Information for Hillemen. He died July 15, 1893, in Washington, D.C.

was born

jind twenty-si.xth congresses. 10,




He has


and other books.




1907, in Chi-







and was the

nu'niber of the medical society

Dauphin county, Pa. She is still active refiinu work at Swarthintire, Pa. ill Kemmerer, Edwin Walter, educator, aullior, was born June 29, 1875, in Scranton, In 1903 he was financial adviser to the Pa.


I'nite<l States Philippine commission with reference to establishment of gold standard in the Pliil-





1900 he has been assistant professor of political economy at Cornell university; an<l




professor of economics and finance in that

to a

institution of learnlie is tln» author of Report on the Advisability of Kstablisliing a (Jovernment Agricultural Bank in the Philippines; Report ing,


l^ncle is


physician, reformer, was iMirn Nov. 4. 1H23, in Harrisburg, Pa. She was educated at the Harrisburg seminary; and in 1879 graduated from the Woman's medical college of Philadelphia. Pa. After practicing medicine for six years, she retired from that profession. She has alwMys been active in woman suffrage, social purity and other reform movements, and In 1898 also active in anti-slavery work. slie was a delegat*^- to the international peace (•ini<,'ress at Lisbon. Portugal. She has trav-

author, was lM)rn Jan. 18. 1801, in Sac-



Kemp, Mrs. Agnes,

born Nov. 13, 1855, in Wayne county, Ind. In 1890 he removed to Broken Bow. Neb., (o fill an appointment as deputy treasurer of CiBiter county. In 1891-97 he was a representative to the fifty-second, tifly-third

Tom's Cabin

died Sept.

cago, HI.

Kem, Omer Madison, congressman, was

and fifty-fourth congresses. He retired fruit farm in Colorado. Kemble, Edward Windsor, illustrator,


1875, in Coldspring, N.Y.

Kemeys, Edward, soldier, sculptor, artist, was born Jan. 31, 1843, in Savaiuiah, (Ja. Me served in the civil war as captain of artillery. He nuide a specialty of North .AmerHis tight ican Indians and animal figures. iK-tween bullalo and wolves attracted much


author of Blacklwrries Rosemary; Virginia Creeper; Kemble's Sketch Book; and the Pickinniny Calendar. Kemble, Frances Anne, actress, author, was lx»rn in 1S(»9. She is Ix'tter known as Fanny Kemble. She wrote several |)Iays; a story of her life on a (Georgia plantation; and nunu'rous jxiems, which were publislied She died Jan. 16, 1893, in Lonin Boston. don. Eng. Kemble, Gouverneur, manufacturer, congr»»s8man. was born Jan. 25, 1786, in New York city. He was engaged in mercantile pursuits; and was United States consul to He established the first foundry in ('a«liz. the United States where cannon were cast with any approach to perfection at Coldspring. N.Y. In 1837-41 he was a representative from New York to the twenty-fifth

on the Agricultural Bunk of Egypt; and Money and Credit Instruments in Their Relation to (w'neral Prices.

Kemp, Ellwood Leitheiser, educator, clercollege president, author, was born Jan. 31, IS."i7. in Hamburg. Pa. He is a elergyinan of the reformed church. In 1881SO he was professor of ancient langmiges, i»nd in 1886-88 waa professor of physiology and pediigogy at the Keystone state nornuil scIhk)!. In 1881-91 he was president of Wichita university of Kansas; and in 189193 was president of the Palatinate college if Pennsylvania and was its viw-president in 1893 1902. lie is the author of Idyl of the War and Other Poems; and History of Education. gyman,

Kemp, George Ward, lawyer of Seattle. Wash., was born Feb. 11. 1807, in Northeast. Md. He has received the degrees of LL.B and LL.M. from the university of Missouri.

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