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board of truatees of Bocheater univeraity. He died April 27, lite

185G, ill Xrw ^|lrk city. Kelly, Robert Lincoln, educator, college preaident, w»a born BCardi 22, 1866, in Tubcola. 111. In 1892-98 he was primiial f Central academy at TlainAeld, Ind.; and in 1898-1900 was pmetical payehologiat at tbe Chicago psyclinlogieni school. In 1907 he wuH ttotin^ |>rt'siid«;nt of I'enn college at 0»katoosa, Iowa and since 1903 baa been president of Karlliai!) collcp' of Richmond, Ind. (

Kelly, Robert Morrison,



nalist, was born Sept. 22, 1836, in Pkris, Ky. In his yoiitli he wus engaged in ediieational

work; and was city attorney of Cyntliiana, Ky. During the civil war he was* cajitain. major, lieutenant-colonel and colonel in the fourth regiment Kentucky infautnr United States volunteers. He sulisequentfy served as collector of infero'.i! n vi nue for the seventh district of Kintiieky; was liiited States peii-^ion agi ni for Kentucky; and e(litr)r ill chief of the Louisville Daily Commercial.

SamiMl P., was born Oct.

Kelly, Ihor,

soldier, 21,

clergyman, au^

1840, in



Ue served during the civil war in regiment New Jersey volttnteers; and in the one hundred and ninpty->ifh rcgitiieiit Pennsylvania vdunteeni. Ue htm bM>n Htate superintendent of publie instrue* now rerfor of Bartion in Nevada; and nabas church uf Phihidelpliia, I'u. He is the author of Christmas and Easter; and Story and Song. Kelly, William, lawyer, ctmgrcssman, I'nited States senator, was born about 1770 in TennesHw. He began the practice of law pliia.










In 1823-2.') he was a I'nited States senate from


the flll

a vacancy.


died about

New Orleans, Ia. Kelly, William, state senator, philanthropist, was born Feb. 4, 1807, in New York eity. He was president of the New Yorlc agri<iiltiiral society in 18;)l; one of the founders of the state agricultural college of Ovid, N.Y. He was a state senator in 1855'irt; and llh ini-ii. (--fill democratic <andi•late fiir g»»vernor of New York in 1860. He died Jan. 14, 1872, in Torquay, England. manufaeturer. inventor, Kelly, William, was born Auk- 22, 1811, in PitLsburKh, Pa. At the age of eighteen he built a propelling water wheel; and four years later a r(v<dv ing steam engine. He was the inventor of the Bessemer steel process; and in lHi{:< a «.yndicate nf iron masters organized the Kelly prcKN'ss eompany for the jmrpose of controlling his patents and at one*' ererted experimenUil works at Wvandotte, Mich. He diefl Feb. 11. 1888. in Louisville, Ky. Kelly, William, business president, scien1832 in



was bom April


18.)4. in

New York

In 1874 he graduated from Y'ale college with the degre*' of H.A.; and in 1S7 7 Kraduated from Columbia college with the eity.


degree of £.M. ; in 1878 he was chemist of the Himrod furnace company of Youngstown, Ohio; in ISSl S.l ami in 188t; 89 was superintendent of the Keinble coal and iron company of Riddleaburg, Pa.; and in 1885 li'iaiiie superintendent of the (ilaitiorgan iron company of Lewistown, Pa. Ue is general manager of the PMm iron mining company treasurer of the Uepublic iron company ; treasurer uf the I'eun store company; and* a director of the Commercial bank of Iron Mountain, Mich.

Kelly, William Joseph, lawyer, jurist, was April IS, 1880, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In lie A> admitted to the practice of law; and has been engaged in general practice in

bom ISSI

Kew York and I





In 1903 he

of the supreme Court Of i' the term ending in 1917.





Kelsay, John, lawyer, jurist, was bora in 18(i8-7(): he was an associate justice of the supreme court of Oregon. Kebey, Albert, det^igner, architect, was

born April 2ti, I87U, in St. Louis, Mu. In 1899 he was president of the Architectural league of America. He was architect of three buildings on the fair i^rounds of the St. Louis world's fair, lie is the founder and editor of the Architectural Annual; and a spceialist oo problems of municipal construction. Kelaey, Charles Boyd, physician, surgeon, antluir. was horn Nov. 19, 1850, in Farmingtun. Conn. In 1888-HU he waH appointed profcHHor of discsHes of the rectum in the liniM r-ity of rrniont and sincf I.SIM) lioldi* the ^anu- iuiir in the .New aTk Post (Jradiiale ^(-)i(Hd and hospital. He is the author of Annual of the L'niversjil Medical Science's; and Encyclopedic Medical Directory. Kelsey, William H., lawyer, congressman, was btirn Oct. 2, 1812, in Smyrna, N.Y. In 1840 he was surrogate of Livingstone coun<


N.Y.; and in



eh-eted county dis-

In 18dd-59 and 18(17-71 be representative from New York to the

trict attorney.

was a

thirty fourtli, tliirty-fifth. fortieth and for ty-tirst congresses aa a republican. He died in (3«neseo, N.Y. Kelso, James V., soldier, lawyer, was born .pril Iti. 1835, in Madison, Ind. He received the rudiments of his education in the <'onitnon and high s»'hnoIs of his native county ; attendetl the New Albany univerHe served sity, and the Asbnry university. years .ts a union noldier durinsr the tlir<<<> tivii war. and participatinl in the battles of Stone Kiver, cliickamauRa and Missionary Ritk'e.






yenrs he was city attorney Ind.: for ten years was

county attorney of Floyd county throe years


trustee of the

and for

New Albany

city s<h<»ols.

Kelso, John R., soldier, congressman, was born March 21, 1831, in Franklin county. He graduated from Pleasant Ridge eollege of Missouri, and was principal of an academy. He aerved througa the civil war


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