Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/403

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386 tiait painter flubs.

and a ineiubtT

of sevt-ral art



A.M. from

of institution that learning. She wan once engageil in journal in-

work and has held positions on various newspapers Chiin


Hoston, Troy, cago, New York Lowell, San Francisei* city, and lx»s Angeles. In IDU.l slie visited Attstralia and New Zealand to study swial and economic legislation and its results. iShe is the author of With Hoops of Steel; and

other works. Kelly, James, jtmrnalist founder. He was the founder of The tiem of the Prairie, which subsequently became the Chicago Tribune, lit' died May 5, 189.), in Liiieago, III. Kelly, James, congressman, was born in IVunsylvania. In 1805-09 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the ninth and tenth congresses, lie died Feb. 4, 1819, I'liilauelphia,






sculptor, artist,

July 30, 18.')5, in New York city. In 1883 he was chosen from among many competitors to make the five bas-reliefs which surroun«l the base of tlje Monmoutli








were Council of War at Hopewell, Washington Rallying the Troops, Kamsay Defending Mis (Juns, Molly Pitcher, and Wayne's Charge. Kelly,

James Kerr,

soldier, lawyer, jurist,

Cnited States senator, was iH)rn Feb. ItJ, 1819, in Centre county, Pa. In 1852 he was electe«l one of three commissioners to prepare a co<le of laws for Oregon territory; nn Yakima Indian war in IS55 5(». In 1S71-77 he was Cniteil l^tates senator; and in IS78 80 was chi«'f justice of He died in the suprenu' citurt of Oregon. |!Mi:{ in Oregon. vention

Oregon state




anti<|uarian, journalist, Kelly, John, ftntesnian, was born March 7. 178<5, in Warner. .M. lie was a member of the Ni'W llaiiipsliire state legislature; clerk of the house in 1828; and state <-ounciIlor in 1840.

He removed to Keter in IS.Sl and for many years j'dited the News |.«>tt«'r. He tli»-J Nov. IStSO, in Kxeter, N.H.


Kelly, John, public olHcial, congressman, York city. rtas Ijorn April 21, 1821, in He was engaged in the mason's trade; and in 1854 elected aldennan of New York city.


Kelly, Mrs. Florence Finch, journaliHt, autlior, was iKirn March 27, 1858, in (Jirard, III. In 1881 she graduati'd from the uni Kansas versity of and has received the

also sheriff of New York city; in was ajjpointed comptroller of New and in 18t>4-84 was a delegat** to

He was 187(i


In every national democratic convention. 1855-59 he was a representative from New York to the thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth congresses. He died June 1, 1880, in New



John F., electrical engineer, invenIxtrn March 28, 1859, in Ireland. Ue president of the Telelectric and Coke companies of Pittsfield, Mass. He has received over eighty Cnited States patents for the utilization of electricity, covering apparatus for generating, transmitting, distributing and measuring electricity. Kelly, John Henry, soldier, was born in Ohio. In 18J12 he was nuijor in the one hundred and fourteenth reginn-nt Ohio infantry; and in 1805 was brevetted brigadiergeneral f»f v«»lunteers. He was honorably mustered out in 180.5. He died May 18, 1881', Kelly, Jonathan Falconbridge, journalist,

iuthor, was lN>rn in 1818 in Philadelphia,

Pa. He publislie<| the Arena in New York city; The Hoston Traveler, and the Aurora Horealis. He was the author of Memoirs of Falconbridge. a colh^-tion humorous of 8cen«'s. He died in New York city. Kelly, Melville Clyde, publislier, ctmgressman. was Ixirn Aug. 4, 1883, in Bloomfield, Ohio. He is the publisher of the Daily N»'ws Herald of Hraddock. Pa. He is the author of .Machine Made Legislation. In 1013-15 he was a member of congress as a democrat. Kelly, Michael Joseph, jurist, banker, stat*' scnat<ir, was born March 22, 1850. in Ireland. He was state senator of Iowa state legislature for eight years; and presi<lent of the .senate for two years. He was a member of the farmers' congress for three sessions; and became president <»f the Williamsliurgli savings bank of Iowa Kelly, Milton, lawyer, jurist, was born in New York. He was appointed an associate jiistice of the Cnited States c<mrt for Hie territory of l<laho. He died in Idaho. Kelly, Mrs. Myra, educator, author, was I'l.rn in 1870 in Ireland. In 1899-1902 she taught in the pulilic schools of New York city. She is the author of Little Citizens; Isle of Dreams; and Wards of Liltorty. Kelly, Patrick, college president, bishop, was Imrn in Ireland. He was presitlcnt of Rirclifield cidlege; and was the first Roman catholic archbishop of the diocese of Richnunul. He died Oct. 8. 1829. in In land. Kelly,




philanthropist, founder, 1808, in New York city. the Free academy, of New York. He was president of the lH)ard of iMlucation; a regent of the state university; and a foundKelly,



Robert, Dec.


He was the founder of now college nf the city