Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/402

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torn in 1841 in Soutli Carolina.

He had

a collegiate education and received the degrees ot A.B. and A.M.; in 181)5 he graduated Willi the degree of M.D. from the Bellevue hospital medical college; and aubtie<iuently studied medicine for four years in Europe. He is a civil war veteran; and served as tirst lieutenant in s<|uadron of the Rhode island 1872-74 he was physician in New York city asylum for the in 18U2 Uo was superintendent

the seventh cavalry. In of the insane; and of the Willard state hospital of New York. Since I8y8 he has been physician-in-charge of Dr. Kellogg 's house for the treatment of nervous and mental diseases at Riverside, New Y'ork city. He is the author of Text Book on Mental Diseases; and several other medical chief

works. Kellogg, Vernon Lyman, educator, author, was born Dec. 1, 1807, in Emporia, Kan. He

professor of entomology' in the Lcland Stanford university of California. He is the author of Common Injurious Insects of Kansas; Elementary Zoology; and Darwinism Today. is



Franklin, journalist, au-

thor, was born Nov. 24, 1800, in Brooklyn, N.Y. He graduate<l from Harvard in 18S3. He was for many years treasurer and manager of Boston Post. He is the editor and owner of the New England Magazine, of Boston, Mass. He is the author of Recent French Art; Hunting in the Jungle;

and other works. Kellogg, William, lawyer, jurist, legislator, congresHumn, was born July 8, 1814. in Ashtabula county, Ohio. He ser'ed in the Htate legislature in 1849; and "was three years judge of the circuit court of Illinois. In 1857-03 he was a representative from Illinois to the thirty-fifth, thirty sixth and thirty-seventh congresses. In 1806 he was appointed chief justice of Nebraska terri-


Kellum, John, architect, was born Aug. 27, 180U. in Hempstead. He was fertile in invention, and particularly successful in adapting the renaissance style of architecture to liusiness purposes. Among the buildings that weiv tiesigned by him in New York city are the Herald building, the Stock exchange, the .Mutual life insurance company's buildingH on Broadway, and the New Y'ork city court house. He died July 25, 1871, in ileni|tKtead, N.'.

Kelly, Edmond, lawyer, author, waa born -May 28, 1851, in France. He was educated at Columbia university; was admitted to the bar of N<'w York city; and was well known as a municipal government reformer. He was tile author of Evolution and Effort, and and Politics; Government, or Human Evolution; The French Uiw of Marriage; and Government of Human Evolution. He died about 1908. Kelly, Eugene, merchant, banker, was born Nov. 25, 1806, in Ireland. In 1801 Mr. Kelly founded in San Francisco the banking house of l>onohoe, Ralston and company;

Tiieir Relation to Religion




Y'ork the

banking house of Eugene Kelly and company. In 1804 he reand, associating himself with D. O.


Mills, subsequently became one of the leading financiers of the west. The San Fran-


Kellogg, William Pitt, soldier, jurist, governor, congre.ssnian. Tnitejl States senator, was born Dec. 8, 18.51, in Orwell, Vt. He was educated in the Norwicli military institute; studied law; anu in 1852-61 practiced at Canton, III. In 1850 and 1800 he was a presidential elector from Illinois; and in 1800 UO was a <lelegate to every national republican convention. He was appointed chief justice of Nebraska territory. In 1861 lie was colonel of the sixth Illinois cavalry; and after two years' service was appointed briga«lier-general. In 18t>5-08 he was collector of the port of New Orleans. In 1808-72 an«l 1877-8.1 he was a menilM-r of the United States senate from Louisiana. In 1873-70 he was the twenty-first governor


of Louisiana. In 1883-85 he was a representative from Louisiana to the forty-eighth congress as a republican. Kellor, Frances Alice, sociologist, author, was liorn Oct. 20, 1873, in Columbus, Ohio. In MM)4-U5 she was general director of the liiter-niunicipal research committee of New York city, BohIoii and Philadelphia. She is the author of Experimental Sociologv-; and " e^' Out of Work.

cisco bank then took the name of Donohoc, Kelly and company, of which he was managing partner, and so continued until 1891, when the partners incorporated as a joint

stock company under the title of the Donohoe-Kelly banking company. He died Dec. |!>. IH!M. in Ireland. Kelly, Mrs. Faustina James, artist and

author of






was lM)rn in Dyersburg, Tenn. She is a sucetssful niagazine illustrator and now editor of the Hyde Park News. She is the author of the Hyde Park Beautiful, Playgrounds, and Hatliing Beaches. Kelly, J. Redding, artist of 217

West One and Twenty-fifth st., New York was bnrn .Aug. 5, 1873, in New Y'ork city. In 1901 she iM'came an instructor in tlie national academy of design, and has l)een Hiiii<lre<l


an instructor of art in the collnge of the City of New York. She is a successful por-


