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aa levelman, and became engineer in charge of construction, and in 1883 became chief engineer of the St. Paul and Northern Pacifi|; railway, and in 1800- lUOI was second vice-president. In 1901-05 he was third vice-president of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe railway and in 1905-11 was vicepresident in charge of operation. Since 1911 he lias Ix'en a consulting railway expert. Kendrick, Mansel, clergyman, founder, was born in 1846 in Louisville, Ky. He organized many churches in Tennessee and Mississippi; and founded the town of Kendrick, Miss. Kendrick, Nathaniel, educator, clergyman, was born April 22, 1777, in Hanover, N.H. Ho was a successful clergyman; and professor of theology and moral philosophy in fho Madison university of Hamilton in 1822-48. He died Sept.' 11. 1848, in Hamilice

N.Y. Kendrick, Peter



clergyman, bishop.

was archbishop of St. Ixiuis, Mo. March 4. 1896, in St. Louis, Mo.




Kenealy, Ahmed John, journalist, author, was born April 13, 1854, in England. He joined the staff of the New York Herald. He is the author of Yacht Races for the America's Cup; Boat Sailing in Fair

ican war;

and brigadier-general in the fedarmy in the civil war. He was the author of Memoirs of a Maryland Volunteer in the Mexican War. He died Dec. 20, 1891, in Baltimore. Md. Kennaday, John, clergyman, was born Nov, 3, 1H(H». in New York City. He entercd the ministry in the Methodist church, and during forty years of clerical life filled pulpits in the New York, Philadelphia and New York East annual conferences. He died Nov. 13, 1863, in Brooklyn, N.Y. Kennan, George, traveler, lecturer, author, was born Feb. 16, 1845, in Norwalk, Ohio. He is a noted traveler; and made a careful investigation of the Russian exile system in 1865-68 for The Century Magazine. In 1808-90 was war correspondent in Cuba; and in 1004 was war correspondent in Russia. He is the author of Tent Life in Siberia; Sib«>ria and the Exile System; and eral

The Tragedy of Pelee. Kennan, Henry Laurens, lawyer, jurist, was born April 11, 1852, in Norwalk, Ohio. He was educated at the Western Reserve university; and is a lawyer by profession. He has been probate judge for Huron coun1902 he has been judge of court for Spokane county.

ty, Ohio. Since

the superior

Weather and Foul; and Yachting Wrinkles.


Kenefick, Daniel Joseph, lawyer, jurist, Oct. 15. 1863. in BufTalo, N.Y. In 1894-98 he was district attorney of Buffalo, N.Y. In 1899 he became justice of the supreme court of New York for the eighth district for term expiring in 1913. Kenna, John E., soldier, lawyer, congressman. United States senator, was born April In his early 10, 1848, in Valcoulon, Va.

b«)rn in 1859 in Bridgeton, N..T. several times been juror of awards in 1900 was a commissioner to the Paris exposition. He is the autiior of Contemporary Italian Romance; When the Printer's Art Was Young; and The Friar in Fiction. Kennard, Samuel M., soldier, merchant,

was born

he lived and on a farm. served throughout the civil war in the confederate army. He attended St. Vincent's college at Wheeling. Va.; studied law; and in 1870 was admitted to practice. In 1872 he was elected prosecuting attorney for Kannwha county. In 1877-85 he was a representative from West Virginia to the fi>rty-lifth, forty-sixth, forty-seventh and forty-eighth congresses. In i883-03 he was a niemher of the I'nited States senate. He years






1803. in

Washington. D.C.

Kenlt, John Reese, soldier, was born in Maryland. In IHOI he was colonel in the first regiment Maryland infantry; and in 1862 was brevetted brigadier-general of voluntei rs. In 1865 was brevetted major-genera of volunteers. He was honorably mustered out in 1865. He died Dec. 20. 1801. Kenly, John Reese, soldier, author, was born in IS22 in Baltimore. Md. He was a captain and major of volunteers in the Mexi

Kennard, Joseph Spencer, lawyer, artist, author,


He has

on paintings; and

was born in January, 1842, in Lexington, Ky. He served in the confe<leratc states army, and commanded a section of the battery at tlie battle of Franklin, Tenn. During the last six months of the civil war

was aide-de-camp

to General N. B. Forpresident of the J. Kennard and company of St. Ixtuis, Mo. He was one of the original organizers of the St. Louis exposition; and for eight years was president of the St. Louis exposition association. In 1897-98 he was brigadiergeneral of the Missouri division of the united confederate veterans. Kennedy, Alfred L., physician, author, was born Oct. 25. 1K18. in Philadelphia. Pa. In 1842 he had established the Philadelphia school of chemistry, and remained at its





sons carpet

head until




became under a

new charter the Polytechnic college of the state of Pennsylvania. He was then chosen its president. During the civil war he act*'d as a volunteer surgeon of the 2d army corps in the (iettysburg hospital and in 1863 was conimissiiuied colonel of volunteer engineers. He is the author of "Practical Chemistry, a Branch of Medical Education." He died in 1806 in Philadelphia. Kennedy,





