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born Dec. 1, 1875, in Blackstone, Mass. He has bet-n a member of the Rhode Itiland

court of Pennsylvania.

Htate h'^isluture. In 1MI3-15 he was a memImt of tin- Hi.xty-tliird congress. Kennedy, Andrew, state senator, congressman, was burn in ISlO in Ohio. He was a nu'Mibvr of the state senatr of Indiana; and in 1841-47 he was a represt-ntative to the

Kennedy, John Lauderdale, lawyer, banker, congressman, was born Oct, 27, 1854, in Scotlan«l. For several years farmed in La

twenty-seventh, twenty-eighth and twentyninth congresses, anil repre««*nti'd that state He died Dec. 31, in congress in 1841-1S47.

Muncietown, Ind. Kennedy, Anthony, lawyer, manufacturUnited States senator, was born Di-c. 21, He was c-ngaged 1811. in Ualtimore, Md.

1847, in er,

in planting in burtincMh in

Virginia; antl in the cotton Orleans, La. In 183i)-43


member of the legislature of VirHe moved to Haltiniore in 18."j0; and

he was a ginia.


Kennedy, Howard, lawyer, jurist, was born Oct. 11, 1868. in Nebraska City, Neb. He has received the degrees of A, B. and LIj. B. He is judge of the district court of Nebraska and resides in Omaha, Neb. Kennedy, James, lawyer, congressman, Avas born .S'pt. 3. 18.'i3, in Mahoning county, Oluo. Since 1879 he has been a successful lawyer of Youngstown, Ohio. In 1903-11 ho was a p'presentative from Ohio to the fifty-eighth, fifty-ninth, sixtieth and sixtylirst

congresses as a republican.

Kennedy, James K., lawyer, jurist. He was an associate justice of the United States court for the territory of Washingt«m. He (lied in the state of Washington. Kennedy, John, lawyer, jurist. In 1830 he was an associate justice of the supreme

died in Pennsyl-

Salle county. III. He attended Knox college at (Jalesburg. 111., where he received the degree of .A,M.; and in 1882 graduated from the law department of the statu university of Io«a; and received the degree of LL.B. In 1888-1907 he practiced law in Omaha, Neb.; and in 19U0 was one of the republican presidential electors. In 1905-07 he was a representative from Nebraska to the fiftyseventh congress as a republican. Kennedy, John Pendleton, lawyer, congressiuan, cabinet (illicer, author, was born Oct. 25, 1795, in Baltimore, Md. He was a member of the house of «lelegiites of Maryland in 1820, 1822, and 1846; and was speaker in the latter year. In 1838 he was elected to the house of representatives in the federal legislature; and in 18.37-38 and 1841-45 he was a

was elected to the Maryland legislature in 18.>6. In 1857-63 he was a menil)»-r of the He I'nited States senate from Maryland. died .Inly 31. lKft2, in Annapolis. Md. Kennedy, Archibald, i)ublicist, was born in Sfotland. In 1750 lie was made collector of customs of the port of New York and a member of the provincial council. At one time he acted as receiver-general of the province. He was the author of Importance of the Northern Colonies; and Present .State He of Affairs in the Northern Colonies. died in 1763 in New York City. Kennedy, Charles A., legislator, congressnuin. was born Murcl> 24, lS(5i», in Montrose, Iowa. In 1890 he was elected mayor of nis native town; and is engage«l in agriculture. In l!KKH-05 he was a member of the Iowa legislature. In 1907-15 he was a representative from Iowa to the sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congr«'sses as a republican, Kennedy, Crammond, journalist, lawyer, autlior, was born Dec. 20. 1S42, in Scotland. He was editor and proprietor of the Church I'nion in 1869. He is the author of James Stanly, a Sun«lay S«'ho<il tale; The Lil)erty of the Press; Corn in the Blade, a book of verse; Close Comnuuiion or Open Comnuinion. and Some Phases of the Hawaiian



representative to the twenty-fifth, twentyseventh, and twentyeighth congresses, In 1S49 he was chosen by tile regents of the university of Maryland to preside over that institution as provost. In 18.*i: 2-.">3 he was secretary of the navv. He was the autlior of Annals of Quo<llibet; At Home and Abroad; Swallow Harn: Horse-Shoe Robinson; Rob of the Bowl; and Life of William Wirt. He died

Newport, R.I, Kennedy, John Pendleton, e<litor, librariwas born in 1S71 in Charlestown,

Auir. IS. 1S70, in

an, iiutlior.

NN'.Va. He was educated in the private schools oi his native state; and is a librarian by profession and colh-giate. In 18981903 he was assistant librarian in the library «if congress at Washington, D.C. He is editor of .lournals of the Ihuise of Burgesses of 'irginia: and other works. In 1905-06 he was president of the national association of state libraries. Since 1903 he has been state librarian of Virginia at Richnumd for an indefinite term.

Kennedy, Joseph Camp GrifiSth, statistician, was born .April 1, 1813. in Meadville, Pa. Hf was corresponding secretary of the National institute, and of the LTnited States Agricultural .society, and editor of the journal of the latter. He was a member of the statistical board of Belgium; of the Geogfj»phical societies, of Prussia; of the statistical soci«'tie8 of France, Kngland, and Ireland, and «ff other European and American associations. He died July 13, 1887, in

Washington. D.C. Kennedy, Josiah Forrest, physician, edu-

cator, surgeon,

was born Jan.


1834, in