Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/411

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Lundisbiirg, Pa. He was professor of obin the Iowa State university and the Iowa College of Phyaicians and Surgeons. He was a delegate to the International Congress of Hygiene held in London and is at present secretary to the in 1801 Iowa state board of health. He is also editor of the Iowa Ilealtli Hullctin. Kennedy, Julian, civil engininr, inventor, was born March 15. 18.r2, in Poland, Ohio. He was draughtsman under his father in the construction of the Struthers iron com-

F., clergyman, bishop, in Consliohocken, Pa. been rector of the North Since 1901 he has


and in 1876-8r> was superintendent Since 181M) he has the blast furnaces. been a general consulting and contracting engineer of Pittsburgh, Pa. He has patented many inventions in connection with im-



Kennedy, William, legislator, congressman, was born in North Carolina. In 1803-05 .-mJ 1809-15 he was a representative from North


provements and devises for manufacturing iron and steel. Kennedy, Moorehead C, railroad president of C'iiambernburg, Pa., was born in 18(52, in Chanibersburg. Pa. He graduated from the scientific department of Andover academy, and from the John C. Cireen school of science of Prnu-i'ton university with tlie <legree of C.E. In 1889 he entered railway service as assistant to president of the Cumberland Valley railroad, of which he was vice-president and general superintendent in 1902-13, antl since l!M3 has Ix-en president.

Kennedy, Robert Patterson,

sohlier, law-

yer, lieutenant-governor, congressman, was born Jan. 23, 1840, in Bellefontaine, Ohio.


served in the civil

war and attained the rank of brevet brigatlier-general. In 187883 he was collector of

internal Ohio. In



he was <• e e t e d lieutenantof governor that state. In 1887-91 he was a representative frouj Ohio to the fif188.")





congresses as a republican. In 18!>9 he was appointed a member of the insu'ar commission to report upon the eivil conditions of Porto Rico. Kennedy, Samuel, educator, clergyman, was born in 1720 in .Scotland. In 1775-81 he was pastor of the Presbyterian church at Haskin;: Kidge. N.J. He added to his labors as pastor those of teacher and mediHe di« d Aug. 31, 1787, in e:il praetitioner. Ha-^king Ridge. N.J. Kennedy, Mrs. Sara Beaumont, litteratciir. antlior. was born in Somerville. Tenn. She is the author of Joscelyn Cheshire, a Story of Revolutionary Dstys m the Carolinas; and the Wooing of .Fudith.

Kennedy, Sidney Robinson, underwril«»r, was born Nov. 19, 1875, in Brooklyn, N.V. He is sJipervising spi-cial agent of the County fire insurance company of Philadelphia, Pa. He is the author of The Lodeatithor.


Kennedy, Thomas was born in 1858

American college in Rome, Italy. In 11H»2 he became Roman catholic bishop of Portland. Maine.

Kennedy, Walker, journalist, author, was born .Fune 8, 1857, in Louisville, Ky. Since 1896 he has been on the editorial staff of the Commercial Appeal of Memphis, Tenii. He is the author of In the Dwellings of Silence; Javan ben Seir; and The Secret of



Carolina to the eighth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth congresses. He died in North Carolina. Kennedy, William, diplomat, author, pot>t, was born 1)» c. '.iJi, 17W. in Scotland. He was British consul to Calveston, Texas, where he resided many years. He was the author of My Farly Days; Fitful Fancies; and The Rise. Progress and ProsjK'cts of the Republic of Texas, in two volumes. He died in 184!) in Lon<lon. England.

Kennedy, William, congressman, was born Dec. 19, 1854, in Naugatuck, Conn. He has member of the Connecticut state senate. In 1913-15 he wiis a member of the sixty-third congress.

been a

Kennedy, William Megee, clergyman, was born Jan. 10, 1773, in North Carolina. He was eminent among clergymen of the southern Methodist church; and in 1838 became agent for the school at Cokesbury. S.C. He died Feb. 22. 1840. in


district, S.C.

Sloane, author, was near Cleveland. Ohio. He is the author of Lives of I>ongfellow, H<dmes and Whittier: Wonders and Curios-


born Sept.




ities of the Railway; Poems of the Weird and Mystical; Reminiscences of Walt Whitman; Art of Life, a Ruskin Anthology; Whittier, the Poet of Freedom; In Portia's Oardens; and Bibliography and Literary History of Leaves of (irass. Kennedy, William Sloan, clergyman, autlior, was l>orn June 3, 1822. in Muncy. Pa. He was a congregational clergyman of Ohio. He was the author of Messianic Prophecies; Life of ( hrist; History af the Plan of Union; and Sacred Analysis. He died in 1861 in

Ohio. Kennelly,

Arthur Edwin,



was born Dec. 17, 1861, in Bombay, since 1895 he has been associated with Professor Kdwin J. Houston in the firm of Houston and Kennelly. consulting electrical engineers. He is the author of The Klectric aithor.

.Motor; and otiier works.

Kenner, Duncan P., planter, state legiscongressman, was born in 1813 in


New in

Orleans. He served for several terms the Louisiana state legislature; and was of the confederate congress. He of the largest stock farms in the

member owned one a