Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/412

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Unit«d StatoB.



died July 3, 1887, in


Kennett, A. Crosby, mauufacturvr,


lator, Htate Hciiator, was born July 27» 1800, in .XJmlixiu, X.II. lie is a successful spool

Conway, N.H., having th« largest business of the kind in the world. has been a representative in the New Hampshire state legislature; a member of the stato st tmte; snd a oolonel on Governor Ranisdcll's staff. inaniiiai-turer ol


Kennett, Henry Gassaway, soldier, was

born in Ohio. In 1861 ho was liiiiti tiuit colonel in the twenty-seventh Ohio infantry;

and in 1865 was brevetted brigadier*generaC Kennett, Luther M., im>rc!iant, railroad president, cungressnmn, was born March 15, 1807, in Falmouth, Ivy- In MWO be was II mayor of St. I^ouis. Mo., when* 1h' gaged as a merchant. He was vice-president of the Pacific railroad company; and in 1S.'>.'{ was president of the St. Louis and Iron mountain railroad. In lH.~).>-u7 he was a renresentative from Missouri to the tbirtv foiirtli cnn<rres8. He died April 12,1873, in St. Louis. Mo. I

Kenney, Richard Solland, lawyer, United states senator, was born S<«pt. 9, 18.")6, in SuhHc. count}', Del. In 1.S74 he graduated from Laurel acadeniy of Delaware; and attended the Hobartcollej^e of (Jeneva, N.Y. In 1881 he was admitted to the practice of law. In 187!» he

was elected state librarian; and in 1887* !U




ail iu(;uit-j,'in-

the state of

Delaware. In 1802 be


a <leb'gate to


national democratic convention; and in 1806 was a member of titi' ritional (lenioeratic committee. In 1S!>7I'.iOl III' was a member of tlic I'nited States senite fniiii Delaware. Kennicott, Cass Langdon, chemist, author, was born Feb. 2.'t. 1871, in Cliicapo, III. He is the inventor of a water softeniri;; machine. He in the author of Dust Kx])Inf*innH Chicaffo's Milk Supply; Ice; Water Analysis: and Food Adulterations. t

Kemon, Lyman W.






Providence, IM. He was educati'ii ;it the rnit«'d States military academy of West Point, N.Y. lie was adjutant -peneral duriiit: the American occupation nt t'iil).i; i-olonel in the (liirtyfourth inianiry L nited States volunteers; and was commander of the third brigade of the fir.-t divi-ioii in the i^^lilli army corps during the I'hilippine insurrection. Since 1002 he has held the rank of major in the I'Tiited States army: and is now stationed at Hio .Janeiro. Brazil. Sept.





Kennon, WiUiam, congressman, was born in Pennsylvania.

In 1820-33, 1836-37 and


1847-40 he was a representative from Ohio to f!n' twi'iity first, twenty seeond, twentyfourlii Hiid tliutietii tongroM's. He died in Saint Ulairsville, Ohio. Kenny, Albert Sewall, naval oflicer, was







Des Moines, Iowa.

navy as assistant paymaster 1802; was promoted to paymaster in IK(i.5; ht>came pay inspector in 1884; and was made pay direetor in 1897. For six years he was general storekeeper of the Brooklyn navy yard. In 1800 he was appoiiifr! ]iay Miaster-^'eneral of the I'liited States navy, willi the rank of rear-admiral and was retired in 1003. jEouiy, William John, derju^vman, bishop, was born Oct. U, 18.j3, in Delhi, S.Y, He was educated in the public schools of Bcrantnn. Pa.; became a printer and manager of the Scranton Daily Times; and then entered St. Bonaventure's college of Allegany, N.V. In ls7!»-lS8n he filled a pastorate in .laekson. Fla.; and in 188U-84 was in eltarge at the Palatka and southern miMions of rs ia. in 18H4-HMI2 was pastor of the L-iiateh of the iiumaculate ccniception «>f .lacksonville. Fla., and since I!l(h2 lia.s iM'cn bishop of the diocese of St. Aupustine. In 18SS he was a niember of the relief committee during tin- yellow fever epidemic. Kenrick, Francis Patrick, clergyman, archbishop, autlior. was born Dtn:. 3, 17117, in Ireland. He was the Roman catholic arcbhishup of Baltimore in 1851-03. He was the author of Theologia Dogmatica; Theolofjia .Moi.ili>; The Primacy of the Apostolic See indicated; Vindication of the Catbolie Church; and End of Beligious Clon* trov«Tsy Controverted. He also |uihiished a translation of the Scriptures, with commentary. He died July 6, 1868, in Baltient« red the





Kenrick, Peter Richard, clergyman, archbishop, autho.', was born Aug. 17, 1806 in Ireland. He was the first Roman catholic archbishop of .St. Louis. In the Ecumenical eouncil of ls7u lie actively opposed the dogma of papal infallibility. He wa.s the author of The Holy House of Lorretto; Anglican Ordinations; and C'oncia in Concllio Vaticana. He died March 4, 1806, in St. Louis,

Mo. Kensett, John Frederick, painter, artist, was born March 22, 181(5, in Cheshire, Conn. His View on the Arno and Shrine, exhibited at the natiiuuil acadenjy in New York in 1848, established his reputation. He died Dee. 16. 1872. in New York City. Kent, Antus, eh r^^x man. founder, was born .Jan. 13, 17U4, in Sullield, Conn. In 1831 he organized the first presbyterian church in (Jaleiia. 111., and was its jiastor until 1848, when he became agent for the Home missionary society in northern 111i«^ noiK, serving' till 18fi8. He was one of the founders of Bcloit college and of Rockford female seminary. He died Nov. 8, 1868, in



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