Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/41

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to the fifty-seeond and congresses as a democrat. He

was a representative fifty-third

practices hiw Hall, Philo, Dec. :U. 1865, cated in the


uscript articles in prose and verse. Dee. 4. IS.")4, in Macon, (Ja.

Red Wing, Minn.

lawyer, congressman, was born in Wilton. Minn. He was edupublic and private schools at Wasecam, Minn., and at the Baptist college at Sioux Falls, S.D. In 18H3-07 he was pn)Seeuting attorney of Brookings county, S.I).; and in 1895 was mayor of Brookings. In 1001-03 he was a member of the Soutli Dakota state senate; and in 1903-07 was attorney-genera! of South Dakota. In lOOfi09 he was a representative from South Dakota to the sixtieth congress as a repub-


Hall, Prescott


Farnsworth, lawyer, author,



.She is the autlior of In the Brave Dj»vs of Ol.i;




Scroohy: The Black (!own; The Holden Arrow: The Pine CJrove House; and The Downrenter's Son.

Samuel, journalist. Iwokseller, was He 2. 1740. in Medford, Mass. the Salem (Ja/.ette in 1781; and in 178.1 the Massachusetts Gazette. 1789 I"n he went to Boston and opt^ned a book store, which he sold in 1805 to Lincoln and Edmunds. He died Oct. 30. 1807, in Boston, Mass. Hall,

born Nov,

Hall, 1797. in



and magazines. She originated and edited the Between Cs XN'iunen column in the New York Mail and Express in 1893-tC).



Hall, Richard, painter, artist, was horn April 18. IStil. in Kussia. In 1874 he was a«lmitted to the aeademy of Ix-aux arts. In 1884 he exhibited in the salon his La Classe .Manielle. wliieh was bouglit by the Fren«'h government. .Among his most not«'d paintings is The Three .Monks' .Me<iitation. Hall,

Her first new8pap<T work was for a publication edited by her father; and later contributed to

ISf.S. in Bost<m. Mass. In 1890 clelegate to tin* Indianapolis conHe is the author of R«'ference List


vention. of Wills Construed by the Supn-me Court of Masacliusftts. Hall, Randall Cooke, clergyman. <Mlucator. author, was iMirn D<'e. IS, 1812. in Walliiigford. Conn. In 1871-99 he was professor of Hebrew and (Jreek in the general tln-ological seminarv of New York Citv; and since 1899 has been professor emeritus. Since 1904 he has been chaplain of the house of the holy comforter of New York City. He is the autlior of Some Klenients of Hebrew (tram-


was born May 15, 1849, in Aurelius, Ohio. In 1870-72 he taught school in Aurelius. Ohio. In 1872-74 he practiced medicine in .Athens county, Ohio; and later removed to Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1900 he was president of the Ostake medical society. Hall, Ruth, journalist, author, was born April 10. ISjS. in .S.hoharie, N.Y, In 187."» she graduated from the Catskill academy.


was born he was a


Rufus Bartlett, educator, physician,


clergyman, state was born .Ian. 28.



1812. in Boston. Mass. He was a ineml>er of the Massachusetts state senate in IS.')."*; and in 18.V"»-.V.» he was a representative to the thirty-fourth an<l thirty-fifth i-ongresses. He died April l.'>. I8(i8. in l'lym(»uth. Mass. Hall, Robert Henry, soldier, author, was

born Nov. l.*». 1837. in Detroit. Mieli. He served through t'lie civil war; and attained He was a the rank of lieutenant-colonel. brigadier-general of the I'nited States army Spanish-.Xmeriran war; an<l (luring th»' served in the Philippines. In 1902 he retired from active service. He is the author of History «»f the Flag of the Cnited States; and History of rnite<l .states Infantry Tactics.

Hall, Robert M., soldier, was born in Scotland. In 1848 he enlisted in the United States army; and in 1801 he was promoted secon<l lieutenant in the lirst artillery. In 186.1 he was lirevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. In 18157 he was honorably mustered Mut nf service. Hall, Robert Pleasants, lawyer, author. po<'t. was boi n Dec. 23. 182"). in Chester DisHe was the author of Poems by trii't. S.C. a South Carolinian; and h>ft numerous man-

Samuel, jurist, was born .lune 1. Somerset county. M<1. He was elect-

to the Indiana state legislature in 1829: was elected judge of the fourth judicial circuit in 1832, but n-signed in 1834. He was lieutenant-governor of the state in 1840-4.1, was appointed one of the vice-presidents of the Whig convention at Nashville in 1840; and was a d<degate to the state constitutional convention of IS-IO. He died about 18.">5 in Princeton, Ind.


Hall, Samuel Read, educator, author. wa» born Oct. 27, 179.i. in C.»rydon, X.II. He organized the first training-school for teachers in the United .States. He was the author of The Instructor's Manual; l^ectures on Eilucation; and Geography for Children. He died .Tune 24. 1877. in Bennington. Vt. Hall, Mrs. Sarah, litterateur, author, was lM»rn Oct. .30. 1701. in Philadelphia, Pa. She was the author of Conversations on the Bible. She died April 8, 1830. in Philadel-



Sharack Azariah, soldier, educator, was horn duly 15. 1835. in N.Y. He was captain of company K. tilth regiment 'isc<»nsin v<dunteer infantry from IS04 iintil 1^'e's surrender. In 18«»9 he moved to Wood Uike, Minn.; was appointid county superintendent of schools Hall,

state senator,
