Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/42

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HERRINGSHAW S hlHHARY OP AMKKICAN BIOGUAPHY. and in 1876 was eUt-trd a nu-nilRT Minnesotii »tato t*onatt'. Theodore Henderson, phyHician. Hur-

in 1873; «»f


Hall, jj«H»n.

was born March





Parish, La. He waj» (Mlmatfd in tin* public school and aoad«Mnii-H ol th<> sdutli: ilia

sub.H<Mju«*ntIy studirtl nu'ilirinf. and has attained »uciv«» as a |trartiring physician nt

Carbon, Tfxas. He has been exaniinih;^ sioian for several



insurance eoinpanier*

and attending physician to various h«Mpitals.

lie is a



of the leading; niedieal belonj.'s to tin*

and associations:

t'arbon lodjje nuniln'r seven hundred and eighty-six of the free unisons; is a nu'UilM-r of rircle lodge numlwr twenty -eiyht of the independent order (»f odd l«dU»vH; anil is also a nu-mlxT of various other me<Iieal. fraternal and patriotic soci«'ti«'s. Hall, Theodore Parsons, tanner, banker, grain l)roker. genealogist, author, was Iwirn Dec. !.*». is:{.">. in Rooky Hill. Conn. In lK.-»fl he graduatetl from Yale. For thirty years h<* was engaged in the grainsliipping business under the firm name of ( Gillette and In IH«0 he estab Hall of Detroit. Mich. lished Tonnancour, twelve miles fnun Detroit, where lie has laid out a lM>autiful park overlooking lake St. Claire. In 1SS»1 lie [>ublished a series of genealogi*'al notes relating to the families of (Jovernor I.ynuin Hall of rieorgia. Samuel llolden Parsons Hall of Ibngliamton. and Natlian KeNcy Hall of HutTalo. In IW>2 he published the family records of Theodore Parsons Hall and .Alexandrine Louise (Jodfrey of Tonnancour. (CroH.H,. Poirite Farms. He died July .1. 1!M)9. Hall, Thomas, organ-builder, was born in I7MI in Philadelphia. Pa. He ereet«Ml the organ in the old Trinity church; and also built the large organs in Trinity chapel. St. Thonuis' church an»l in the Temple Knimannel of New York City. He died in 1874 in




Hall, Thomas, nn'chanic. lawyer, inventor, was Intrii F'eb. 4. H:U. in Phila<h'lphia. Pa. He was e«lucated in the univi'rsiiy of Ix'wisburg. Pa. He devised

meclianism for printing by touching keys;





a keveil tyiM'writer at





later stu<lie«i


chanics ill F.uro|te; and invented and in 18SI placed on the market H^^V' the Hall typewriter. He has also invente<l several successful sewand ing machines; also drill-grinding and «»ther machinists' t<Kds. He is now a noted patent attorney of Hrooklyn. N.Y. Hall, Thomas Bartlett, lawyer, author, I


l»orn duly 2ti. 1H24. in Springfield. Mass. For ten years he practiced law in Hoston. .Mass.; and lived in and near Boston f<»r seventy years. He was the author of The


Purity and IX'stiny of Modern Spiritualism. lie died in IW.i in Boston, Mass.

Thomas Cuming, educator, theologwas liorn Sept. 2.*), I8.*i8, in IreSince 1898 he has bei-n professor of theology at I'nion theological s«'minary. He is the author of The Power of .An Endless Life; The Social Significance of the Kvangelical Revival in Kngland; and Messages of the Synoptic Gospels. Hall,

ian, author,



F., railroa«l contractor, merinventor, was born .lune Kast Dennis, Mass. He has Ihh'H a ship captain; and f<ir many years was a railroad tie contractor and o|K-rated saw mills. He is now engaged in the lumlN-r and grain business in Omaha, Neb. He has been postnutster of Omaha; and a meml>er of the




23, 1841, in

Nebraska state legislature. He is the invi-ntor ot the Hall grain distributer and overflow signal, which is now in extensive use. Hall,


man, was born

H., state senator, congressin

1773 in

Kdgecombe coun-

In 1HI7-20 and 1827-3.-» he was a r»'presentative to the titteentli. sixteenth, ty. N.C.

seventeenth, eighteenth, tw«'ntieth, twenty•irst, twenty-second and twenty-third congresses. In 183H he S4'rved as a member of the state senate; and voted against the acceptance of any of the surplus revenue of the Cnited States treasury by the state of North Carolina. He died June 30, 18.'i3, in 'I'arlMtrough. N.C.






was born Feb. 27. 17!>8. in Philadelphia, Pa. He was a sticcessful jihysician of Philadelfihia;

works. Hall,




He died in 1828 Tomas Proctor,

of several at sea.


physician, college Itresideiit. author, was born Oct. 7. 18.'»8, in Ontario, Canada. ISK2 he graduated In from the university of Toronto; in 1002 receive<| the degree of M.I), from the National medical university of Chicago. III.; and received the degrees of A..M. and Ph.D. from the Illinois Wesleyan university and the Clark university. In 1883-84 he was' a fellow in the university of Toronto; and in Hill -03 he was a fellow in the Clark uniIn l803-9fi he was professor of versity. natural science in Tal>or coUege of Iowa; and in 180({ was president of the Iowa academy of science. In 1807-1001 he was professor of physics in the Kansas City university. In 1004-0;') he was professor of electro-therapeutics at the Jenner medical «-o|lege »>f Chicago. HI. In 1002-or> he was «ilitor of the .American -Hay Journal; and until 10or> was also editor of the American .lournal of Progressive Therapeutics of ChiI