Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/416

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HKUHINOSHAW8 LIBRARY OF ami compiiny, dcalfrs in mid importers He iias kcturt'd un urt subjects beiore Yale, Columbia and Johns Hopkina |H*I

ut pictures.


Ker, David, lawyt-r, jurist, lie va» an farly emigrant iu the territory of .Mi»«isf*i|ipi; ami in 18<J2 wan a|»|Mtintcd a jndj^f thf I niti'd StrttfM ruurt lor that tfrntoi. lie died in MiHsis^ippi. ker, David, juurnaliHt, author, waa bom in Kugland. Ht- in a journalist of New York City. He is the author of The Broken IinmgCf and Other Tales; On the Road to Khiva; The Wild Horseman of the Pampas; Tlif Hoy Slave in Bokhara; From the Hudson to the Neva; Lost Amooff White Africans; Into Unknown Seas; The Loet City, or Till- H(»y Kxplon rH in Central Asia: The Wizard Kiug; 8wept Out to Sea; and O'er Tartar Deserts. presidt-nt, Kerfoot, John Barrett, biahop, was l>urn March 1, 1810, in Ireland. In 1M2>64 he was president of St. Jamea eollem*, Maryland, and was also president of Trinity t-ollege in 18<>4-t}7. He was first protestant episcopal bishop of Pittsburgh, He died duly 10, 1S81, in Meyersdale, Pa. Kerker, Gustave Adolph, musician, conductor, c(»m poser, was born Feb. 28, 1867* in (ierniatiy. Since IHSJ) he has Ix-en a «onductor at the Xew York fasiuo, lie has eonipoaed the opera> The Pearl of Pekin; Belle of New York; The Billionaire; and twelve



William Bredin, lawyer. Jurist, waa born Nov. 21 » 18(10, in ButFor twelve years he was court Pennsylvania. In 18113 he began the


legiahitor, ler,


elerk of practice of

law in Alk'glivny county. Pa. In IMIM-M he was justice of peace; and in I'MMi was elei'ted a mt>mlM*r of the Pennsylvunia state legislature. Kerlerac, Louis BtDoiuurt De, };ovemor,


Ixirn in 1704 in France.



years he was in the French navy; and in 1753-63 was governor of Louisiana. He died in

Louisiaim. Kerley, Charles GUmore, physician, author,


b<»rn .lune 23. 1803, in Red Hook, N.Y. PMI.'J lie lia** heen professor of diseases of cliildren at ttif New York polyclinic me«lical school. He is the author of Short Talks


With Young Mothers; and Treatment of Disi*ases of Children.

Kerlia* Isaac Newton, physician, surgeon, author, waa bom May 27. 1834, in Burlington, NJ. He served in the civil war as a physiciari and surJ^eon. He is tlu- author of The Mind Unveiled; and Manual of Elwyn. KarUiif'SolMTt Thomas, educator, author,

was born March

22, 1866, in Newcastle, Mo. In 181)0-!I4 he was [trofesaor of pnu-tical theology at X'alley collefre of Maisliall, Mo. He was chaplain of the tliird n-giinent Missouri volunteera in the Spanish-American war. He is the author of Mainly for Myself; The Lyrical Diversions of a Vilhige



Parson; and The Kegimcut.


Life of the Third

W., phihdogist, author. poet, v:is hiirn Feb. 1, IS.'iT, in 'I«Tmnny. For many eats lie has been prolessor ol modern languages at Harvard schotrfOfNew York City. He is the author of many article* on subjects of coinjiarative philology, un: art; is a contributor to (Jerliteratur' man, Flnglish and French periodicals; and the author and editor of several school buoica. He is also the author of several merAlbert




Cerman and


Kern, Frederick




18»»4. in






publisher and slateswas bom Sspt* 2, For twentv-Hve years lUllevillu Daily and



was editor ot the Weekly News Democrat; and has been

.S ini-

editor of the Fast St. Louis (ia/ette. He served two years as a member of congress. In l!ii>4. 10U8, and 1912 he was a delegate to tue democratic national convention. Ue is now president of the state board of administration and has served five terms as


of his city.

Kern, John Adam, educator, clergyman, (olle;;e president, autli«)r, was born .pril £3, 1840, in Frederick county, Va. He was educated at the Winchester high school, at the inchester seminary an<l at tin- university iif irginia. For twenty years he was in the pastorate of the Baltimore conferijiiscopal ence of the nu>tho<list church south. For tliirteen years he was profeaaur in the Randolph-Macon college; and was president of that institution for three years. Sime IH!»!> In- has Iwen professor of practieal ttieology in Vanderbilt university of Nasliiile, T< iin. He is the author of Ministry to the ( ongre^^ation ; The Way of the Preacher; The Way of the Professor; and The Listening Heart.

Kern, John Worth, lauy«'r, Cnited States senator.







184U. in


county, iud. In I80n he graduated from the university of Michigan; and has since attaint d iioti- as an aide lawyer of Indianapolis, Ind. During lb8o-8U he was reporter of the supreme court of Indiana; served with distinction as state senator during 1S<.)2-!H); an<l in ls<.>7 waa elected city attorney for the eity of Indianapolis, Ind. In 1900 and l!M>4 he was a candidatt f' governor of Indiana; and in 1908 was democratic nominee for vice-president of the United States. ii:is Since PM1 ii i)««n a member of ^e i

I'nited .Stiites



Kerasa, Francis, lawyer, lefislator, congre^sman. I'nited States senator, was born .Fan. 14, 181t). in Tyrone. N.Y. He was e«lucated at the (ieorgetown college of the District ot Columbia ancl sfudi.d law at I'tiea, N.Y. He was reporter ^> the New Y«irk court of appeals; and in IStil was elected a member of the general assembly. In lM<i2 he was elected to the house of representatives of the United States; and in 1867-68