Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/417

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was a inembtT of the New York state conIn 1S72 he was candidate for governor of New York. In 1803O'l he waa a representative from New York to the tliirty-eighth congress. In 1875-81 he was a uifUibiT of the United States senate. He died Sept. 15, 1892, in Utica, N.Y.

Kernan, James George, educator, physitititutiunul convention.

was born June 18, 1852, in New York City. He was educated in the public schools of his native city; at the New York college; and at the medical department of the New Yolk university. In 1881 he was assistant professor of nervous and mental diseases at the Chicago medical college; in IHS4 he was professor of nervous and mental diseases at the Milwaukee medical college; in 11)03-04 was professor of nerviology at the Chicago post-graduate school; in 11>00 lie was professor of nervous and mental diseases at the HIinois medical college; and was professor of forensic psychiatry at the Kent eolh'ge of law in Chicago, 111. He is tilt' authur of (Jenius, a Neurosis, and a score of otiier medical Monograplis.

Kernan, Walter N., lawyer and railroad president of Utica, N.Y., was born March 20, 1804, in Utica, N.Y. lie graduated from Georgetown college in 1885; and has since practiced law in Utica. He is vice-pn-sident and general counsel of the New York btate railways. Keman, William Hubbard, journalist, poet,


was born



1S45, in



is the author of The Flamvolume of poems.

Kemey, Martin Joseph, educator, journal1819 in ist, lawyer, author, was born in Lewiston. Md. In 1852 he was a niemb«*r of the Maryland state h-gislature. For four years he edited the Metropolitan Magazine

V'alh'y, Ohio.

ing M«'t«'or, a

of Baltimore. He was the author pendium of Hi.Htory, He di«'d ISOl, in Haltimore, Sid.

Abram Tucker,




In U.S.

was born 1S!»5 ln'

<»f a ComMarch 10,

educator, anatomist,

-Ian. 7, 1873, in

graduated with




from Cornell iniviTsity; in 1897 graduateil from the medical department of the university ot Huifalo; an«l subsequently of

studied in (5otting»'n. In 1904 he was assistant professor of anatomy and since I!H)0 professor of anatomy and si-cretary of the medical colh-ge of Cornell university at Ithaca, N.Y. He was associate editor of the fourth edition of Morris' Anatomy; and the author of several medical Monographs. Kerr, Alexander, educator, author, was born Aug. 15, 1828, in Aberdeenshire, Scotland.

He was

educateiiiber of the

teachers' asso-

Wisconsin state member of the Aineric-ui archa'ological institute and other seieiitilic associations. He is the author of The (lospel of Matthew in Greek; The Bacehte of Kuripides; and Books 1 to V of The Republic of Plato. Kerr, Alvah Milton, journalist, author poet, was born July 22. 1H58, in Athens, Ohio. For the past five years he has been editor of the Chicago Ledger. He is the autlu.r of Trean; An Honest Lawyer; The Diaiiioiid Key and other works. Kerr, Daniel, educator, soldier, lawyer, state legislator, congressman, was born June 18, 1830 in .S;otIand. In 1858 he graduated from McKendree colItistorical society;






In 1841


became and


Madison cated i n county. III.' In I860 he was a teacher in a high school; and in 1802 was admitted to the practice of law. In 1803 he entered union army as a private soldier: was promoted first lieutenant in 18t>4 and served until the end of the war. In 1808 he was elected to the legislature of Illinois. In 1870 he removed to Iowa; in 1883 was elected to the legislature of Iowa; and in 1884 was an elector. In 1887-91 he was a representative from Iowa to the fiftieth and fifty-first congresses as a republican. He lives on his fine farm in Grundy Center, Iowa; and also pnutices law. Kerr, David Ramsey, educator, clergyman, c<dlege president, was born March 2, 1850, near Cadiz, Ohio. He has filled pastorates in •laniestown and Mercer, Pa.; and in Omaha, Neb. In 1889-1904 he was president of Belh'vue college of Nebraska; and in 18911904 was also president of the university of Omaha. Since 1904 he has been president of Westminster college of Fulton, Mo. Kerr, Eugene Wycliff, educator, civil engin-'t'r, author, was born Feb. 10, 1874, in .MeKinney, Texas. He is assistant professor ot ineolianical engineering at the agricultural and mechanical college of Texas. He is the author of Power and Power Transmission. Kerr, Henry Scanlan, financier, was born Sept. 4, 1860, in Cincinnati, Ohio. In 1885 he became a member of a banking house in New York City. He is a member of the New York chamber of commerce.

Ktrr, J. A., lawyer, jurist, journalist, poet,

was born July


1853, in

Montgomery coun-

He was educated at the Lebanon normal and at the -Ann Arbor university. In IS74 lie opened a law office in Tippecanot* City, Ohio; and in 1889 served as a judge ty, Ohio.

of the


pleas of the county.
