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H£RRINOSIIAW'S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. author of a number of pOLina; and was one of the owners and managers of the Pl<iua Daily Dupatoh and Weekly Journal; atid AMIS editor and part owner of the Troy Democrat. Kerr, Jkbmb, surgeon, educator, college prosident, was born Dec. 14, 1848, in Ireland, lie lias been surgeon to the gold coast expeditiuii chief aurgeon of the Canadian Pa* cific railroad; and surgeon of the Canadian militia. Ue was president and professor of sundry of the llanitoba medical college. Kerr, James, lawyer, manufacturer, jurist, congressman, was born Oct. 2, 1851, in Mifflin county. Fa. Since 18»7 lie has lived in ih*i






a justice of the peace



elected prothonotary for his county in 1880; and was re elected in 1883. In 188U-91 he was a representative to the fifty -first congress. He was a clerk of the na* tional house of repre* sontatives for the lifty-second and fiftythird congresses. He is now chiefly engaged in the mining and shipping of bituminous coal, and the construction of railroads. Kerr, James Hociier, educator, clergyman, was born April 3, 1847, in Turbotville, Pa. He received his education in the Lafayette college and the Western theological semiin


nary. For many years he engaged in educational work and was teacher in the Brainerd institute of Cranberry, N.J. In 1871 he begun preacliing; in 1873 was ordained; and has tilled pastorates in the presbyterian church at McConnollsburg, Rural Valley and Centre Hall, Pa.; and has been missionary in Park River,*and in Sheldon, N.D.; and is now serving his church in

Casey, Iowa. Kerr, James Manford, lawyer, jurist, author« was bom Dec. 30, 1851, near Tippecanoe City, Ohio. He was educated at the National normal university of Lebanon, Ohio. He is a successful lawyer of Cali-

and in 1900 was assistant editor of the Ohio Legal News; and >iThe 1901 has been editor-in-chief for the Bcndcr-Moss law book publishing house of San Francisco, Oal. He is the author of Homicide lousiness Corporations; Keal Property; Injunctions; Cyclopedic California Code of Civil Procedure, in two volumes; and Compiled Lawa of Cal* fornia;


Kerr, John, clergyman, congressman, was born Au;r. 14, 1792, in Caswell county, N.C. In 1801 he was ordained to the ministry; and traveled as an evangelist in South Oar* olina, (leorgia and Vir;rinia. In 1813-17 he

was a

representative from Virginia to the thirteenth and fourteenth eoogreaeea. In 1825>32 lie was pastor of a chnrch at IUeb>

mund, Va. mond, Va.





20, IS4Z, in Rich-

Kerr, John, lawyer, jurist, congressman,

was born in Pittsylvania county, a. He was educated at Kichmond, Va.; and began the practice of law at Yanceyville, N.O. In lie was a candidate for governor of >>orth Carolina, lu l&u^-oo he was a representative from North Carolina to the tiifr* ty tliird congress. He was a member of the North Carolina house of commons; and in 1874 was electvHl judge of the superior court. He died Sept. 5, 1879, in Riedsville, N.C. Kerr, John Bozman, lawyer, congressman, wa.s born March 5, 18uU, m J^a^tun, Md. In 1830 lie graduated from Harvard college; and

in Itiii^ began the practice of law at Md. Ia 1(06-38 he was a membi>r the general assembly of Maryland, In 1847-49 he acted as deputy lor the attorney general of Maryland for Talbot county. In 1849-51 he was a representative from Maryland to the thirty-first congress. He was elected to the thirty-third congress but resigned to become charge d' alTaires to Nicaragua; serving until 1853. He resumed the praeliee of law at Saint Michaels, Md. He died dan. 27, 1878, in Wasiiiugtou, D.C Kerr, John Leed^ lawyer, congressman, Cnited SUitey senator, was born Jan. 15, 1780, in Greenbury Point, Md. In 1770 he graduated from St. John's eoll^; and began the practice of law at Easton, Pa. In 1825-29 and 1831-33 he was a representative from Maryland to the nineteenth, twentieth and twenty-second congresses. In 1841-43 he was a member of the United States senate. He died Feb. 21, 1844, near Easton, Md. Kerr, Joseph, United States senator. In 1813-15 he was United States senator from Ohio to till a vaeancy. He died hi Ohio. Kerr, Josiah Leeds, educator, congressman, was born Jan. 10, 1861, at Vienna, Md. He was educated in tbe public schools and at the Vienna academy. He taught school in his native county; and was engaged as a clerk in a lumber company of Crisfield, Md. For ten years he was employed as a traveling salesman for a Baltimore firm. In ISR.') lie moved to Cambridge, Mass.; and in 1898 was elected school examiner. In 1800-1001 he waa a repreeoitative from Maryland to the fifty-Sutli congress as a democrat. Kerr, Le Grand, physician, author, was born May 11, 1870, in New York City. He is professor of diseases of children at the Brooklyn post-graduate m«^ica1 school; and sin^e ISIM) has been visiting pediatrist at the Williamsburgh and the Swedish and the 8m«j hospitals. He is the author of ni,i<.'nostic3 of the Diseases of Infanta and Children; and The Baby, Its Care and De-



velopment. Kerr,





congressman, was born March Id) 1827, near Tltttavine, Fa. In 1852 be moved to Albany, Ind.; and began the practice of law.


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