Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/419

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hi;hkin<;shavs liukary of AMKrtiCAN biography.

401 Ill


he wjiH






city attorney*, and attorney ot Kloyil

IKAO *»S lie was a iiieiiiber of the liuliaiiii state uHHenibly; and in 1862 was el«'eted n-purter to the supreme court of the state and published live volumes. representative from l8(>.'»-7-7<> he was speaker of the house. He died Aug. 20, I87«. at Kwkbridge Alum Springs, a. Kerr, Robert Floyd, educator, librarian, aiitltor, was born April 12, I8.')0. in Sugar (iiove. Intl. In 187U-80 he taught English and niailieinaties in a provincial school in eouiity.


in I8i>!(-1!>04 was librarian and instructor in civics at the South Dakota agricultural college. He is the author of I'dock Map and .NIaiiiial of South Dakota. Kerr, Robert PoUok, litterateur, author, Wi's bor'i in H.'td in .Ma> sachusetts. H<' is the author of Presbyteriaiiisin for the IVoide; History of Presbvterianism Hvmns of the Ages; an«l Voic»' of (Jod in History. Kerr, Shadrach, clergyman, missionary, was btirn .June 4, H'Mi. in the British West Indies. In 188!) he made extensive missionary tours through Central America, and performed the religious services at the opening In IKIIII he reat the Nicaragua «-anal. turned to the '<-st Indies, and was transferre<l to the dioct-se of Florida as the rect:»r of St. Peter's Fi|>iscopal churdi of Key West: and subs<'(|uently to Tlioinasville. Ga. Kerr, William Jasper, educator, college

Japan; and

was born Nov.

pi (•sid»'iit.







in Ricli-


received his education at the university of I'tah, an<l at the Cornell university; 8ubse> i|uently receiving the .legn-f-s of U.S., B.D. and D.Sc. D u r i ng






striictor in science in




colh ge; tilled




niathematics university of in

of the Itrigliam




chair in



Utah; was pres-


<'oIlege of Lohas be»-n [(resident the agricultural college of Utah. In 1887 aiul in iSll.-j he was a delegat*- to I'tah state constitutional convention. In 18!»G-!>7 he was president of the Utah state teachers' association, is president of the Utah mathematical society; and for many years has been prominently i<lentitied with the educational (b'velojinient of Utah; and has contributetl extrnsively to periodical literature on educational and kindred topics. g:in.







Washington Caruthers, geologist, aiitlitir, was born .May 24. 1S27. in Alamance county. N.C. In I8«l, in Asbeville. N.C. Kerr, William Melville, journalist, author, was born Aug. Hi. 18tJ(), in Oil City. Pa. Since l!MK{ he has Iw'i'n president of the Kinney eh'ctric light display company of NewYork City. He is the author of doe Kerr's .lests, .1 ingles and Jottings; The World the

Over; and The I'herry Hook. Kerr, Winfield Scott, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born in Richmond county. Ohio. In 1870 h«' graduated from

department of the university of He is a noted lawyer of MansOhio. He served four years in the Ohio state senate: and in 18!>5-lUOl was a representative to the fifty-fourth, fifty-fifth and fifty sixth ctuigresses as a republican. He »:is executor and biographer of the late the

law fi«dd.

Iloiiitrable .Fohn


Kerrigan, James E., sohlier. congressman, was Imrn in 1828 in Ireland, In 18«l-tl3 he was a representative from New York to the tliirty-s<->eiith congress, leaving his seat for

time to serve as colonel of volunteers in the troubles of 18U1, He died in 181>9. in




Kershaw, John, congressman, was born in South Carolina. In I8l3-I."i he was a representative from South Carolina to the thirteenth congress, when he was appointed one of the three commissioners to run the Creek boundary lines. He died in .South Carolina. Kershaw, Joseph Brevard, soldier, was born .Fan, I.S22. in Camden, S.C He be.">.

came a major-general in the confederate army; was in the battles of the Wilderness; and siirrenden-d with Lee in 18(15. He died April V.i. 18!»4. in Camden, S.C. Kerston, George, lawyer, jurist, founder, 21, ISoG, in Chicago. III. a justice of the peace; ami in 1!>03 became a judge of the circuit C4mrt of Cook ••oiiiity. III. He was one of the organizers, its first secretary and later president of the Cook county democratic club. Kerwin, James C, lawyer, jurist, was born May 4, 18.')0, in Menasha, Wis. In 187."»- in(I.T he practiced law in Neenah and .Milwauk«'e. Wis. .since 11»05 he has been associate justice of the state supremo court of tln' state of Wisconsin.

was born March

He was

Ke.ssler, Harry Clay, soldier, miner, wasMarch 18. 1844. in Philadelphia, Pa. In 1861 he left school and entered the union


army; was commissioned .second lieutenant of company (i. one hundred and fourth regiment Pennsylvania volunteers; and became lieutenant in 1862. In 1866 he established the lithographing firm of Hreuker and Kessh-r. still existing in Philadelphia, Pa. In I87~> he eng:iged in mining in Slontana; lirst

in 1377 served in the campaign against the Nez Perce Indians; and for four terms was

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