Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/420

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trea8ur«T of Silv«T How county. 11c wim active in the organization of the .Montana national guard and was commissioned coloDuruig the Spanish-.Anierican war he nel. served in tiie riiilippines; and attained the rank of brigadier-general. lie died in 1!K)7

.Miss .Julia

KetcLam, Harriet

A., sculptor, artist,


duly 12. 1S4«, in New .Market, Ohio. executed the ligure of i'eri at the (Jates of I'aradise and btists of President Lincoln and other noted personages. Tlie Iowa hoI-



monument was erected after her modShe die»l Uct. 2(1, ISIK), in Iowa. Ketcham, Isaac A., manufacturer, inventor, was born in 1S27 in liuntiiigton, L.I.

»|iers* el.

He planned the lirst which was built by

iiiroiu-lad torpedo boat, the L'liited States goviiiv<'nte«l a device by w hich an eiulless cable could be usi-d in adjusting tor|M'does or batteries across ciianiiel ways for harbor protection. Ketcham, John Henry, soldier, state senator, congri ssman, was born Dec. 'M. lS.'i2, He was a member of the in iXiver, N.V. New York assembly in lS.")()-">7 and of the state senate in lS«io-tll. In lS«2-«.'i he was colonel of the one hundriHl and liftieth New York volunteer*^, served until lsr».'», when he was made a brigadier-general by brevet. In lS(i.'>-7:i. 1S.S7-!>.I and 1S".»7-1!>07 he was a representative from New York to the thirty-ninth, fortieth, forty-first, forty-s«>cond. fortv-sixth, fort v-seveiith, forfortv-lifth. • ty-<Mjrhtli, forty-ninth, liftieth, fifty-first, fifty-s«'cond. lifty-fiftii, fifty-sixth, fifty seventii. fifty-eiglitli and fifty-ninth congresses ns a republican. He died Nov. 4, 1006, in




He next

New York


Kctcl am, William Alexander, l.iwyer, pubwas Ixirn dan. 2, 1S4(>. in Indianapolis, liid. In ISfHI he began to practicjlaw: and became associated with his father. In 1S.S4-SU he was county attorney; in IH!M w as elected attorney -general for the state of Indiana. I'c official,

Ketchum, Mrs. Annie Chambers, e^tucator, lecturer, autlior. was born Nov. S. 1S24. in She is an ««dueator and Seott county. Ky. She is author of lecturer of Tennes.'iee. Lotos





Botany for .<'adeniies and Other I'oems Colleges: The Teacher's Empire: Nellie Braden, a novel; and Killa Motto, a romance.

New Haven,

hotne. His father was a prominent lawyer, and for a number of years eity registrar in the bankruptcy of In I'nited States. he graduated 1 S 0 0 law Albany frtmi the school, and at once began the practice of Durhis profession. ing the civil war he

Kester, Paul, dramatist, author, was burn Nov. 2, 180!>. in Delaware, Uhio. He is the author of Tales of the Heal (iypsy; The Countess Koudine, produced by .Nlme. .Modjeska Zaiiiar, proclueed by the late .Vh-xander .Salvini and a drainati/ation of When Kiiiglithood Was in Flower, produced by

Marlowe. Kester, Vaughan, writer, author, was born S<'pt. 12. IHOSI, in New Hrunswick, .N'.l. lie is the author of the Manager of the H and A; The Fortunes of the Landrays; and John of •lumestow ii.

soldier, law-

In his infancy his parents settled in New York City, which has ever since been his


liutte, .Mont.



Ketchum, Alexander Phoenix, yer, was born .May 11. 1830, in

served as lieutenant in company II, tiftysix til regiment New York volunteer infantry: :ui<l was subsequently commissioned captain of the one hundred and twentyeighth regiment serving on the staff of General <). n. Howard, resigning from the army in 1HH7 Willi the rank of brevet colonel. He has served as assessor of internal revenue; collector of internal revenue; general and chief appraiser for the port of New Y'ork; and also as memlK'r of the New York board of education for four years under appointment of Mayor Strong. He died in New

York City. Ketchum, John Buckhout, soldier, poet, was bom July 11, 1H37, in New York City.


served through the


In 1866


aide<l in the formation of a new orjjanixation for the moral, religious and temiKiral welfare of the troops coiuiiosing the regular army of the I'nited States; and he has been corresponding secretary of the society since Prior to the war he was a its foundation. lie

and he is the author successful journalist of Hustic Hhymes and Last Hours of Chris;





Ketchum, Milo Smith, civil engineer, eduauthor, was l>orn Jan. 2(>. 1872, in III. In 1809-190.3 he was as-


Henry county.

professor of civil engineerinK at the university of Illinois and since 1904 has been dean of the colltfjie of engineering at he university of Colora»h>. He is the author of Steel Frame Mill Buildings.



Ketchum, William Scott, soldier, was July 7, 1813. in Norfolk. Conn. During ihe latter part of the civil war he was coniie<'ted with the quartermaster's department He and brevet ted major-general in 1865. died June 28. 1871. in Baltimore, Md. liorn

Ketchum, Winthrop W.,



was lioni June 20, 1820. in Wilkesbarre. Pa. He served in both branches of the PeiinsylvHiiia legislature; and in 1S6466 was soli<-itor of the llnite<l Stales court of claims. In 1875-77 he was a rejiresen tali ve from Pennsylvania to the forty-fourth He was judpe of (in;:ress a-s a deniocrat. Ihe CnitiHl States court of the western He died Dec. 6, district of Pennsylvania. 1879, in IMtLsburgh. Pa. coii;:ressmaii,


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