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HERRINGSHAW S LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. the Ohio senate, where he bad mucl^ inHe was the author of the first t-oiifluence. gressional bill for the emancipation of slaves in any part of the United States; and wrote the bill for the emancipation of slavea in the lie died Jan. 15, District of Columbia, 18G9, in I>ebanon, Ohio. in

Keyes, Charles Henry, lawyer, educator, college president, was born Sept. 6, 1858, in In 1880 he was admitted to Banficld, Wis. the bar; has always been engaged in etlucatioual work; and in 1891-00 was president In of the Throop jwlytechnic institute. 1893-90 he was president of the Southern and has California teachers' association 8enc<l live times as president of the I'asadena board of trade. lie is now president of the American institute of instruction at

Hartford, Conn. Keyes, Charles Rollin, president, author,

college Dec. 24, 1804, in


was bom

In 1894-97 he was

Des Moines. Iowa.


and of the Missouri geological survey is now president of the New Mexico school He is the author of Geological of mines. Formations; Coal Deposits; Organization of Geological Surveys; Palaeontology of Mistor

and Maryland Granites. Keyes, Edward Lawrence, surgeon, auwas bom Aug. 28, 1843, in Charleston, S.C. He is a surgeon in New York City, and was professor of dermatology for many yeare in the Hellevue hospital medical college. He is the author of The Surgical Disand eases of the Genito-Urinary System The Tonic Trontnieiit of Syphilis. Keyes, Elias, state legislator, congressman, was born in Asliford, Conn. He wiis a member of the legislature of Vermont from Stockbridge county for a period of eighteen years; and in 1803-1818 was a state counIn 1821-23 he was a representative cilor. from Vermont to the seventeenth congress. He died at Stockbridge county, Vt. Keyes, Emerson Willard, lawyer, author, was born .lune 30, 1828, in .Jamestown, N.V. He was superintendent of public instnirtion sotiri

late chief-justice H. S. Orbon; and later was elected to the bench. In 1898 he was ptwtmaster of Madison, Wis. In 1889 he was apfMiinted municipal judge of Dane county to till a vacancy.

Keyes, Winfield Scott, mining engineer, author, was born Nov. 17, 1839, in Brooklyn, N.Y. In 1870 he was a member of the board of judges at the centennial exposition of Pliibidelphia, Pa.; and was honorary commissioner to the Paris exjMisjtion in 1878. He was the author of Re8f)urces «»f California; and K«-Hources of Montana. He died in 1900 ill San Francisco, Cal. Keyl, Ernst Gerhard Wilhelm, clergyman, author, was l>orn May 22, 1804, in (Jermany. For many years he was president of the eastern district of the Missouri syno<l, of which he was a founder. He was the author of Lnthertipliilus; and other works. He died Aug. 4, 1872, in Monroe, Mich. Keyes, Erasmus Darwin, sohlier, was born May 29, 1810, in Brimfield. Mas.s. H» was educated in the ctiinmon schtMjls; by a tutor; and attended a select school taught by a graduate of the West Point military academy. In 1832 he graduated from the West Point military


academy; and In'came






York; superintendent of bank department, state of New York; and filled numerous public

posit iouH


honor in the city of the BnH)klyn and state of New York, lie was the author of Keyes' ('ourt of Appeals Reports, in four

volumes History «)f Savings Banki^ in the Code of

two volumes;


States, in Public Instructi^tn

Principle of Civil (Jov-

ernment in the State of New York; and sundry pamphlets. nddres*ies, legislative reports He ditnl in and various valuable papers. 1898. New York. Keyes, Elisha W., lawyer, jurist, was born


Jan. 23, 1828, in North field, Vt. In 1851 ho was admitted to the practice of law in Madison, Wis. He was the law partner of the



lieutenant in States



He was a






Hawk War; and


1833 was aide-de-camp to General Scott. In 1844 he was placed at the liead of the department of artillery and cavalry at the West Point military school; and for four years was a memlKT of the board of visitors. In 1801 he was promoted to the rank of major an<l saw service on the Canadian frontier as well as in the civil war. He was promoted major-general of volunteers and brigadier-general of the United States army. He was the author of Fifty Years' Ueininirieeiic(>H of Men and Events. He died Oet. 14. 1895. in France.

Keyse, Edward Lawrence, physician, sureducator, author, was Ixirn Aug. 28. S.C. In 1807 he settled in practice in New York city. He ln»came a lecturer on dermatolog- in Bellevuc hospital medical college in 1871; was made professor of that branch in 1872: and in 1875 was also adjunct professor of surgerj' and (><msulting surgeon to the city liospital and to


]HV.i, in ('harleston.

Bellevup hospital of New York city. He is the author of Genito-lTrinary Diseases and other medical works.

Keyset, Charles Shearer, lawyer, author, l)orn June 18, 1825, in Philadelphia. Pa. of Philadelphia, Pa.


He was a noted lawyer