Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/423

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for hist work in the formation of Fteirmount pftrk ; and for the restorIlt> va-« tlic auation of in(l»'|M'ii(ifiicf liall. thor of Independence Uall; The Liberty Uell; Fairmount Park; Paris Tre»ty; and Uenoalogy of the Keywr Family. He died






in IMiiladelphia, I'a.

Keyser, horn (let.

Ephraim, 6,



seulptur, artist, lialtimon-, M.l.

was lie

Koyal academies in .Munich. Berlin ami Rome. He executed the Kalb >itatu.' at Aiiiiapoli;,, Md. and the

i^tudied sculpture at the

I'lu'^li r

A. Aitlnir uuMiioriul at Albany, N.V.

Keyser, Ernest Wise, sculptor, artist, was born in 1H74 in iJalt iiiKii*-, Mil. He has designed statues of Enoch Pratt, Admiral W. S. Schley; Barry Memorial at Frederick, Md. and the Bronze Figure. Sir (Jallahatl,

HarfHT memorial of Ottawa. Canada. Keyser, Leander Sylvester, elergymau, au-

for the

thor, Wit-t


was bom Marcl^ 13, 1850, in TusearaHe graduated from the

county, ohift.

iiteiiburg divuiity .school, the

Ohio normal

university; and the W'ittenburg college where he received the degree of D.D. He has tilled pastorates at La (irange and Elkhart, Ind.; Si)ringfield, (Jhio, and the .Midland college church in Atchison. Kan. btncc 11)03 he has been a lutheran clergyman of Canal Dover, (^liio. H<' va>i managing editor of the Lutheran Evangelist ; and since 18U9 tfiiitorial writer for the Lutheran World. He the autlior of The Only Way (hit; Birdi-t dont; In Bird Land; News from the Birds; Baby Redstart, and Other Bird Stories; Birds of the Rockies; and Our Bird Comrades. Keyser, Peter Dirck, surgeon, author, was born Feb. 8. 183.">. in Philadelphia, Pa. He was appointed acting »urgeon in the L'nited States army; but resign^ in 1865 to take of the t-ye and ear inlirmary. in (•liiny:<' i'hiiadelphia, Pa. He wan the author of OfM^rations for Cataracts, and otiier work» nil diseases of the eye. He died Mardi 19, ISttT. in Philadelphia. Pa. Kejrt, Alonzo Thrasher, physician, inventor, author, w^as born Jan. 10, 1827, in Uigginsport. Ohio. Ho was noted for his invention of Keyt's (V»m|Miun<i Sphygmograph. lie was the author of a wurk entitled iSphygniography and Cardiography. He died Nov. Jl,

ISK.). in






Key wood. Frank, manufacturer,


was born In

«Tn1y A. 1857, in Rutland, Mass. ISS'i if <-.taMi-hcfl a jiaptr 1)<> factory

at .MinneaiH)litt. Minn. He organized the mills of the Consumers* paper company of Mlllli



in Centreville, Ind. lie born March 4, received a thorough education; and soon attained -itu'cess at the liai. lie has l>c>en a member uf the territorial leuiblativv council; has been attorney-general of Arinonat and Ben'eii as assniiut*- ju-^tic-e of the supreme court of Arizona, bince lUUu be lias lN*eu governor of the territory of Arinms.

Kidd, Frank A., hoard,

geojiraphie Imm



in Macon. (In. Hf x-rved tlirongh the civil war and attained the rank of lieutenant-

Tn 1870 he wa«i eleeted a state senator from (Georgia anil in 1874 was elected judge of the superior lourt.


Kibbey, Joseph H., lawyer, governor, was


States D.C, wan


W asliington.






ceived u thorough education ami graduated Kor many years he has l»eeii tioni Krlhani. engaged in literary work; and has c<iit« d iiuim nnis |>uidi>lu-d volumes. Since l!M»t» be has Iwell editor and chief of the proof sitr tion in the United States government print-

ing office. Kidd, James Harvey, soldier, was bom in .Niichigaii. In 18ti2 he was captain in the regiment Michigan cavalry; and in 1805 was brevetted brigadier general of voliint< era. He was honorably mustered out in 18«i5.

Kidd, WilNam, navigator, was bom in He followed tlic sini fmiii liis Scotland. youtli; and about ItiO.') was known as one of the boldest and most successful ship-

masters that s;iilf'<l from New YDik. lie sulisequently iM-catne a iiotea pirate; was arrested and sent to England for trial; and was exeeuteil May J! IT'il, in I^ndon. Kidder, Benjamin Harrison, naval



tM)rn Jan. 28, 1830, in Edgartown, Mass. In 18t51 he was appointed a.ssistant surgeon ill the l'nited States navy; and in 1898 was retiretl with the rank of rear admiral. ELidder, Daniel Parrish, clergyman, author, was oorn Oct. 18. ISl.^, in Darien. N.Y. He was a methodist clergj'inan and held professorships in several theological institutions. He was the author of Homitetics;

Tin- Christian Pastorate; Mormonism and the Mormons; Sketches of a Residence in Brasil; Helps to Prayer; andeo-antbor with.T. r. Fletcher, of Brazil and the Brazilians. He died July 29, 1891, in Evanston, III. Kiddce, David, Inwyc-r, congressman, was horn Dee. 8. 1787, in Dresden, Maine. He settled in Somerset county, where in 181123 he was county attorney. In 1823-27 he was a representative from Maine to the eighteenth and nineteenth congresses. He was also a meml)er of the state legislature in 1829. He died Nov. 1, 1800. in Norridge-

woek, Maine. Kidder, Frank Eugene, designer, architect, author, was born Nov. .3, 1859, in Ban|p>r, Maine. He was president of the Kidder architect

Kibbee, Charles Carroll, soldier, lawyer, jurist, state senator, was horn Aig. 2.'>. 18:w.



of I>enver.


He was

the author of Architect and Builders' Pocket

Book: Chnrehes and Chapels; and Building Construction ami Superintendence. He died Oct. 27.



Denver, Col.

Kidder, Frederic, merchant, author, was i.Mni April 1(1 1804, in New Ipswich. N.H. He was a Boston merchant: he wn« the nt»thor of historical monographs entiiled: The


