Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/425

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also attended the North Western college of Kiiperville, 111., of which institution he is now president and professor of intellectual and moral philosophy since 181K). For many years he filled the chair of systematic theology in the Union Biblical in> stitute. Kiepe, Edward John, physician, author, was born Jan. 31, 1868, in Buffalo, N.Y. Since 1898 he has been professor of materia medica at the department of pharmacy of the utiiversity of Buffalo. Since 1897 he has He is practiced medicine in Buffalo, N.Y. the author of Materia Medica and Therapeutics. Kiersted, Andrew Jackson, naval ofBcer, was born Doc. 2n, 1832, at New Point Comfort. Va. In 18.'>6 he was admitted into the engineer corps of the

navy as assistant engine<'r; in 1859 became first assistant engineer; and in 1801 was appointed chief engineer. In 1873 he was a member of the board examine to midshipmen for promotion at Annapolis, Md.; and the same year iM'came inspector of machinery afloat at Norfolk and later at In 1901 he was retired Pliihuhlphia, Pa. with the rank of rear admiral in recognition of services during the civil war. Kiernan, James Lawlor, soldier, educator, journalist, physician, surgeon, diplomat, was born in 1837 in New York City. lie was appointed briga<lier-general of volunteers in 1863. He served as surgeon of the United States pension bureau; and after the war became United States consul to Ciiin Kiang, China. He died Nov. 2fi, 1869, in New York City. Kiersted, Wynkoop, hy<lraulic engineer, author, was lK)rn Feb. 9, 1S.")7, in Mongaup Valley, N.Y. He has designed water works uni- sewerage systems of Galveston, Texas, He has designed and Kansas City, Mo. United

water works


Krtu (^laire

buque, Iowa.


Los Angeles and Oakland, and Beloit, Wis.; and Duis tlie author of Sewerage


Edgar Raymond, business man, congrosnmn, was born Aug. 20, 1873, in Kiess,

He is jiresident of the Mare Laiul Company; and has Ix-en

Warrensville, Pa. ICagh's a l.'i

member lie


of the State I/Cgislature. In 1913-



isli-American cavalry.

war recruited a company of

Kilbourne, James, soldier, lawyer, manufacturer, was born Oct. 9, 1847, in Columbus, Ohio, In 1802 he graduated from Ken-

yon college where

of the sixty-third con-


Kilbourne, James Russell, soldier, manufacturer, state lej,nslator, was born Dec. 24, He in a success1870. in Columbiis, Ohio. ful manufacturer of Columbus, Ohio; and in 189.")-90 scrveil as a member of the seventy-.second general assembly of Oliio. He was at one time lieutenant in light artillery


received the degrees of A.B. and A.M.; and graduated 1868 in from the Harvard law school with the degree of LL.B. He enlisted in the civil war as a private soldier;

and attained the rank c<ilonel. He founded ami was president and of general manager Kilbourne and the




Ohio national guard; and during the Span-

.laeob inaniifacturing company of C-olumbus, Ohio. 1892, 18!Mi and IlKK) he was a Ill delegate to the democratic national conventions; and in 1898 was a nominee for governor of Ohio. He has been president of the Ccdumbus, Ohio, board of trade; president an<l foun<ler of the Columbus children's for iiospital; president of several clubs; eight years was president of the board of truster's of the Columbus public library and is a director of the New first national bank; director of the Hayden-Clinton national bank; director of the Columbus Hocking valley and Toledo railroad; director of

the Columbus and Cincinnati and midland railroad; and a director of many private corporations and political and social organizations.

Kilbourne, John, author, publisher, was born Aug. 7, 1787, in Berlin, Conn. He published a Gazetteer of Vermont, a Gazetteer of Ohio, a map of Ohio, a volume of Public Documents Concerning the Ohio Canals; and a School Geography. He died March 12. 1831, in

Columbus, Ohio.

Kilbourne, Payne Kenyon, journalist, auwas born July 26, 1815, in Litchfield, Conn. In 1845 .53 he published the Litchfield Enquirer, in Litchfield, Conn. He was The Skeptic and Other the author of I'oenis; History of the County of Litchfield; and Chronicles of Litchfield. He died thor,



1859, in Litchfield, Conn.

Kilbourn, James, merchant, manufacturclergyman, state legislator, congressman,


was born Oct. 19, 1770, in New Britain, Conn. In 1813 he was a representative from Ohio to the thirteenth and fourteenth congresses. In 1823 he was elected to the Ohio legislature, serving on fourteen committees; and was re-elected in 1838. He died April 24. IH.'.O. in Worthington, Ohio. Kilburn, Charles Lawrence, soldier, waa born .August 9, 1819, in Lawrenceville, Pa. He served through the civil war; was brevetted brigadier-general; and retired from active service in 1882.

tJermantown, Pa.


died in 1899 in