Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/426

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UERRINQSHAW'S LIBRARY OP AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. Kilby, Cyrus Hamlin, journalist, author, was born Kov. 29, 1828, in Dtiun^sville, Maine. He has fillcui Tarious municipal offlces; and for fiftoen years was postmaster For unr liuiulred of Dennysville, Mainu. ytara the oiDce of poatmaster of Dtmnysville has been in the possession ol the William Kilby family, with tlio ixitption of h wland was eight years, whi-n Grover president of the I'nited Statet?. For eight years ne was editor and jiublishcr of a He is newapaper in Skowlu-gan, Maine. the author of Binding of the Links; and several other works on Odd Fellowahip. Kildahl, John Nathan, educator, clergyman, collie president, was born Jan. 4, 1857, in Norway. In 1888-99 he was pastor (






of Clii-

cago, lU. Since 18S)9 ha has been pre«ideut of St. Oiaf college of Northileld, Minn. Kildare, Owen Frawley, journalist, antlmr, was born June 11, 18W, in New York City. He began life as a newsboy; was a dock la> lM»r('r; anil became a practioal reformer in the slum districts of Nv York City. Since 1901 be has been in Jotlrllall•^t ic work; and





the Kihian- pul»lisliin«»

company. He is the author of The Good of the Wicked; and The Wisdom of the Simple

Kilgensmith, John, congressman, was born In 1835-39 he was a repin Peimsyl;:iiiii. resentative from I'ennsylvania to the twen> ty-fourth and twenty-flfth congremes as a Hi- <li< in Stewartsville, Pa. ileino«Tat. Kilgo, John Carlisle, clergyman, college president, was born July 22, 1861, in Laur* In ISK'2 he entered the ministry ens, S.C. of the methoilist episcopal church south. 1

18M he has been

president of Trinity af Dm iKun. N.C. e«II> Kilgore, Benjamin Wesley, educator, chemBiiiop

was born March 27, 1867, in Since 1897 he I. a Fay«'ttc county. Miss. has been state chemist of North Carolina; and since 1901 director of the North Caroexperiment station. In lina agrictjltural ISIMI-UMH) he was president of the Association of otlicial agricultural chemists of the United States. ist, scientist,

Buckley, siiUlitr, Constantine Kilgore, lawyer, jurist, state senator, congress num, was horn F'ch. 20, 18.15, in Ncwnan. (in. U- served ill the confederate army; and in wa> made the adjutant-general of I84i-i


He died In 1888 in Philadelphia, Pa. lUlgore, Daniel, congresaman, was bom in 'irginia. In 1834-38 he was a reprps«>ntative from Ohio to the twenty-third, twentyfourth and twenty -fifth congresaes. He died Dee. 12. isr.l, in New York City. Kilgore, David, lawyer, jurist, state legislator, ooQgfeMman, was bom April 3, 1804, in Harrison county, Ky. He moved to Delaware county, Ky.; in 1833 he was elected to the state legislature and served several years; and in 1830-46 was president judge of the judicial circuit In which he resided. In 18,"»4 he was again clerted to the legislature, and was speaker of the house. In 1857-61 he was a repreeentatlTe from Indiana to the thirty-fifth and thirty-sixth congresses. Ue died in Delaware county,

Questions of the Day.

Ky. soldier, was Kilgour, William Mather, in Pennsylvania. In 18G1 he was secin the thirteenth regiment Illinois infantry, and in 1805 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died May


ond lieutenant

29, 1885. Kiltani,

Otto George Theobald, surgeon, author, was born Sept. 5, 18«>.'i. in Municli. Since 1801 he has been in practice aS a surgeon in New York City; and is a sur« geon to the German hospital and to the ImHe is the p4>rial Cerinan consulate-general. author of Surgical Diagnosis; and other Bur> gical


Joseph, congressman, was born in Jersey. In 1830-41 he waa a representatire from New Jersey to the twentysix tli iigre.H.«. He died in Salcni, X..T. Killebrew, Joseph Buckner, farmer, publicist, author, was bom May 29, 1831, in He wap presiMoiit^'oinery county. Tenn. dent of the Industrial league; and promoter of several large industrial «-stahlishmenta in tlic south. TTe was tlic author of Resources Kille,









bacco Leaf: and otiier industrial WOrks. died







Killen, William, lawyer, jurist, was born in in Ireland. He took an active part the revolutionary war; in 1776-03 was ill first chief justice of the supreme court of Delaware; and chancellor of the state in 172)3- 18U1.


died Oct. 3, 1805, in Dover,

Del. Killikelly,

Sarah Hutchins, musician, au-

Ector's hrigade. army of the Tennes.see. In was elected jnstice uf the peace l8t»J) he as. In 1881-88 he was in Rusk county, a member of the Texas state senate, and in 1880-87 was president of that body. In 1887-!>.") he was a representative from Texas to the fiftieth, fifty -first, fifty -second, fiftyHe was third eongresfies as a democrat. United states iu<lge for Indian territory. 1>17. in Ardinore, I.T. He dietl Sept.

was horn Jan. 1. 1840, in Vincennes, Slie graduuted from Kden hall semiof Pennsylvania; and graduated as a nary pianist and organist under Professor Karl She is a foundation fellow of the Merz. Society of science, letti-rs and arts in London, England; has received from the society a gold crown priee for papers on the il i a an<i has also ri N'ictorian Kra badge from the American pen women of the

Kilgore, Damon Young, lawyer, author, was born in 1827. lie was the author of Dangers Which Threaten the Republic; and

Pittsburg press club of women. In 1668nhv has lieeii engaged as an organist in the Epiiicopal churches of Pittsburg, Pa.






