Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/427

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She is largely engRge<l in pliilantlirt>])io work of PittHburji. Pa. Slie has eontrihutetl the article Isabella of Castile to (ireat Men and Famous Women: and has e<mtributed Siie to the press of Pittsburg for years. is the author of Curious Qiu'stions in History, Literature. Art and (ieneral Information; and the Nineteenth C«'iitury History of Pittsburg and Alleglieny. She lias edited the Skein of Life. biM)k of stories by the late


lieutenant-general commandtile United boys' brigade. Kilmer, Theron Wendell, physician, autlior. « 11.S Inirn March 7, 1872. in Chicago, He u.-is educated in the public sehouls 111. of Chicago and NewYork City; in lS8!)-!»2 attended tii«' college City of New York

ollicial title of



H. Maekey.



1X."»I wriglit; an«l in built a small papiT In mill for himself. 1S.V2 he built the first ei|uipnu>nt complete in the I'liited .States pajter for making




the degree from the colge of physicians .ind surgeons of New York City. Since I8!»."i lie has practiced nieilatetl

Kilmer, Chauncey, manufacturer, promoter, was born Man li 2.'{, 1HU5, in Hock City Kails, N.Y. He worked with his father as millcontracting a










City: has been attending pliysieian to various hospitals: associate professor of the dise;iscs of children in the New York school of clinical ineilicine; and attending physician to the Halsev day nursery. Since l!)i)."i lie has Ix'en attending |M>diatrist to Sydenham hospital. He is the author of Practical Care of tin* Baby; Physical Examination of Infants and Young Children; and othv'r works.

two mills of Saratoga, N.Y.: formed a sttK-k company: and became its president. Since 1S(»!I he has been geni-ral manager of the He has .American wood paper company. supulied the New York Sun with more than

Kilpatrick, Hugh Judson, soldier, diplomat, was born .Ian. 14. HM. near IVckertown, N.>L He waa educated in Xew .lersey. He was captain of tlw eighteenth ar-




from rye straw. In lS."»(>-.">7 he had an interest




ent paper mills: and ISIm iKmglit conin trtdling


seven million dollars' worth of paper. Killinger, John W., lawyer, state senator, congressnuin. was Ijorn Sept. 2">, 1S2."», In 184!) he was attorney in Lebanon. Pa. for Lebanon county: in lS."»n-.")l was a mem ber of the house of representatives; and in 18."»4-.")7 was a memlM-r of the state senate. In 18.)!»-«>;{, 1871-7."* and 1877-81 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the thirty-si.xth. thirty-seventh, forty-second, forty-third. forty-Mfth and forty-sixtli He died Jun«' congresses as a republican. 20. 1806, in

Lebanon, Pa.

Kilmer, Frederick Bartnett, chemist, author, was born Dec. 11, IS.'il. in Chapinville, Conn. Since 188!) he has la-en dire<'tor of the laboratory of .lohnson and .lohnson, chemists of New Hrunswick. N..I. He has been president of the board of health of New Prunswick, N..I. He is the author of Fir«t

Aid Manual.






ness president, was Inirn A|»ril 14. ISr*."), in He was educated in the Baltimore, Md. Haltimore public scluads; and liecanie an For many years he has been ••rrand boy. engag«Ml in the real estate business. He is president of the Enterprise concrete company: and president of the Knterprise concrete construction compa?iy of Haltimore, Md. He is president and national c«»mmander-in-chief of thv United lM»ys' brigade of America. He is editor an<l piiblisln-r of the American Brigadier. He has received the





in I860 was brevetted major-general for the capture of Fayetteville, N.C. He was major-general of the United States army

for campaign in the Carolinas and was major-general of volHe unteers in 18H.'). ^ was minister to Chili minister appointed lsrM-70: and was again He died Dec. 4, 1881, in to Chili in 1881. Santiago. Chili.

James A., lawyer, miner, legislawas born Nov. 11, 1862, in Providence,

Kilton, t<tr,

He served as a member of the Colorado lunise of representatives in the ninth general assembly, ami is past national president of the Patriotic Order Sons of America, having served two terms. Kilty, Augustus Henry, naval oflici^r, was born Nov. 2."». 1807, in Annapolis. Md. He commanded the gun-boat Mound City at Island No. 10 and at Fort Pillow, where his vessel was stink, but was afterwards raised and re|iaired. He was made a comILL

modore on




and commanded

the Norfolk navy yard till 1870. when he wa^ retired fron> active service with the He died Nov. 10, rank of rear-admiral. 1S7!». in Baltimore. Md. Kilty, William, lawyer, jurist. He settled

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