Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/434

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U£RRINQSUAW'S L.IBRART OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. born about 1790, in Ix)ng Inland, N.Y. His moat important work was the Broolclyn city hall. He died about 1865 in New York City. King, George G., lawyer, legislator, congressman, was born in Kbode Island. In 1825 he graduated from Brown university; uiul bt'gan the practice of law at Newport, K.I. in 184d-46 he was speaker of the Khode Island house of repreaentatives; and In 1849-

w:i8 a juisidcntial


53 he was a


from Khodc

island to the thirty-flrsi and thirty-fleoond He died July 18, 1870, at New-

congresses. port, R.I.

King^ Grace Sisabetli, litterateur, author, was lM)rn in lS.'»"i in Xt-u irlcans, La. She is tile author of .lun»ieur Multe; Tak-^ of a Time and Place; Earthling^; New Orleans, the Place and the Ptniple; J<an Baptist"' Lenioine, Founder of New Orleans; Balcony storiis; and Oe Soto Ukd His Men in the <




King, Hamilton, clerj^yinan, lecturer, diplomat, author, was born June 4, 1852, in Since 1898 he has been Newfoundland. United States minister resident and conMulgeneral in Siam. He is the author of (Jreek Keader; and Outlines of United States History.

King, H«Biy, lawyer, state senator, congressman. wu« tK»rn in 1700 in Hampden, Ma8H. In 1830 wa.s a nu'nilH>r of the state In is;{ he wa.s senate of Pennsylvania. a repreMenlative to the went y-siiond and He died July 13, twent,v-third congresses. 1861, 'in Allentown, Pa. !



King, Heniy Churchill, educator, college president, author, was born Sept. 18, 1858, in HilMale. Mich. He graduated with the de<;rees of A.B. and D.U. from Oberlin colin 1879 and 1882; subse<|uently received the degree of D.l). from that institution of learning, lii graduato<1 he 1883 from Harvard university; studied in Berlin; and has received









Western Reuniversity and In 1884-90 lie

also from Yale university. was associate professor of mathematics in i)bertin college; and in 1891-97 was proSince 1897 he lias fessor of i)liilosophy. lieen professor of theology and philosoi>liy in Ol»erlin seminary and college; and al>o Ho president of Oberlin etdlege since 1902. is the author of Outline of Krdmann s His-

tory of Philosophy; Outlines of the Mieroeosmus of Hermann T.otze; Reconstruction in Theology-; Personal and Ideal Klements in Kducation: Rational Living; I^etters to Siniday School Teachers; The Ljiws of Friendship, Human and Divine; and The Seeming Unreality of the Spiritual Life.


King, Henry Melville, clergyman, author, was born Sept. 3, 1838, in Oxford, iaine. In 18511-1901$ was pastor of the First Baptist ehureh of Providence, It.l. He is the author of Karly Baptists I)t ft-nded; Mary's Alabaster Box; Our Go-pels; The Mother liuich; The Baptism of Rogi-r Williams; The Messiah in the Psalms j and other (

works. King, Horatio, cabinet ofFicer, author, was born June 21, 1811, in Paris, Maine, lu 1834 he was appointed first assistant postn.aster-general am! in 1801 he was postmaster-general. He was the autnor of !»Ketches of Travel, or Twelve Months in Kurope; and Turning on the Light, a Review of iIk' .dministration of Buchanan. He <li»-d .May 20. 18S)7, in Washington, D.O, King, Horatio Collins, soldier, journalist, lawyii, aullior, composer, was born Dec. 22, 1837, in Portland. Maine. He .iia brevettod a colonel in the Lnited States volunteers;


and now practices law in >,iv York city, lie is the author of Ctuidc for Regimental Courts Martial; The Brooklyn Congregational Council; an<l The Plymouth Silver Wedding'.

King, Isaac Fenton, clergyman, traveler, historian, was bom May 8, 1834, in Muskingum county, Ohio. He received the rudiments of his education in the country schools, graduated from the grammar school of Zanesville. Ohio; una a»* <nded the Ohio Wesley;in university of l>ela are. He has filled numerous pastorates in the methodist episcopal church; for lourteen years was a presiding ciiier in the Ohio conference; and is now endowment agent of the Ohio Vvesl^an university. He has twice Ix'en a delegate to the gent-ral conference of his church; and traveled extensively on all the continents of the world, except Austra..a. he is a member ol the Ohio uelueological and historical society; and has written numerous valuable articles for the <^»uarterly of that society. King, J. Floyd, soldier, lawyer, congresaman. was born April 20, 1842, near St. -Mary's, Ua. He entered the confederate army; and served throughout the civil war, altaiiiinj,' the rank of c<»lont l. He was appointeil brigadier-general of militia in Louisiana. In 1879-87 he was a representative from Louisiana to the foit si.xth, fortyseventh, forty-eighth and forty-ninth congresses as a democrat. King, James, merchant, banker, congressman. wa> born Ma. 8, 1791, in Highwood, X. I. Hi> was a representative in congress from New .lersey in 1849-51. He died Oct. 3. l.S."«;5. in Highwood, N.J. King, James Oore, merchant, congressman, was Ixirn May S. 1791, in N«'w York city. In 1810 he graduated from Harvard college; and studied law at the Litchfield law school. He served in the war of 1812 as assistant adjutant-general. He was president of the New York and Erie railroad company. In 1841-48 he was preaident of

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