Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/442

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23* 1801, in

congrossinan. was bom in 18U3. He held several local offices in Indianapolis, Ind. In 1833-37 he was a represontative from Indiana to Uw twentythird and twenty-fourth congresses. Ue died Nov. 26, 1839. in Cincinnati, Ohio. Kinne, Aaron, clfifrynian. author, was boru in 1745, in Lisbon, Conn. He was ordained in 1770; and had charge oC a congregational churcli in (Jroton, f'»)nn. He IHtblished The Sonship of Christ ; A Display of Scripture Prc^iliccica; Explanation of the Typt's. Revelation, etcj «nd An Khsay on the New Heaven nnd Earth. He died Jnlf 9, 1824. in Talmadge, Ohio.

Kinoard, George


Kinne, La Vega George, lawyer, jurist, author, was born Nov. 5, 1846, in Hyncw^t N.Y. Tn 1860 he began the practice of law at Toledo, Iowa; and has been a candidate for United States senator, district attorney and circuit judge, in 1886-90 he was judge of the district court;



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judge of the supreme court.

In !H(M>




bar association.

many ed

was Iowa For


years he lecturlaw at the


Iowa state university; and at the coUc^e of law at n<'s Moines, Iowa. Ho is the aullu»i- of Kiniif's IMeadinga and Practice. He died in HMMI in Des Moines. lowm. Kinnersley, Ebenezer, electrician, educator, inventor, was born Nov. 30, 1711, in England. He was electrician an<l professor of English and natural philosophy in the college of Philadelphia in 1753-78. Tn 1757

he iriveiite<l an electrical thermometer; and that year was the first to prove that heat could be produced hj electricity. He died .hily 4, 177ft, in Pliiladelphia, Pa.

Kinney, Abbot, farmer, journiilist. scienautlior, was born Nov. lU, IH.'iO, in N^. He has been major in the California National guard has been chair-




oi the iilifornia state board of forestry; and special commisnioner to the Mission Indians. He is pant ((resident of the Soutlu-rn California academy of sciences; vice president of the AnuTicau forestry association for California: and vioe-presi<Ieiit of the water and forestry association of Los Angeles. He is president of three mercantile corporations; and president of (


one railroad company. Since 1900 he has been publisher and proprietor of the Los Angeles Saturday Post. He founded the city of Ocean, Cal., and in 1904 founded Venice of America in Tx»s Angeles county, Cal. He is the autlior of onquest of Death; Tasks by Twilight; Eucalyptus; and Forest and Water. Kinney, Clesson Selwyne, lawyer, author, was born Dec 5, 1850, in East Townsend, Ohio. He has become prominent in the profession of law in Salt Lake City, Utah; and is the author of Kinney on Irrigation. <

naney, CMtes, lawyer, author, poet, was Nov, 24. 1S2H. in P<nn Yan. N.Y. He was an Ohio lawyer and journalist. He was tile autlior of Keuka, and Other Poems; Lyrics of the Heal and Ideal; and Mists of hire anil Sonw Kdogs. The Rain Upon the


most familiar poem. He died Xenia, Ohio. Mrs. Elizabeth Clementine, author, poet, was born Dec. 18, 1810, in New York City. She was a poet of Newark, N..I.; Koof in








Italy in


She was

the author of Felicita; Poems; Bianca Capello; a I'ragedy. She died Nov. 19, 1889, in Summit, N.J. Kinney, I. P., lawyer, juriat. He was judge of one of the United States territorial courts sometime prior to 1884. Kinney, John Fitch, lawyer, jurist, oongressman,. was born April 2, 1816, in New Haven, N.Y. In 1847-54; and in 1864 was made chief asHociate justice of the supreme court of Utah territory. In 1867 he moved to Nebraslea territory; and in 1860-63 was again chief justice of Utah. He was a delegate from Utah to the thirty-eighth congress as a democrat. He died Aug. 16, 1902, in California.

Kinney, Jonathan Kendrick, soldier, lawyer, author, was born Oct. 26, 1843, in Boyalston. N't. He served in the volunteer army in the civil war; and at its close engaged in business in the west. He is the author of A Digest of the Decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States; and edited the Law of Railways.

Kinney, Margaret West, illustrator, artist, was born June 11. 1872, in Peoria, 111. She is the wife of Troy Kinney. She has illustrated For the White Christ Sampson Kock of Wall Street; Where the Trail Divides; and the Lodestar.

Kinney, Thomas Jefferson, soldier, was horn in New York, In 1802 he was colonel in the Diie hundred and nineteenth raiment Illinoi-< iiitiiiitry. and in 186."i was brevetted brigadier-general



He was

honorably mustered out in 1865. Kinney, Thomas Talmadge, journalist, banker, was born Aug. 12, 1821, in Newark, N.J. In 18S1-92 he was editor and proprie* tor of the Newark Daily Advertiser. He was one of the projectors of the Newarlc board of trade; and was a deleigste from


