Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/465

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friends who eral for four months; and luid secured hiH promotion to tliis rank were carrying his commission, when they met his He b<Miy being lx»rne from the hatth-fiehl. died Aug. 30. 1802, near (Jainesville, V'a. 20,

a presidential elector. In 1890-94 he was a member of the Indiana state senate; and in 1898 he was nominated as candidate of the democratic party for judge of the appellate court, but was defeated with the rest of the ticket. He has practiced law continuously in Crown Point, Ind. He is the author of



Konig, George, congressman, was born Jan. He is 1850, in Baltimore county, Md. the superintendent and general manager of the Baltimore pulverizing company, one of Raltimore's leading manufacturing enterprises. He has served two terms in the first branch of the city council of Baltimore. In Hni-15 he was a member of the sixtysecond and sixty tliird congresses. Koontz, William H., lawyer, congressman, was born July 15, 1830, in Somerset, I'a. In 18r>.'l lie was elected district attorney of Somerset county. Pa.; 180O was and in elected prothonotary


clerk of the courts of that county. In 1800 he was a delegate to the national convention at ('hicago. HI., which nomi-

nated Abraham Lincoln, and he was one of the first two delegates from Pennsylvania who cast their In 1805-09 he was a reprevote for him. sentative from Pennsylvania to the thirtyninth and fortieth congresses as a republican. He was a member of the house of repn^sentatives when the bill was before the house to pay seven million dollars for Alaska, and he voted for its purchase. In 190004 he was a member of the Pennsylvania house of representatives. He died July 4, 1911.

Konop, Thomas F., congressman, was horn Aug. 17. 1H7U. in Kewaunee county, Wis. Since 1904 he has practiced law; and has served three terms as district attorney of his munty. In 1011-15 he was a mendwr of the sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat.

Koopman, Augustus, painter, artist, was Ixirn in iStiO in Charlotte, .t'. He painted the Return of Shrim|>er8 for the St. Ix)uis exposition; and a collection of etchings in tln' New York public library.

Koopman, Harry Lyman,

librarian, author, 1H0(», in Krerport, 1, he has icvn a librarian of Brown university. In 1!UM(-0| he was presiiU'iit of the Massachusetts library club. He is the author «)f Orestes, and Otlier IVhmus; Woman's Will, with Other Piwrns; The .Mastery of B<H>ks; Morrow Songs; an<l At the JIafeH of the Century. poet.







Kopelke, Johannes, lawyer, author, was born .lunc 14. 1S.'>4. in (lermany. He rea thorough education in his native country; and received liis legal e<lucation at the university of Michigan. In 1870 he began the practice of law; and in 1884 was ceived

Summer Trip

to Europe.

Kopp, Arthur W., lawyer, congressman, was lH)rn Feb. 28. 1875, in Big Patch. Wis. He was educated in the common schools of (Jrant county; in 1895 graduated from the state normal school at Platteville, Wis.; taught school for three years; and in 1890 jTaduated from the law department of the university of Wisconsin. In 1900 began the practice of law at Platteville, Wis., and servwl as alderman of that city. For two terms he was city attorney; and for four years was district attorney of Urant county. In 1909-11 he was a representative from Wisconsin to the sixty-first congress as a republican.




congrosman, was born March

journalist, 1871, in


Madison, Ind. He attended St. .Joseph's college near KiTingham. HI.; and studied law in Indianapolis, Ind. For three years he

was a reporter and editor of the Madison Herald. In 1909-15 he was a representative from Indiana to the sixty-first, sixty-s»'c<»nd and sixty-third congresses as a democrat. Koren, John, statistician, author, was born March 3, 1801, in Decorah, Iowa. He has lived in Boston since 1884; and has been engaged in religious work for several years. In 1891 he was a special expert in the L nited States department of labor abroad nd in 1894-99 was in service of a commitII

t«H> of lifty to investigate the liquor problem. He is the author of Economic Aspect of the Liquor Problem; and The Liquor


in Its l/cgislative Aspects. Clara A., educator, composer, was Jan. 30, 1800, in fJermany. Since 1893 she has been connected with the National conservatory as one of the faculty; and in 1897 was in charge of counterpoint and fugue classes, the only woman holding such a position in any of the standard music sch<M>ls in .merica or Europe. Korndoerfer, Augustus, educator, author, was born Oct. 27, 1843, in Philadelphia, Pa. He was professor of clinical medicine in Hahnemann Medical college in 1806-81. He translated from (Jerman. and published in



America. Boenninghausen's Homtropathic Therapeia of Intermittent and other Fevers. II

work of grout value. Kornitzer, Joseph, surgeon,



1824, in Hungary. He is the author of PrfK-lamntion of the Redemption iKirn Oct. 27.

of the ciety:

S4»il as the Final Redemption of Soand Wealth and Progress.

Kortright, Frederic Lawrence, educator, chemist, was born June 10. 1807. in Middletown. N.Y. In 1892-99 he was an instructor in chemistry at Cornell university; in J900-
