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HERRINGSHAW S LIBRARY OF AMKHICAN uHnistaiit aiui associate professor of elieiiiistry; uiul since 191)7 has In-eii professor of eheniistry at the West irginia

07 was*


university, lie in an associate editor of Kngiiicer.



Kosciusko, Tbaddeus, soldier, was born in Pohind. In 1776 he was colonel of engineers; and in 1783 was hrevelted brigadier-

He died Oct. H». 1«17. Kost, Frederick W., painter, artist, was born in New York. In 19U7 he U'cnme a national academician. lie is a landscape painter; and has a studio in New Vi>rk city. Kost, John, physician, educator, founder, uutlior, was born in 1819 in Carlisle, Pa. For twenty years he was a professor in nn-*!ical colleges; was in the Methodist ministry for twenty years; and engagi-d in scientific He was the researches for twenty years. founder of the university of Florida; and became vice-president of the Michigan State Medical Association. He was the author of Domestic Medicine; Practice of Medicine; Materia Medica and Therapeutics and Medical Jurisprudence. He died in 1904 in


A<lrian, .Mich.

Kotthoff, Lawrence, musician, composer, was born Dec. 11, 1802. in tiermanv. He is a Bach specialist, a critic, and a successful teacher of St. Louis, Mo. He is the author of .*>cripto-Analysis of Music. Kotzschmar, Hermann, musician, composer, was born .luly 4, 1829, in tJerniany. He was org{inist at the first parish church for forty-seven years; and is at present organist of the State strts't church «>f Portland, Maine. He was the author of numerous vocal *iuartets. He P<»rtland, Mai»ie.

died April 20,



Kouns, Nathan Chapman, lawyer, author,

was was

Ixirn Dec. 17, IS:j;{, in Fulton, .Mo. He staitc librarian at JelTerson Cily in 1880-90. He was the author of two historical romances, Arius the Libyan; and Dorcas the Daughter of Faustina. He died Sej.t. 2. 1890, in .lelferson City. Mo.

Kountz, John S., soldier, wa» born March 1840, in Rich field. Ohio. He was engaged as :i drumm(>r l»oy in the civil war; but at the battle of Mission Ki<lge he threw way his drum, seized a musket ami was 2;i,


lege of


e<lucator an<l philologist of New He was the author of The Poles <-ity. the I'nited States; Significance of the .Mphiibet; and (Jlos.sology. He died May 7, 1800. in .Morrisania. N.Y.

He was an


Kram, Chester Harding, lawyer, jurist, lM»rn Sept. 13, 1840, in Alton. HI. In 1870 he was appointed judge for the eastern district of .Missouri; and in 1872-75 was appointe«l judge of the St. Louis circuit court. was

Kramer. Harold Morton, soldier, journallecturer. aiMlior, was born April 28, 1S73, in Frankfort, Ind. He received a thor-


ough education

in the puldic schools of his native city, graduatfrom the high ing school in 1891. Since 1900 he has edited the

This episiKle in the first assault. the subject of a immmu .Mrs. Kate H. Sherentitled The Drummer Boy of Mission Ridge. He has been connected with the (irand army of the republic since its org-aiiizatinn; and in 1884 was elected its commander-in-chief. He is engagi'd in the infturane«! and real-estate business in Toledo, Ohio. is




Kountze Brothers.

Jirard college of


1890 he t(»ok a special course in liotany at Itarnard c(dlege; and graduate<l from Columbia university in 189 J with the degree in 1890 he of Ph.B. received the degree of Ph.D. from a univerIn 1890 he was an insity in (.Jermany. •.tnictor in botany and pharmacognosy at the ( ollege of pharnuicy of the city of New York; and in 1890 became professor of botany, pharnnicognosy and materia medica at the school of pharmacy of the Northwestern university at Chicago,' III. In 1899-1903 he edited the American .Journal of Pharmacy. He is the author of Te.xt Book of Botany and Kraitsir, Charles, educator, philologist, auihor; was born dan. 23, 1804, in Hungary.


n»emlM>r of the firm of


Philadelphia; and in 1SS9 graduated from the IMiihitlelphia col-


Kountze, Augustus Frederick, banker of 141 Broadway. New York city, was l»orn March 4, 1870. in Omaha, Neb. He graduated from the Sheflield scientific seho<il, Yale university with the degree of Ph.B. since 1892 he has been engaged in the bankand is a ing business in New York city


Kozlay, Eugene A., soldier, was born in (iennaiiy. In 1801 he was colonel in the fiiiy-fonrth reginu-nt New York infantry; ami in 18(m he was brevetted brigadier-genHe was honorably museral of volunt«sTH. He died April 1, i883. tereil out in ISOO. Kraemer, Henry, educator, botanist, journalist, author, was lM)rn .July 22, 1808, in l'liilad«>1phia. Pa. In 188.1' he graduated

Frankfort Morning Times. He has lectured on The Invisible Bond Social Dent s t r y (Jeraniuras





In 1898 he was an ofHcer volunt<'er in



the Spanish-. ierican war.


is the author of Hearts and The Cross; (iayle I^mgford; The Castle of Dawn; and The Chrysalis. He is also a writer of short stories; and is a constant contributor to the press.
