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Kramer, George Washington, tltsigiwr,

nnliiU'ct, was born July 1>, 1S47; in Ash In 18ll8 73'i>e was t-ngagul in land, Ohio. bUHint'ss as an arciiiU'cl; and in 187i) lie opfnitl an ollici- «)f his own aiTount in Ashllf di>signi-d all tiie buildings land. Ohio,

tin* Ohio agrimUun<tf thf OhtM-lin college i'tdl»'g«>; and sevfial i-ourt houses and jail> llii'oiitjiioiit thp state ot Ohio.

Br»iv;,KAFH Y.

Krauskopf, Joseph, rabbi, lecturer, author, In 1883 a> lnMii Jan. 21. 18.'>8, in Prussia. graduated as rabbi from the Hebrew lu' and is college; union n«iw rabid of the congregation of Keneseth Israel of Thiladelphia,

He founded and l*a. the of is president National farm school

Kramer, John Wesley, clfigynian, author, was lK)i'n in IS:{2 in Maryland. He was an


The World's Wit and Humor, in ten volumes. Kranz, Henry Elton, educator, author, was born Oct. 14, I84!». in Sterling. Oliio. Since in(l2 he lias been superintendent of sehcxds fur Caluinet, .Mich. He is the author of Stuthes and Observations in the hichoid



Kraus, Edward Henry, educator, author, was born IX-c. 1. 1871. in .Syracuse, N.V. He HHH'ived his preparatory education in the public sch(M)|s of his native place; and in I8iH5 graduated from Syracuse university with the dcgrecH of R.S. and Ph.D. Since i!MM he has Iwen connected with tin' univerhity of Michigan: U'ing professor of mineralogy and pet ri>grai)liy and a director of tiie min«-ralogi4-al lab<»ratory. He is a fellow of the .Xnjerican assm-iation for the ailvaneement of science and a member of ihe (eologii-al society of America. In 190:11)4 was president of the Onondago academy of science; and in 1907-08 he was vice-presiih'ut of the .Michigan academy f)f science. He is (he author of Kssentials of Crystallog-



Lyda Farrington,

journalist, author, was iMirn in 18»»4 in the West Indies. She is the author of We Ten. or the .Story of the Roses; A l.«>vable Crank, or More L»-ave«* from the INwcs; Deriek ; A Little Tnrning >*i<l«': and Ingleside.

Kraus-Boelte, Maria, educator, author, was iHirn Nov. 8, 18;{tJ. in (Sermany. .She is the

Kraus xcminary

gartners of New Vork city. She thor of Kindergarten (Suide.

for kinderis

the au-







the was

president of the central conference of Ameri«>an raldiis; and is director-general of the He is the Isaac M. Wise memorial found. author of nineteen volumes of Sunday l^"cthe Oberof Impressions Rabbi's tures; A nmmergiiu Passion Play; The Jew.s and Mo»)rs in Spain; Hie Evolution of .ludaism; and Service Manual.

physician, Kraus, William Christopher, >urgron, was Ixirn Oct. 15, 180.J. in .Vttica, N.V. In 1898 he was president of the In 1891-92 .American micro.seopic society. was president of ihe Rutfalo microscopic club; an«l in 1897-98 was president of the Medi<'al association of central and western, He has Immmi associate inlitor of the N.^'. Itulfalo Medical .lournal; and is the author of a hundred papers on medical subj(>ct8 and tetlMM>ks on insanitv. He die<l in 1909 in



Kraut, Mary H., journalist, author, was Nov. 3. ls."»7. in Crawfonlxville. Ind. For ten years she was on the stalT of the Chicago Inter Ocean. She is the author of Hawaii anil the Revolution; Alice in the Hawaiian Islands; Two (J iris of China; and Ixtrn

Pict lU'cstpie



Krautbauer, In




was born dan.





Kramer, Wilbur Heath, public official of Franklin, St. .Mary's parish, La. For many years he has been prominently identifu'd with the business and public alfairs of his city, county and state. He has tilled several positions of trust and honor; and is now serving as clerk of Franklin. La. Krans, Horatio Sheafe, educator, author, was l«)rn Dec. fl, 1S72, in lloston, Mass. In 1890-1902 he was instructor in English litHe erature at the university (»f NWunter. is the author of Irish Life in Irish Fiction; and William Hutler Yeats and the Irinli Literary Reviver. He was assm-iate editor



|)ublica.Jewish the tion swiety of AmerHe served as ica. relief comnational

Urooklyn. N.V.




lie episeopal clergynuin ol Brooklyn, N.Y. was the author of Mindfil of llini; .Manual for Visiting the I'oor; Coninientary on the Cateehisni; The Right Road; and I liureh ( (Mnfortablf Thoughts, lie died in 18".»8 in


Xavier, 12,

wjis consecrated


1824, in Hatavia.



of (Jreeii Ray. Wis.

Krauth, Charles Philip, clergyman, college president. va> Ihmii .May 7, 1797. in Montgonn-ry county. Pa. In 1834 he Iwcame president of Pennsylvania college. He die<l ..lay .'<o. lHi;7. in Oettysbnrg. Pa.

Krauth, Charles Porterfield. clergyman, educator, author, was born .March 17, 1823. He was professor of in .Martinsbnrg. "a. moral science in the university of Pennsylaiiia in 1808-83. He was me author of The Consi-rvative Reformation and its Thei.logy The I'.vaiigelical .Mass and the RoMa«*s; Sketch of the Thirty ^ears' iiiisli War; Chri-tian Liberty; Infant Baptism and Salvati«»n in the Calvinistic System; and ( lironieal of the Augslmrg Confession. He died Ian. 2. 1883. in Philadelphia. Pa.

Krebs, Jacob, congressman, was born in