Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/468

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In 1825 27 lu- was a rpprePennsylvania. MMitative from IVniisyhaniii to the nineHe died in Urwigsburg, tiH-nth congress.




Krebs, John Michael, lU-rgyman, author,


He was York


1804, in Hagerstown, Md. |»n*shyterian clergyman of NewHe was the author of Righteous-






ness and Natiimal Prosjwrity ; The American Citizen; Private. L>omestic and Social Life of Jesus; and The Presbyterian P-^almist. He died S«'pt. 30, 18G7,' in New York city.

krebs, Stanley Le Fevre, clergyman, lecturer, author, was horn Keh. 14, 1S»>4, in Wayiu^sboro, Pa. Since 18l>9 has been a lecturer in lyceum and chautauqua courses; is now on tiie editorial staff of the Business Philosopher; and is also ollicial lecturer of Ho is the Sheldon school of Chicago, 111. the author of Poverty's Factory; The Psychology of Fear and Worry; and the Law of Sngsjestion.

Krebs, Theodore Luther, musician, comwas boni Aur. 3, 1860, in Brocikfield, Ohio. He is the author of a Treatise on Theory aiul a Hiojiraphy of Beethoven. Krehbiel, Henry Edward, musical critic, author, was born March 10, 1854, in Ann Arbor, Mi« h, Since 1880 he has been musical critic on the staff of the New York Tribune. He is the author of Notes on the Cultivation «if Choral Music; Keview of the New York .Musital .Seasons; Studies in the Wagnerian Dninia How to Listen to Music; and poser,

Music and Manners in the Classical period. Kreider, Aaron S., Cnited State's congrcssmnii. WHS born June 26, 1863. in Lebanon county. Ph.



a successful shoe

was a member of


soldier, lawyer, jurist,


tun-r. In 11H3-15 he Hixly-thinl congress.

krekeL Arnold,


born Marrli 12, IS 15. in (Jermany. In 1852 lie became a member of the .Missouri legislature. He served durinc the civil war as colonel of a reginumt of Missouri volunteers. In 18tl5-S8 he was I'nited States district jndpe for the western district of Missouri; and resi<led in .lefTerson City, Mo. He died July 15. ISSS. in Kansas City, Mo.

Kremer, George, congressnum. was born In 1775. in Ihuiphin ct>unty. Pa. In 1823-29 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to tlte eiiUileeutlL, aiutitecuUk und twentieth con>:n»sses.


died Sept. II, 1854. in Union

county. Pa.

Kremers, Edward, educator, journalist, author, was born Feb. 23. 1865. in Milwaukee, Wis. He is director of tiie course in pharmacy at the university of Wisconsin. For sixteen years he was eilitor of the Pharmaceutical Review. He is the translator of


Volatile Oils.

Kress, John Alexander, soldier, was born In 18584. 183!>. ill Tio;:a county. Pa. he attended the I'nited States Militarj' academy at West Point: in 1861 h«^ became first lieutenant of the twenty-fifth regiment






volunteer infantry; in

1862 was

major of the ninety-fourth regitlie same year bwame lieutenant-

He served all grades in the Unite<l States army and in 1903 was retired as brigadier-general an<l resides in St. Louis,

Mo. George Washington, soldier, educator, lawyer, was born Aug. II, 1844, Kretsenger,

in <Jhio. .t the outbreak of the civil war he enlisted in the seventh regiment Missouri cavalry and served throughout the civil war. He taught for two years at the Keokuk classical s<1mm>I of Iowa. He was admitted to pni('ti<-e law at Kno.ville. III. In 1876 he was appointed general counsel of the Chicago and Iowa railway. Kreyer, Frederick, musician, composer, was born Feb. 4, 1854, in (iermany. lie is a successful teacher of piano and band instruments in Mani|Uoketa, Iowa. He is the author of the overture Friendship; the waltz Dreams of Home; and other comiKtsitions. Krez, Conrad, scddier, was born in (Jermany. In 1863 he waa colonel in the twentyseventh regiment Wisconsin infantr>'; and in 1865 was brevet ted brigadier-general of volunteers. He was honorablv mustered out in


Kiibbs, George F., journalist, lawyer, congressman, was iKirn Nov. 8, 1846, in Clarion, Pa. He attended the country schools and worked on his father's farm until he attained his tnaj«»rity. In 1876 he graduatcHl from


college at

Allentown. Pa.; studand in 1875 ie<l law was admitted to practice. In 1877-89 he edited the Clarion Demoi-rat; and since then has been engaged in the practice of law. In 1891-95 he was a representative from Pennsylvania to the fiftysecond and fihy-third c-oiigresses as a democrat. For several years he was a resident of Nan-oossee. Fla. and has n>sumi><l the practice of law at Clarion. Pa. Krider, Henry, farmer, stock raiser, public oflirial. was born .pril 14. 1843, in I^mcaster. Pa. He was edunited in the public and private schools of Pennsylvania. He is a successful farmer and stock raiser of Anantl has been county treasurer; tlioiiy, Kan. and became «'oun(y cimimissioner for Har|)er county. Kan.

Kriegh, Luther

was bom


county. .Md.

Hammer, ranchman, jurist, 28.

He was




educated at Ilillsboro

Montgomery county. 111. He has always been a ranehman and for over sixty college of

He has been years has been in the saddle. postmaster an<l treasurer of .lohn.son City, and Kan. a member of the school board prominently identified with the business and
