Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/472

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IIKKKINc:SHAV8 LIHRA^.Y OF AMERICAN niOGHAl'lIY. asHuciation. Hr is now making Htudies and invi'sti^ations in tlu> Mi«>ilic-al iMttany and insect fauna of Arizona at IMioi-iiix. He is tin- originator of tlu* Arizona cactus farm, an'l exporter of caeti to the botanical gardens of the world. He is the autlior of Monographs of Many Species of Cactus; Cardinal I'oints in the Study of Medical H«»tany: ( iertnination and N'itality of Seeds;

and otiier works. Kurtz, Benjamin, clergyman, author, was lie was a Uorn in 17!>."» in Pennsylvania. lutheran elergynuui; and for nearly thirty years the editor of The Lutheran Observer. He was lie author of Lutheran I'rayerIJook Vcar H<M)k of the Heforniat ion Why Faith. H«>pe and Are YfMi a Lutheran? Charity: and The<dogicaI Sketeh !lo«»k. He died Dee. I'.K lS(i. in Baltimore. Md. Kurtz, J. Ellis, physician, surgeon, was born Oct. I'.i, l.s.)S. in Juniata c«»unty. Pa. He r(H".'iveil the rudiments ot his e<lueation in the |iublie sehiM>ls of Heading, Pa.; and in IST'i gniduati'*! from the high school of I








<our»e at Trinity college of Connecticut, receiving the di'grees of .A.H. and A.M. He studieil medicine with his father. Dr. Samuel L. Kurtz and in IH80 graduated from the ,lefrerH<»n medical <H)||ege of Philadelphia, Pa. He has attained success in his profession at Heading, Pa.; and makes a specialty in the treatment of the ear. eye. nose and

throat. He is a member of the leading metliassociations; and is a contributor to


medical literatur*>. Kurtz, John D., soldier, was born about 1822 in District of Columbia. He serve<l


as assistant t(» the chief engineer in Washington: and then on harlMir works in New Kngland till the civil war. H«' was pnunoted major in I8(!.'{. brevet lieutenant-colonel and brevet colonel in ISfi.!, and lieutenant colonel in mu. In 1884 8.1 he was commander in ehief of the graiid army of the republic. He died Oct. (, 1877, in (Jeorgetown. D.C. Kurtz, John Daniel, founder, was born in I7<).i in (Jermantown, Pa. He was one of till' founders of the general synod; a ilireetor in the theologic;il si-niinary; an<l pronnnently connected with all the Is-nevolent in8litiilio«s of the Lutheran church, lie died .June .'to. 18.'tli. in llaltiniore. .Md. I8."»'i



Kurtz, Theodore M., coal mine operator ami statesman of Puiixsutawney. Pa., was iKirn

Feb. 27. 18158. in .lackson county. Pa.

was educated at Waym-sburg college. He was formerly one of the publishers of Pnnx sutawney Spirit and is now i-ngage<l jis a etial mine <»i>erator. Since 10(18 he has been I'e

'"emlMT of th" Pentisylvania state S4>nate. Kurtz, William H., congressman, was born In |8,"»| in York. Pa. he was a repreM'ntativ*' froM) Pennsylvania to the thirty-





and thirty-third




Kustermann, Gustav, merchant, congress-

man, was Since




he has


1850, in (Jern>any. resided in (Jreen Ray, 24,

Wis., and for thirty years wa.s engaged in In 1802-06 he was the mercantile Imsincss. postmaster of (Jreen Hay. Wis.; and in HMH1>7 was a mi>mb< r of the state board of control, being president of that iMnly for the In 1907-11 he was a last three years. represi-ntative from Wisconsin to the sixtieth and sixty lirst congresses as a republican. Kutz, George Fink, naval onSccr, was born •Inm. 14. ls:{.'i. in Wilkesbarre, Pa. In 18.'>() be was appoint"d third assistant engineer; and in |8(W lM>came chief engineer in the In 1806 he was I nited States naval service. retir«>d after forty years of service and was advanced to the rank of rear admiral.

Kuykendall, Andrew


state senattir. congressman,

soldier, lawyer, lM»rn March


Callatin county. 111. In 1842-40 he was a memlMT of the Illinois b'gislature and was in the state senate in 1850-62. He (•nliste<l in the Thirty-first reginient of Illinois infantry as a volunteer in 1861, was In elected major, ami served until 1802. i805-»>7 he was a representative from Illinois t<» the thirty-ninth ctMigrcss as a republican. He died in Illinois. •A.



Kuypers, Gerardus was bi>rn Dec.


Arentse, 10.


1700, in the


In 1780 1833 he had charge of a church at New York city. In 1700 he was jippointed a teacher of Hebrew. He was the author of Disi-ourses on the Heidelberg He died .Tune 28. 18.33, in New Cate< liisrn. Indies.

York city. Kyan, John


manufacturer, was born

He was the first to inin 177.'> in F.ngland. troduce a chemical process for the preservation of w<M)d. This nu-thod was named kyaHe died .fan. 9. 1850, in New York nizing. city.

Kyle, D. Braden, physician, bacteriologist, author. He is a consulting laryngologist at He St. .gnes hospital of Philadelphia. Pa. is the author «)f Diseases of the Nose and Throat. Kyle, John Curtis, lawyer, state senator, congressman, was born July 17. 1851. in He attended Hethel c<dlege; .'^ardis. .Miss. and in 1874 graduated from Cumberland university with the He degree of LL.B. Iw'gan the practii-*- of law in .Mississippi. In 1870 he was mayor of Sardis. Mass.; and in 1881 he was eiei'ted to the Mississippi


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^I^HH^Pl^m^l man





democratic executive comIn 1801-07 he was a representative

of Ihe state

nuttee. from Mississippi



