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466 tliird



tifty-fourth congresses as a



James Henderson, educator,


engineer, clergj'nian, L nited SUites senator, was born Feb. 24, 1854, near Xenia, Ohio. He was engaged for several years in educational and ministerial work in Utah and South Dakota. He was elected. to the state senate as an independent in 1890; and in 1891-1901 he was United State senator. He died July 1. 1901. in Tacoma Park, S.D. Kyle, John Johnson, educator, soldier, physician, author, was bom May 27, 1869, in Aurora, Ind. In 1890 he graduated from the Miami medical college of ('incinnati, Ohio, with the degree of M.D. In 1892 he began the practice of medicine at Clarion, Ind. In 1898 he Iwcame major and surgeon in the one hundred and sixtieth reginjent Indiana volunteer infantry in the

Spani R h-.American war. In 1898 99 he Rcrved in the United States and in Cuba; was in the first brigade of the second division of the first army corps, and for four months was acting briga<le surgeon. In 1899 he located in Indianapolis. Ind.. in the practice of minlicine, making a specialty of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Since 1900 has been professor of diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat at the Indiana university school of medicine. He is staff surgeon to the city liospital and to St. Vincent's hospital. He was appointed a member of the medical reserve corps of the I nited States army with the rank of first lieutenant. He is the author of Compend of Diseases of the Ear. Nose and Throat; and Manual of Diseases of the Ear, Nose and Throat. Kyle,

Thomas Barton, lawyer,


man, was born March 10, 18.'»fi. in Troy, He was educated in the public schools of Troy; and at Dartmouth college. In 1884 he was admitted to the practice of law; an«l in 1890 was elect«*d prosecuting attorney of Miami county. He was president of Ohio.

the iKianl of education of Troy, Ohio. In !901-0,i he was a representative from Ohio to the fifty-seventh and fifty «'ighth congresses as a republican.

Labagh, Isaac P., clerg>'man, author, was lH)rn Aug. 14. 1804. in I^»"eds. N.Y. He was an episcopal clergyman of Iowa, but formerly a clergyman of the Dutch reformed faith. He was the author of Oreat Fvents of UnfuUilied Prophecy; The Oreat Events that are Coming: The Two Witnesses. Moses nnd Elijah: an<l Theoklesia. He died Dec. 29. 1879. in Fairfield, Iowa.

Labagh, Peter, clergyman, founder, was born in 1773, in

New York




ized the church of Salt River, Ky. He was pastor in (Jreenbush, Shannock and Harlingen, Ky. He contributed largely to securing the endowment of the theological




him was published


A. Todd.

Hrunswick. A memoir of in 1860 bv the Key. John

died in



New York


Labaree, Benjamin, educator, college president, lecturer, was born .June 3, 1801, in Charlestown. N.H. In 1832-36 he was professor of latin and Greek in Jackson college of Columbia, Tenn.; and president of the same in 1836-37. He was president of Midu.ebury college in 1840-66; and lecturer on moral philosophy and international law in Dartmouth college, in 1871-76. He died Nov. 1.5. 1883, in Waljiole, N.H.

Labauve, Zenon, lawyer,


In 1865-

lie was an associate justice of the supreme court of I^uisiana. He died in Ix>ui-



Labberton, Robert Henlopen, litterateur,

She author, was Inirn in 1812 in Franw. was a historical writer of Philadelphia and New York city. She was the author of Outlines of History; and New Historical Atlas and (Jeneral History. .She died in 1898 in

New York


Lablanche, Alcee, congressman, was born Louisiana. In 1843-45 he was a representative to the twenty-eighth congress. He died in Louisiana. La Borde, Maximilian, educator, author, in



.lune 5,





He was professor in the university of South Carolina in 1842-73. He was the author of Introduction to Physiologj'; Story of Lethea and Verona; and Historj' of South Carolina College. S.C.



d'u^ Nov.


1873, in Columbia,

Edward Samuel, banker,


man, was born Nov. 20, 1835, in Chili. N.Y. i.e moved to Michigan: was elected register of deeds in 1800, and re-elected in S(i2. He was a trustee of the state insane asylum in 1874-80. In 1881-85 he was a representative from Michigan to the forty-seventh and forty-eighth congresses as a republican.


subsequently became president of the National bank of Charlotte. Mich.: and since 1892 has been presi«lent Bankers' national bank of Chicago. Lacey, John, soldier, jurist, state legislator, was born Feb. 4, 1755, in Bucks county. Pa. He was made a brigadier general of militia in 1778: and performe<l arduous services during the British occupation of Philadelphia. He was a member of the lennsylvania assembly in 1778; and in 1779-81 of the council. He afterward removed to New Mills, N..T.. and was a judge

and a member of the

legislature. He died New Mills, N.J. Lacey, John Wesley, soldier, lawyer, jurist, was born Oct. 13. 1848. in Randolph county. Ind. He enlisted in the union army at the breaking out of the civil war, serv-

Feb. 17. 1814. in

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