Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/477

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He Ix-queathed to I>r>Iuu(l iiUHlical liOHpital. the uiiiver»ity of Michigan the FordMesser fund of twenty thousand doliars as u perp«-tual t'lidowmrnt of Ihi' gt-noral library, lie dii'd April 14, 1894, in Aun Arbor, Mich.

Lagan, Matthew turer, congrewinan.


merdiant, manufae*

was born Juno

20, 1829,

in Ireland. In 1887-8U and 18Ul ua he was a repreaentatlve to the fiftieth and fifty* gt'ooiii!







Lagen, Mrs. Mary Uuneker, journalist, author, was bom in Philadelphia, Pa. She is ihv f'flitnr of tlio woman's m<it- of the She is pirt author Philadt'lpiiiii Inquirer. of Daphn«> and Her Lad.

Lagow, Clark B., sohlior. wn-^ horn in Illinois. In 1801 he was lirsl licuii iianl in the twenty-first regiment Illinois infantry; and in




brigadi«T-pi«ncral of

He di<'«l .pril 12, 1807. Lahee, Henry Charles, founder, author, was burn .Tuly 2, 18aG, in London, England. volunt«'frs.

1-90 ho' was sccrotary of the New Engconservatory of music at Boston, and in 1899 established a musical agoncy in Boston, Mass. He is the author of Famous Sin^ors of Yostt rday and T(nla y v.rand Opera in America; and The Organ and Its Masters.

Lahm, Samuel, lawyer, stato sonator, c(»ngresaman, was born April 22, 1812, in Leitersburg, Md. In 1835 he moved to Indiana and studied law. and then settled iti 'Miio. In 1837 he wa« elected master in chancery. In 1838-40 was prosecuting attorney; and in 1842 was a member of the Indiana state senate. In 1844 lie was a delogate to the national democratic convention at Haitimore. Md.; and was elected brigadier-penIn 1847-49 he was a eral in tlu- militia. representative from Indiana to the thirtieth











Laidlaw, Alexander Hamilton, artist, physician, surgeon, author, was born duly 11, Since 1856 he has been 1828, in Scotland. in the practice of medicine; but has now retired from active practice. In 1H.">2»50 he was the principal of a grammar school in Philadelphia, Pa. He is the author of ProiKiiincing Dictionary "f th." .iniTi<aii English Language; Curability of Consumption; and Soldiers Songs and Love Bongs.

Laidlaw, Alexander Hamilton; playwright, author, was bom July 7, 180U. in .lerscy City, N«T. He is the author of The Charms Phyllis, an npora Purga«)f Music, a play; tory, a story; and llow She Married Him

and Other


Laidlaw, Walter, clergyman, college presi* denl,


He was







the founder and in 1888-00 president of the Wnicrvlcit ovangoliral alliance; and has tili«l pastorates in the presbyterian church. In 1802-92 he was president of the university of Fairhaven. W.n-li. Ho editor of Federation; and is cNeeiitive secretary of the Federation of churches and christian organization in New Yoric city.

Laidlaw, William G., naval officer, lawyer, congressman, was born Jan. 1, 184U, in Scotland. He servetl two years in the L nite«l In 1872States navy .luring the civil war. was district attorney of Cattaraugus 78 ho ci>unty, X.V. In 1887-91 he was a repre.sontativo from New York to the fiftieth and ilfty-lirst congresses as a republican; and resumed the practice of law at Eliieottville, X.Y.

Laidley, Theodore Thaddeds Sobieski,


born April 14, 1822, in (iuyandotte, Va. In 1842-40 he served as assistant in various arsenals, and then in the war with Mexico. In IS.)8 he was a--igiied the duly of compiling a new ordnance manual, which became known as the '^Ordnance Manual of ISfil"


and remained a standard for many lie became colonel in 1875. He invented several valuable appliances that are now used in the department, including an igniter, a laboratory forge, an artillery forge, and a cavalry forge. He was the author of Instructions in Rifin Practice. He died April 4, 1886, in Palatka, Fla.

Laidlie, Archibald, clergyman, was bom Dec. 4. 1727, in Scotland. He was the first minister that was called to preach in English in connection with the Reformed Dutch church. He trnn^Ialed the Heiilelliertr eatecbism into English for the use of bis church. He died Nov. 14, 1770, In Red Hook. N.Y.

Laighton, Albert, banker, poet, was born Jan. 8» 1820. in Portsmouth, N.H. Be was a banker of Portsmouth, N.H. He was the author of Poems, a collection of quiet, thoughtful poetry published in 1878. He died Feb. 6, 1887. In Portsmouth. N.H.

Laing, John B., archbishop. In 1886 he became Roman catholic archbishop of Santa Fe, Ariz. Laird, James, soldier, lawyer, congressman, was bom June 20, 1840, in Fowlerville, N.T. He was edncated at Adrian college and

Hp moved at the univirsify of Michicnn. to Michijiaii ami served in the union army from 1802 fo the close of the civil war. lie in the practice of settled at Haslitiu^. Neb law; and in 187.J was a member of the Nebraska constitutional convent i<>n. Tn 1883« 89 he was a representative from Nebraska to the forty-eiphth. forty-ninth and fiftieth eonpresses as a republican. He died Aug. 18. 188!). in HastinRR, Neb. Laird, Samuel, clergyman, was bom Feb. 7, I8.3.'5. in New Cnstle county. Del. In 1852 he graduates! from the central high school of Philadelphia. Pa. : in 18S5 gradnatpd from

it il

lias re the university of Pennsyl' nii ceived the degrees of A.B., A.M. and D.D. Tn 1881-64 he was pastor of St. Luke's chunli of Lnncnster. Pa.: in 1867-70 was the pastor of the first English Lutheran church of PittshuTRh. Pa. ; in 1870-7* he was secretnry of the ;:en.-ira1 council of the Lutheran ministeriuin of Philadelphia. Since 1895 he has been treasurer of the Lutheran theological aeminaiy of Philadelphia, Pa. He ia