Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/478

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HKRKINGSHAW S LIBRARY OF AMERICAN of the board of home missions of the general council. la 1901 he was a delepite to the international ronferaice of hatherans held in Su dcn and in iv trustf** of the Geruiau hos]>ital of I'liiladelphia, I'a. pr>'<iilfMit


Washington Robert, clorgyman, anwns born April 22, IH-jo, in Danville, SiDce 1892 be baa been pastor of

Laird, tlior.


the ter.





of Wi'st (Mu'slie is the au-

Addrt'ssea uu Moral Ueapoosibility of NaKeswick and tions: Nnrthfu'ld ns Knctors



of the Tenth We h a t raying Owe-; and History of




Cbnirvh of


West Ches-

ter, Pa., illustrated.

Lake^ Everett John, nierchant, statehinan, was born Vvh. 8, 1871. in Woodstock, Conn. He is president uud treasurer of the Hartford liiud>.r eompauy of Hertford. Conn.; president of the Tunnel coal company; and a director of the Hartford national bank and of (he Hartford life insurance company. In lU0;i-U4 he was a representative in the Connecticut state legislature; in 1905-06 was a and in IHOT tnember of the state seuatf became lieutenant governor of the state of

Connecticut. iuy^ r. state senator, Lake, William A., conj^reHsman. He served iu the state legislatnre of Maryland. He moved to Missisl


el«'«-ted to the statp senate. he was ii representative from to the thirty-fourth congress. He died in Mississippi. Lakes, Arthur, jonnmlist, author, was burn Dec. 21, 1844, in Kni:land. He is ansistant western editor of Mines and Minerals of Denver. Colo. Hi- is liic author of Getdosy of Colorado and Western Ore Dcpusits I'rospiv tint' for tlolil and Silver iu North







and Geology of Colorado Coal De-


Lakey, Emily Jane, artist, was Iwrn June 22, 1837. ui guincy, N.Y. She exhibited her work first in ChicaRo; and in 1873 at the national academy of design. Her best known .

paintings are Leader of the Herd; Anxious Mother; and Right of Way. She died Oct, 24. inOtJ. in Cranford. X..I. Lalor, Teresa, mother superior, was born In 176li ill Ireland. In 1799 she opened a school in Georgetown, D.C Tbla school was the beginning of what is today the oldest Roman catholic female aiad'Hiy wiihlii tlie Shv limits of Che thirteen original states. died in 1946 in Georgetown, D.C. Lamar, Gazaway B., banker, was born in For several years presi1798 in Georgia. dent of the Bank of the Rq^iiUac of New York dty. In andeipation of the dvil war in


lie was a representative from Georgia the twenty-tirst and twenty-aecond con* He died in Georgia.






thor of Sermons and



the winter of ISiJO-Ol, ho shipped large quantities u£ arms to Georgia. He also acted as financial agent of the Confederacy, and in tiiat c!i{>acity pro<ured the printing? of its notes and bonds in New i'ork. He died Oct. 6, 1874, in New York city. Lamar, Henry G., lawyer, jurist, conjjn-ss* man. was tioru in Georgia. He beuaii the practice of law at Maoon, Ga. ; and was a judge of the slate superior eotirt. In 1H29-

Lamar, James Sanford, clergyman, author, was born May 18, 1829, in Gwinett county, Ga. Since 1854 he has been a clergy-man; and now fills a pastorate In Turnersville,

He is the aullior of First Princijiles and and Memoirs of Isaac Krictts. Lamar, Joseph Rucker, lawyer, legittlator, jurist, was bom in 1857 in Buckervville, Ga. In 1880-89 he was a repreaentatlTe in the Georgia state legislature. In 1903 he was ass<>ciat<> justice of the state supreme court (la.


of Georgia.

Lamar, Liidnt Qntatni CliidBjuitiii, law* jurist, was born July 15. 1797, near Eaionton, Ga. In 1830 he was elected judge of the superior court of Georgia. He died .luly 4. 1S:!4, in Milledgeville, Ga. yer.

Lamar, Lucius Quintus Cincinnatui»


lawyer, jurist, congressman, was bom 182">. in I'utnam county, Ga. In 1, 1845 he graduated from Emory college of Georgia; and in 1847 was admitted to the practice of law. In 1849 he wa.s professor of mathematics at the university of Mississippi,* and in 1858 was a member of the Mississippi Ie:;islat lire. In 1857-01 and 1873-77 he was a representative from Mississippi to the thirty-fifth, thirty-alxth,. forty-third and He was a member forty-fourth c-on^resses. of the secession convention of Mississippi. He served in the confederate army as lieutenantcolnnel and colonel. In 1863 he entered the tlipltiinatic service of the confederacy, and vas sent ou a special mission to Russia. In l8Uti-07 he was professor of political economy and social science at the university of In 1877-85 he was a member Mississippi. of the United States senate from Mississippi; and in 1887 was secretary of the interior. In 1888 he was oppoiiited associate justice of the United States supreme court, lie died Jan. 23, 1893, in Vineville, Ga. Lamar, Robert, educator, lawyer, congressman, was born March 28, 18011, in Edgar He taught school for several Springs, Mo. years; and in 1HS9 lie was principal of Lickins academy. In 1890-94 he was prosecutand infi attorney of Texas county, Mo.; Ninee 1891) has practiced law in Houston. .Mo. in 1903 05 and 1009-11 he was a representative fiwn Mlsaonri to the fifty-eighth, sixtieth and sixty-first congresses as a demdier,



Lamar, Mirabaan Bonaparte,



chant, journalist, statesman, author, poet.


