Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/481

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Since 1894 he has iH'cn editor-in-chief New York Freeman's Journal. He author of Thesaurus Biblieus, or Iland-Book of Scri|)ture Reference; and .otes on Ingersoll. Lambert, Mrs. Mary Eliza, author, poet, was Imrn in 1838 in Alabama. She is a writer of Philadelphia. She is the author of Poems; Loew's Bridge, a Broadway Idyl;

Va. of

the the


Life of Mark Pomeroy. Lambert, Thomas Scott, physician, lecwas born in 1819 in Massalectured extensively on medical and educational themes. He was the author of Human Biology Practical Anatomy and Physiology; and Hygienic Physiluid

Pa. He was in the civil war and attainetl the rank of captain. He was twice citv surveyor of New Jersev; and was treasurer (»f the Mexican National railMe was the author of a Treati>e on W4iy. the .MetalliiigA- of Copper; Mexican Paint-

Chester county.

Painters; and other works. Lamborn, Samuel, business man, genealoauthor, was born April 30, 18(il, in Chester county. Pa. He was educated in the public schools and ing and


turer, author, chusetts. He

academiisi of Pennsylvania. For many years he has been engage*!


lie diitl in

Lamberton, Benjamin

Pefier, naval officer,

was born Feb. 25, 1844. in ('umberland county. Pa. In the famous battle of Manila bay he served aboard the fiagsliip Olympia as chief of staff to Commodore Hewey and was promoted to the rank of captain in 1898. Wlien Captain Grldley was invalided


home, Lamberton succeedecl to command of his flagship; and he accompanied Admiral Dewey in the Olympia on her return t<» the United States. his

Lamberton, John Porter, educator, historiauthor, was born ()ct. 22, 1839, in


Philadelphia, Pa. In 1K59-8U he taught in schools and academies and since 1880 has been engaged in literary work at Philadelphia, Pa. He is the editor and principal writer of Historic Characters and Famous Kvenis; and was associate of Literature of He is the author of Literature All .Vges. of the Nineteenth Century English Literaand associate ture, a Sketch of its History editor of the American Supplement to the Kncy<-topaMlia Britannica. Lamberton, Robert Alexander, educator, college i>resident, was bom April 2(1, 1824. in Carlisle, Pa. In 1880 he was elected president of the Lehigh university of Pennsylvania. He «lied Sept. 1. 1893. in Pennsylvania. Lamberton, William Alexander, educator, mathematician, author, was born Nov. 2U. 1848, in Philadelphia. Pa. He has been instructor of mathematics in the university of Pennsylvania for many years and since 1888 has bet'ii professor of (Jreck language

literature in that institution. He e(lite<l the sixth and seventh books of Thu«-ydides in Hnriii'r's Classiral Series.


Lambing, Andrew Arnold, clergyman, auwas bom Feb. 1, 1842. in Manorville.


He has filled pastorates in the Roman Pa. catholic churches of Pittsburgh. Pa. He is the author of The Sunday School Teacher'ti Manual: The Orphan's Friend; The Sacramental of the Holy Catholic Church; History of



County, Pa.; and other works. Taylor, poet. She is a Minn.; and the author


writer of St. Paul.

Book of Sonnets. Lamborn, Robert Henry, soldier, civil enwas born Oct. 29, 1835, in

of a volume entitli-d

gineer, author,

prominently identiwith the business



lithographing ami


printing business in Philadelphia. Pa. ; and


and public liis city and has always

alTairs state.





genealogihas con-


cal work ; and triliuted extensively to genealogical





publications. He is the author of of the Lainl)urn Family; and

The (Jenealogy other works.

Lamison, Charles N., soldier, lawyer, congressman, was iKirn in 1820 in Columbia county. Pa. For five years he was prosecuting attorney lor Allen county, Ohio. He raised a company in 18(11 and entertnl the army as captain in the twentieth volunteers; and was afterwards major of tlic eighty-first volunteer infantry. In 1871-75 he was a repre.s<'ntative from Ohio to the forty secoiid

and forfv-third congresses as a deipocrat. lb-

died April 24. 1890, in Ohio.

Lamm, Emile, soldier, inventor, was born Nov. 24, 1834, in France. He served in the c«uifederate army. In 1809 he devised an aniinoniacal fireless engine for the propulsion of street cars. The system has lx*en in(roiliiced in France and (Jermany, where it has l>een improved and perfected. He difcl .Inly 12, 1873, near Mandeville, La. Lamm, Henry,

lawyer, jurist,

was born

Dec. 3, 1S43. in Hurbaiik, Ohio. He editi'^l Mie Cniversity Chronicle while at college; an«l has taught school. In 1884-88 he was prosecuting attorney of Pettis county. Mo. Since 1905 he has b«»en justice of the supreme court of Missouri. Hill, lawyer, author. He law partner of Abraham Lincoln; was author of Hecollections of Abraham Linciiln-. and Life of .Abraham Lincoln. Lamont, Daniel Scott, railroad president, cabinet oflicer, was born Feb, 9, 1865, in 1 oitlandville, N.Y. In 1883 he was private secretary to the governor of New York; nn<l

Lamon, Ward

Wiis a llie

1SS5-89 acted in the same capacity to the president of the United Slates. In 1803 97 He was vice-presilie was secretary of war. dent of the Northern pacific railway company. He died .Fuly 23, 1905, in New Y'ork ill
