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Lane, Albert Grannis, fducator, was born 1841, in C'hicafio, 111. For eU'veii years lie was principal of the Cliicago Franklin school; county superinttMuient of Hi-hools for eighteen years; and for over twenty years was superintendent of the Chicago



land, Ohio.

Michigan; and special lecturer on economic geology at the university of Michigan. He was president of the Michigan academy of science; vice-president of the Michigan engineering society; and has filled numerous other positions of trust and honor. He is the author of several volumes of the rcportH on the (;«'<>U)gical Survey of Michigan and the United States (Jeological Survey. Since 1889 he has been state geologist of Michigan. Lane, Amos, lawyer, legislator, congressman, was b<»rn March 1, 1778, near Aurora, N.Y. In 1833-37 he was a representative from Indiana to the twenty-third and twenty-fourth congresses. He was a member of the slate legislature, and served one session as speaker. He died Sept. 2, 1849, in Lawrcnceburg, Ind. soldier, lawyer, jurLandrum, Richard ist, state senator, was born May 31, 1834. in .lelferson county, Tenn. He served througli the civil war; and was for a time adjutant of the seventy^ir^. sixth Missouri regi ^ ment. Since 1870 he has practiced law in Mt. Vernon, Mo.; lias bven justice of the peace; jtulge of the county, probate and

common pleas courts. He served as a member of the thirty-seventh Missouri general assembly; and in 1804 was elected a member of the state senate. Lane, Mrs. Anna Eichberg King, author, poet, was born in lH.'i(i in (u-neva, Switzerland. She is the author of Hrown's Retreat;

and Kitwyk Stories. Lane, Ebenezer, lawyer, jurist, was born He 17. 1703, in Northampton, Mass. moved to Norwalk, ()hi(»; became judge of


the court of common pleas in 1824; and in 1837-45 was judge of the supreme court of Ohio. He died June 13. IH^J, in Sandusky, Ohio. Lane, Mrs. Elinor Macartney, founder, author, was born in Maryland. In 1001 she founded the Triller, a magazine of New York Citv. She is the author of Mills of


1858 he


to Illinois.


received an academic education, was engaged in teaching school, afterward read law, and was licensed to practice by the supreme court of the


died in 11)0(5 in Chicago, 111. Lane, Alfred Church, ge<ih), author, was born Jan. 20, 18«3, in Hoston. Mass. In 1883 he graduated from Harvard university; and has received the degrees of A..M. and Ph.D. from that institution; and also studied at Heidelborg, (lermany. He taught mathematics at Harvard, and taught petrography at the Michigan college of mines. Since 188U he has been state geologist of


God; and Nancy Stair; and All for the Love of a Lady. Lane, Edward, lawyer, jurist, congressman, was born March 27, 1842, in Cleve-





18(55. Since 1805 he has practiced law in Hillsborough, HI. He was elected judge in 1 809, and served one term. In 1887-95 he was a r«'presentative from Illinois to the

tifty-first, fifty-second third congresses as a democrat.




Lane, George, clergynian, was born April 13, 17S4, in Ulster county, N.Y. He preached in New York, Virginia and Maryland; and settled near Wilkesbarre, Pa. He became ngent for the Methodist book concern in 1830; and for a number of years was a treasurer of the Methodist missionary so<iety. He died May 0, 1859. in Wilkesbarre, Pa. Lane, George Martin, educator, author, was born Dec. 24, 1823, in Charlestown, Mass. In 1S51-04 he was university professor of latin at Harvard. He co-operat«"d in the perfection of Harper's latin lexicon, one of which was dedicated to him by its He was engaged for a long time editor. u|)on a latin grammar which was published posthumously. He died June 30, 1897, at

Cambridpe, Slass. Lane, George W., lawyer, jurist. He was United States district judge for the district of .Mabama. He <lied Nov. 12, 1803, in I.*uisville, Ky. Lane, Harry, Unit<'d States senator, was born Aug. 28, 1855, in Corvallis, Ore. He servetl two terms a mayor of Portland. In 1013-10 he was a member of the United States senate. Lane, Harvey Bradburn, educator, civil cngintM-r. was born Jan. 10, 1813, in Plymouth, Pa. In 1840-43 he was professor of nutthematics in Oxford college. He was an assistant editor of the American AgriculThe latter part of turist for nuiny years. his life he devoted to collecting rare books and was f(»r private and public libraries; an authority in that work. He died Aug. 2S, 1888. in Saratoga, N.Y.

Lane, Henry Smith, soldier, congressman, govi-rnor. I'nited States senator, was born Feb. 24. 1811, in Montgomery county, Ky. In 1837 he was elected to the Indiana legis-

lature: and in 1S30-43 he was a representafrom Indiana to the twenty-sixth and twenty-sevi-nth congresses. He served as a lieutenant-colonel of volunteers in the war with Mexico in 1840. In 1801 he was the


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