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HKRRINOSHAWS LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. twelfth governor of Indiana. In 1861-67 lio was a nu'n>bi«r of the United Stait»'H nenat*'. He died June 18, 1881, in Crawfordsvilh', Ind.

Lane, James Crandall, civil engineer, auwas born July 23, 1823, in New York He gerved in the civil war: and at fJrttyshurf; he was placed in command of a brigtt«l»', and received a nevere wnuinl. He received the brevets of brigadier-g»*n«'ral and nuijor-grnrral of volunti-ers. Suhsi-quently he wa« engaged in mincralogical »urvoy» in California, Arizona and Nevada, rh well as in archwological Rtirvi'VM in Palestine and on tlior,


the river .Ionian; an«l as chief t-nginct-r in railroad construction on Long Island; and after 1884 in sur^'eying for new parks Wyond the Harlem river. He was the author of Man and His Surroundings. He died Dec. 13, 1888. in N« w York city.


James Henry,


lina one thousand acres of land, upon which the city of Kaieigh was built. He died in 17!>.") in Wake county, N.C.

Lane, John, clergyman, lawyer, jurist, was He was born April 8. 178o", in Virginia. probate judge of Warren county; and although preaching continually, he liecame one of the most inlluential business men in the state of Mississippi. For many years he was president of the conference missionary He died Oct. 10. 18.Vi. in Viekssociety. burg, Miss.

Lane, John Quincy, soldier, was born in In 1862 he


He was honorably mustered out

colonel in the ninety-

second regiment Ohio infantry; ami wai brevetted brigadier-general of






lawyer, state senator, railroad president, was born Oct. In. 18-);>, Texas. In 1887-01 he in Fayette county was a member of the Texas state senate, He was president and has built one hundred Hnd ten miles of the Lane belt railroad. He is president of the Guarantee life insurance company; president of the Sugar land railroad company; and president of the




Southern irrigation company. Lane, Joseph, soldier, congressman, governor. United States senator, was born I>c. 1801,




county, N.C. In 1822-46 he served in houses of the state legislature. He serve«l in the Mexican




congn'SMHian, was lM>rn .lune 22. 1814. in Lawrenc«'burg. Ind. In 1840 he was lirutenant-governor of Indiana; and in 18.»3-."».> he was a rcpresentativ*- fron> Indiana to tluthirty-third congress. He scttlcil in Kansas; anil was elected by the people majorgeneral of the free state troops. In 1861-67 he was I'nited .States senator from Kansas. He died .July 1, 1860, in Leavenworth. Kan. Lane, James Henry, soldier, educator, was born July 28. 1833; in Matthews county, N'a. He was assistant professor of mathematics in the Virginia military institute; was professor of matluMnatics in the state seminary at Tallahassee, Fla. and was profes8or of natural philoMophy and instructor of military tactics in the North Carolina military institute at Charlotte. He was appointed brigadier-gen«'ral in the confederate army in 1862. He was professor of civil engineering and drawing of the agricultural unu meclumical college of Alabama at Auburn. He died Sept. 21, 1007, in Auburn, Ala. Lane, Joel, pioneer, statesman, philanthropist, was born in 1740 in Halifax county, N.C. In 177.T he .ivas a member of the provincial congress that met at Hillsborough, N.C; and in 1781 he served in the general assembly, which was held in his own house. In 1702 lu> gave to the state i»f North Caro-













was governor




of In

was a d«'legate from Oregon terhe



to the


thirty-third s e e ond and thirty-fourth congresses as a democrat. In 1840-r)0 he was ,

a member of the I'nited States senate. In 1860 he was nominated vice-president of the United .States. He died April 10, 1881,

Oregon. Lane, Jonathan Homer, journalist, scienwas born Aug. 0. 1810. in (Jeneseo. N.Y. He entered the employ of the United States coast survey in 1847; and in 1860-80 was connected with the bureau of weights and measures. He was the author of Papers on Kleetricity; On th<' Law of Kleitric Induction in Metals; and On the Law of InducHe tion of an Klectric Current on Itself. also published Theoretical TemjM-rature of the Sun; an<l Description of a New Forni of He died May 3, 1880, Mercurial Hori/on. in



Washington. D.C. Joseph R., lawyer,



was born May 6, 18;")8, in Davenport, Iowa. He was educated in the common schools of New York city; and at Knox college of (Jalesburg. III.; studied law at the Iowa state university and practiced in Davenport, Iowa. In 1800-1001 he was a representative from Iowa to the fifty-sixth congress as a republican. Lane, La Fayette, legislator, congressman, was born Nov. 12. 1842. in Vanderburg county. Ind. He was elected to the legislature of Oregon in 1864; and in 1875-77 he was A representative froni Oregon to the fortyfourth congress as a democrat. He died

Nov. 24, 1806. in Roseburg. Oregon. Lane, Lemuel M., lawyer, founder, was born Nov. 4, I8.')4. in Fillmore, Mo. After receiving the rudiments of his education in the common schools, he attended the Illinois state normal school. He has been mayor of