Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/487

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Mt»ryville, Mo.,

and twice

its city


Uv was twict' prosecuting attorney away county. Mo.; and was one

of Nodof the founders of the MetlnMlist college of Maryville. He is now practicing liis pr«»fessitin with success in King Fisher, Oklahoma; and is prominent in the public affairs of that

AnU: Lane, Ralph, governor, was born about He was governor of Virin Kngland. He died in 1H()4 in Kngland. ill l.')S.'i. Lane, Samuel, government ollicial. He was one of the first men appointed superintend1.'>.*<()


ent or coinniis.-.ioner of |>ublic buildings for the District of Columbia; but the date of his appointment does not ap{H'ar on the public records. He died in Washington, D.C.

Thomas F., lawyer and statesman Cape (lirardeau. Mo., was born cm April

Lane, <»f

He studied law in ISC)!), in Dalton, (ia. the Missouri state university. In 18!>8-190ti he was prosecuting attorney of Ripley county. He is a member of the Missouri state senate, and a member of several important in.

committees. Lane, Victor Hugo, lawyer, librarian, jurist, autlior. was born May 27, 18.12, in Genea. Ohio. In 1878-88 he practiced law in Hudson ami Adrian, Mich.; and in 1888-97 was judge of the Hrst judicial circuit court of Michigan. .Since 181HJ he has b«'en law librarian of the university of Michigan. He e«lited the seventh edition of CoUey's Constitutional Limitations; and the tenth edition of Tiffany's .lustices' Ouide for Michigan. Lane, William Alfred, physician, journalist, jurist,


was horn March



For a quarter of a cenin Con vis, .Mich. tury he has Imhmi editor and owner of the Iiide.x; and for i'iglit years he was iiulge of the prol)ate court of Carlisle county, .Mich. He is the author of Homer and




Lane, William Carr, soldier, physician, governor, was born Dec. 1, 1780, in Westnu)rel'iiid. Pa. He served as a surgeon in the war of 1812; and in the Mexican war. In 18.*»2-.'):} he was governor of the territory •»f New M«'xico, when he resumed the practice of medicine in St. Ixiuis, Mo. He died in Cambri<lge. Mass. Lane. William Coolidge, lil>rarian, bibliogwas born July 29, 18.59, in Newton, He was assistant in Harvard library

rapher, •Ma-is.

in lSHl-9:i; and in 189;j-98 was librarian of the Boston athenieum. In 1898 he was appointed librarian of Harvard university. His wotks consist of bibliographical contributions, such as The Dante C<dlecti<ms in the Harvanl C<»llegf and Boston Public Libraries; :iM(I Index to the Subject Catalogue of Harvard College Library.

Lang, Benjamin Johnson, pianist, organconductor, autlior, was born Dec. 2.'), in Salem, .Mass. He studied music under his father. an organist and pianoforte teacher; and abo under Fran/ Liszt and ist,


other masters. Since 18.58 he has been engaged as a pianist, organist, teacher and conductor in B<»ston, .Mass.; in 18tW Iwcanie conductor of the Apollo club; in 1874 becaiii4' conduct<»r of the C«'«-ilia society; and in lS!i.5 conductor of the Handel and Hayden society. Since 188.5 he has also be««n organist of King's chapel of Boston. Mass. He is the autlior of Marseillaise; Cliadwick; The Viking's l^st Voyage; and Henry of Navarre. Lang, Henry Roseman, educator, author, was born Sept. 22, 18.53, in Switzerland. Since 1890 he has l>een professor of romance philology in ^'ale university. He is the author of several works in (ierman. Lang, J. Chris, physician, author, was liorii Feb. 24, 1847, in Bremen, (Jermany. He is an eminent physician of Pittsburgh, Pa.; was dean of the western Pennsylvania medical college; and president of the Allegheny medical society. He is the author of Studies of the Typhoid State; and various other me<lical .Monographs. Lang, Louis, painter, artist, was Inirn Feb.

Wurtembcrg. Among his bestare Maid of Saragossa; Mary Blind Nydia; Distributing (Jifts; .lephthu's Daughter; and Neapolitan Fisher Fainih. He died Mav 8, 1893, in New York 29,

1812. in

known works Stuart


Lang, Margaret Ruthven, composer, author, was born Nov. 27, 18tJ7. in Boston, Mass. She studied the pianoforte under her father: and studied the violin sition in

and compoBoston and

(Jermany, under such masters as Louis Schmidt, Dreehsler, Abel and Victor Ciluth. In 1887 she stu<lied orchestration under G. W. Chadwick in Boston, Mass. She began writing music when twelve years of age; and is the composer of pianoforte s«»los, songs and other works. Her Dramatic Overture has been performed bv the Boston symphony orchestra: and the Overture Witichis was performed several times under the leadership of Theo<lore Thomas in Chicago, III. Langdale, Thomas Guy, clergyman, theohigiaii. was born Oct. 28, 18(»tC in Cincinnati. Ohio. In 1888 he received the degree of A.B. from the university of Cincinnati; and in 189 1 the degree of B.D. from the Chicago Theohigical seminary. He has filled pastorates in South Dakota; and since 1896 liMH tille<| a pastorate in IVSmet. In 189394 h«' was secretary of the South Dakota Christian Kndeavor union; and since 1895 has iM'eii its president. Langdell, Christopher Columbus, lawyer, antiior. was born May 22, 1826, in New Haiiipsliire. He was a legal writer of distinction; and dean of the Harvard law
