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and painting as well as gketchea New England Hcencry. He died in 1006 Boston, SlaRH. Lan^ c, Louie A., journaliBt, legislator, was born May 31. 18r)4, in Chicago, 111. In 1884 he purchased the Reporter of Fond du I>tto. Wis., and now is pn»the Reprietor of porter Printing House. 181)1 he has Since been a director of the public library; and rt'iulrrings

of in




president of the comcouncil and board of education for four years. In 18J»2 he was elected to the assembiy of the Wisconsin state legislature, and


ri'ceived the re-election in



in 180fi.

Langenbeck, Karl, chemist, ceramist, auwas born Oct. 7. 1861. He was superintendent of the mosaic tile company of ZanesviUe, Oliio, He is the author of Chemthor,

istry of Pottery.

Langford, Mrs. Laura Carter HoUoway, author, was horn in 1848 in Nashville, Tenn. For twelve years she was associate editor of the Hriwklyn Daily Kagle. She is the author of The Ladies of the White House; The Heartlistone or Life at Home; Mothers of (ireat Men and Woinen^ Faujous American Fortunes anil the Men Who have Made 'I'liein; The Home of Pm-try. Songs of the Master; Chinese (Jordon; Howard, The

Hero; The Woman's Story; and The Buddhist Diet Rook. Chiistian

Langford, Nathaniel Pitt, banker, author, was born .ug. i», 1S:{2. in Westmoreland. N.Y. In 18t>4-l)8 he was collector of internal revenue; and in 1860 was appointed governor of Montana, but was not confirmed. He lead in the work which resulted in the dinlicatinn of Yellowstone national the park; an<l was its superintendent in 187277.





was national bank

for the Pacific coast.



exthe au-

thor of Vigilante Days and Ways. Langford, William G., Iawy<'r. jurist. He was judge of otM- of tlie United States territorial courts sometime prior to 1884. Langford, William Henry, educator, lawyer, banker, was born .Mine 6, 18.")6, in Champagntdle. Ark. In 1880 he taught school. In 1882 he was admitted to the practice of law in Little K«>ek. Ark. He was presi<lent of the Citizens' bank of Pine Rluir; and director of the Kxcliange nation;«l bank of Little Rm-k. Ark. Langham, Jonathan Nicholas, lawyer, congressman, was born Aug. 4, 1861. in Indiana county. Pa. He worked on his father's farm and attendetl the common schools until sixteen years of age. In 1882 he graduateeals; and was appointment and disbursing clerk of the census office. He served two terms in the Kentucky legislature; and was the minority nominee for speaker of the house. He was twice a delegate from Kentucky to the republican national convention. In 1007-13 he was a representative from Kentucky to the sixtieth, sixty-first, sixty-second and sixty-third congresses as a republican. Langley, John William, chemist, was born

21, 1841. in Salem, Mass. His scienwork has lKH»n principally in connection with the development of the chemistry of iron-ores and his results have been published in the American Journal of Science and elsewhere, Langley, Samuel Pierpont, astronomer, author, was born Aug. 22, 1834, in Boston,

Oct. tific He was secretary of the Smithsonian institutitm. He was the author of Researches on Solar Heat; and The New Astronomy. He died Feb. 27, 1906, in Aiken,


Langsdorf, William Bell, educator, clergyman, author, was born Feb. 20. 1868, in mcehanicsburg. Pa. In 1887-80 he was a teacher of Knglish and mathematics at .Asbury Park, N.J.; and in 1880-00 was professor of latin and Greek in the Poughkei'psie military college. N.Y. He luis since done post-graduate work at the university of Leipzig; at the university of Oxford. England; and in Rome and Paris. In 180408 he was trustee of Oxford college, of Ohio; and in 1893-1002 was professor of latin language and literature in Miami university. In 1902 lie was ordained to the ministry; and was sent to Japan for missionary service. He is the translator of Seneca's Tranquillity of Mind and Providence; and has contributed to leading educational journals.

Langston, John M., diplomat, congresr*man. was born Dec. 14, 1820, in Louisiana <«)unty, 'a. He gra«luated from Oberlin college; and in 18.V) was admitted to the prac-