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York to the continental congress and was also a member of the convention that framed the federal constitution. He died December 12, 1829 in New York city.

Lansing, John Gulian, edu'ut<»r. ek-rgyliiaii. HUtliur, wax liorii in lH.'ii in l^iuisiaiia. Hv is a cU'rgyinaii uf th(> Dutch rffurincil churi'h; and proft'M-sur of OM TrHtann-nt lanpuagi's in tlu* Nt-w Hrunswick thcologiLul 8iMninary. He in the author of American 12.

1S21>, in

ern Pennsylvania. Later he took an nctive part in the production of petroleum in

United States

greateist corporations in America. He 1SS|. in Nrw Y«»rk City. .liin. 2S.

Lapham, Marshall, linam-ier. was born Inly I8(i7, in Kalama/.oo county. Mich. In I8S7-!M» he was auditor of the Chicago llie


and Calumet teniiinal railway; and since 18!>3 lia.s been secretary and trcasnnT of the Chicago, .Joliet and Southwestern railway. ator,


in Itiirrillville. K.I.

lawyer, c<mgressman, was born in IHJ2 in Sullivan. N.Y. In 18»ll(53 .in<l 1871-7.') he was a representative from New York to the thirty-seventh, forty-second, and forty-third congres.>*es as a republican. He died .hily 2!». 1883.

Lanza, Clara, litterateur, author, was born in IH.")!» at Fort Kiley. Kan. She is the daughter of General William Hammond and the wife of the Marquis Manfredi Lanza of Sicily. She is the author of Mr. Perkins' Daughters: A Modern Marriage; Basil Morton's Transgression; and Horace Everett.

Pennsylvania and

also He was interested ranchin The ing in Mexico.

leather company is one of nliio.

New York to the thirty-seventh, forty-second and torty-third c«»ngn'sse» as a repubE.,

engaged in the manufacture of leather and lumls-r in northwest-


Lansing, William




He viseW

Version tif the Ufx>k of I'^alnis; Arahic Manual.

Lansing, Nicholas, clergyman, was born in 1748, in Albany, N.Y. His home an«l church were near the spot on which Andre wa8 hung during the Revoluti<in. He pos8e8se«l much individuality of diaracter, and preacluMl Iwdd and characteristic sermons in butch. Many anecdotes are told of him. He »lied in iH.'t.'j. in Tappan, N.Y.

Lansing, William E., lawyer, congressman, was born in 1S22 in Sullivan. N.Y. He studii*<l law at I'tica; and in IS4."» commenceil practici- at ( 'hittenang<i. N.Y. In 1K4H-.51 he WHS district attorney; and in 18')7 was clerk of .Mailison i-ounty. N.Y. In iSfil-tKl and 187l-7."i he wa.s a representative from



Nrw York and




Lapham, Henry Griffith, leather merchant, «a« born F' b. 24. IS22. in Canby, Vt. He uas principally engaged in tlu' tanning and

Lapham, Oscar,


lawyer, state sen-

congressman, was born .lune

He was





adjutant and captain in twelfth Hluxle Island volunteers; and served in Virginia and Kentucky, in army of Potonuic and department of Ohio. He represeiit«'d the city of Providence in the KIukIc Island state senate in 1887-88. He was democratic can«li<late for congress in 1882. 188fi and 1888; and in I8!)l •!>."» he was a representative fn)m Island to the fifty-second and fifty-

Kliod<' tliild



William Berry,



was born -Aug. cian, iournalist. author, He servetl 21. 1S2S. ill Creenwood. .Maine.



Lanza, Gaetano, scientist, author, was born Sept. 2«, 1848, in Ihiston, Mass. He is prof^»8sor of theoretical ami applied mechanics in cliarge «>f the department of mechanical engineering at Massachusetts institute of t<-chn<dogy. He is the author of A[)plied Mechanics.

was promoted to captain and assistant (piartcrm:«ster of v«dunteers; and in 18(V4(i.'> had command of the artillery in Fort He was S»-dgewick, known as Fort Hell. an agri<-ultural editor of Maine; and published several hist<>ries of Maine h>calities, including WiMHlstock. Paris, Norway, Bar Harbor ami Mount Doert Island. He died I'<1». 22. IS'.M, in Augusta. .Maine.

Lapham, Elbridge Gerry, civil engineer, lawyer, congressman, I'liited Stat«'s s»-nawas born Oct. 18, 1814, in Farmington, N.Y. He was civil engineer on the Michigan Southern railroad; and in 187r)-83 he was a representative from New York to the forty-fourth, forty-fifth, forty-sixth and forty-seventh congresses; and in 18818") he was United States senator. He died .Ian. 8, 18<.m, in Canandaigua, N.Y. tor,

Lapham, Increase Allen, scientist, author, was l)orn March 7. 1811, in Palmyra, N.Y. He was a noted s<'ientist <if Milwaukee. He was the author of . ti(|uities of Wisconsin; Wisconsin: its (leography, Topogra|tliy,

History, fJeology and Mineralogy. He died Sept. 14, 1875, in Oconomowoc, Wis,


throughout the



LaPorte, John, congressman, was born in Pennsylvania. In 1833-37 he was a represfiitative from Pennsylvania to the twenty He twenty-fourth congresses. third ami died


Asylum, Pa.

Larcom, Lucy,

author. poet,

was Iwrn


She was a pop in Beverly, Mass. Beverly, pros<' writer of poet and Mass.; and in early life w«)rkeil in the She was the author of Lowell factories. At the Beautiful (Jate; Childhoo«l Songs; IS2r>.

ular ild Roses of Cape Ann: An Myl of Work; Master (Jleaiiis; Complete Poems. Skipper Ben and Hannah Bimling SImm-s are her best known lyrics. Her prose works are Ships