Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/493

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and Other Storioa; The Sunbeam; Similitudes; Leihi Among the Mountains; The Unseen Friend; An It is in Heaven; and A New England (Jirlhood. an autobiographie work. She died April 17,

in the Mint,

1K!).'3, in Boston, Mass. Lardner, James L., naval officer, was born in IH(I2 in IVnnsylvania. He served through the Mexinin and civil wars in the I'nite*! Stat«'S navy; and attained the rank of rear admiral, lie <lied April 13, 1881, in

Philadelphia, Pa.

Lardner, Mrs. Lena Bogardus, litttTiitour,

was born .luiie 2. 1S4.'J, ill Catskill, She is tiu- wife of Henry Lard no r of Mich. She is the author of The Spray of Western Pine; and Sparks from




Yule Log. lawyer, statesman,

Large, George Hall, senator, was born Dec. 1. iS.'iO. in White House,







of the New Jersey state senate, ami in the latter year was president of that body. In 188!)-04 was collector internal revenue first <listrict. New .Jersey. Large, Patrick Albert, merchant, banker, was born in 1830 in Perry county. Ohio. He was educated at St. .Joseph college of Somerset. Ohio. He was a cattle dealer in Jefferson county; and later a general merchant in Virginia City. He built a number of telegraph lines for the Western union telegraph company. In 18!)0 he was president of the State savings bank of Butte, Mont.



Larimer, William, merchant, banker, lawyer, jurist, state legislator, was born Oct, 24, 180!>, in Westmoreland county, a. In 18.1-) he went to Nebraska; and served in the territorial U'gislature in IS.'iG. In the beginning of the civil war he raised a regiment of volunteers in Colorado; and was commihsiom-d colonel. He served in Kansas, Indian territory and Arkansas, and was mustered out in l8»!.->. He died May Hi, lS7r>, near Leavenworth, Kan.

In 186.5-83 he was president of the St. Louis warehouse cojnpany; in 186974 was president of the Iron mountain bank; and in 1873-86 was president of the Central Lafayette company. Since 1881 he has been virc-president and since 1888 also general manager of the Klk Valley farming company, operating fifteen tiiousand acres. In IW.'t In- was vice-pri'sident of the TransMississippi commercial congress; since 1!>03 vice-president of the national lie has been irrigation congress; and since 1900 has been presiileiit of the North Dakota Chautauqua association.


civil engineer,

Larkin, Daniel Charles, founder, was born July 29, 1849. in Sandusky. Oliio. I'p to 187') he was connected with the Brotherhood Locomotive Engiof neers and was one of the the founders of Gem City assembly I^bor. of Kni|;bts Since 1880 he has been




Herman, Mo.: and lHr>4-r>.">


attended the of in

attemled the

Louis city In 1889 he

was board of regents of the stale university of North Dakota; in 18!M»-9<1 regent of the Wahpeton methodist university; and since 18!>r> has been a In 1803 he retrustee of Wesley college. fused the nomination for governor of North


Larkin, Edgar Lucien, educator, astronomer, autlior. was horn .pril 5, 1847, in I>a He received a thorough Salle county, HI. inlucation in his naIn 1880 tive county. he opened an obser'atory at New Wind111., aud for eieht years was a director. In 1888 he opened an observatory at Knox





and for seven 111., years was a director. Since 1900 he has been a dire<-tor of the Ixiwe Echo observatory at Mountain, Cal. He is a fellow of the Amerof ican association for the advancement science; ami a fellow and member of other He has contributed extensively societies. He to astronomical and scieiitilic jouniabs. the

Enerny and Its Modern Electricity and Its Apand Oahspe.

author of Undiant





of council.

county and state. also

1878-82 he was a member of the upper


newspapers and maKazint^ and also to techaud scii'iilific juornals. iiit al

.lones commercial college of St. Louis, Mo.



tive part in the public his city, of affairs

Wyman's academy

of St. Louis. Mo.;


Larimore, Newel Greene, farmer, banker, statesman, was born Aug. 29, 1835, in Bourbon county, Ky. In 1H4S)-.13 he attende<l



partment of Dayton, Ohio and takes an ac-


Larkin, John, educator, college president, In 1851-54 he in Encland. St. John's ctillege in Fordham. N.Y. He died Dec. 11, 1858, in Ford-

was born in 1801. was president t>f



Lamed, Augusta, journalist, author, poet, was born A|)ril 16, 1835. in Rutland, N.Y. She is a journalist of New York City. She is

Home Story Scenes; Talks Old Tales from Grecian Mytliol-

the author of
