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a contributor to the Delineanow eonneeted with the Ladies' She is the author of I(ieul» for World. (iirls; and the Etiquette of New York To-

thirty -seventh congress. land.



Learned, Marion Dexter,

educator, aulU, 1857, near Dover, professor of 1805 haa been Since he Del German in the university of Pennsylvania. He b the author of The Pennsylvania (ierman Dialect; and The Saga of Walther of Aquitaine. hanker, author, poet, Learned, Walter, was born .lune 22. 1S47, in New London, Early in life he was engaged in Conn. bunking: has been ]>i <-^itleiit of the New thor,

was born July




way roinpuny; presiof the Manual


training and indusschool of New London: and trustee of the public library. He is treasurer of the


Savings bank of Xew London; and prominently identified with the business and tinancial affairs of New Enghind. Ue is the author of Between Times, a volume of Poems; translated Coppee's Ten Tales; and edited The Treasury of Favorite American

Poems. jmi'^t. lawyer, Learned, William Law, was born July 24, 1821, in New London, Conn. Since 1874 he has been a professor in the Albany hiw school; and is also president of that institution. Ue was presiding justice of the supreme court of New

York state in IST") <)L He was the author of The LearniHl Family, a genealogy. died in 1004 in Albany, N.Y.


Leary, James Daniel, civil en<;ineer, conwas born Sept. 25, 1837, in CanThe total number of vessels built is by Mr. I^-ary aiwut three hundred



and ninety. devot«'d




liiui-i If

|0 ]h> was a preaidentuil elector; and in 1861-63 he was a repnaentative from Maryland to the

Leary, Peter, soldier^ lb4u, tu Baltimore, Md.


417 died iu Ikiary-

was burn



In 188U he gradStates artillery the civil war; and

from the United

He nerved in uttaiued the raidc ol tirst lieutenUe served in the Arapahoe, Modoe ant. and other Indian war;^; and was in tba bpanish-Amcricau war. In 1UU4 he was promoted to brigadier>general of tho United .states army. He difld Feb. 13, 1011, in Baltimore, Md. sehool. iu


Leary, Richard Phillips, naval officer, gov* He ernor, wan born in Baltituore, Md. served in the navy during the civil war; and attained the rank ot master in 188tt. He ^as senior otlieei at Samoa during the revolution of 1888; and the Maryland legiskture voted him a gold medal for his Jn 1891) he .Hcrviees to the governuierit. became a captain; and served lor a short time as the first naval governor of Guam. He died Dec. 27, ItKil, in Chelsea, Mass.

£UMbeth, lecturer, Lease, Mrs. Mary lawyer, autlior, waa bom Sept. 11, 1853, in Lidyway, Pa. She was appointed president of ihe Kansas state board of chanties, being the first woman to hold such a position in the United States; and in 18U3 slie had a large following for United btates senator. She is the author of The Problem of Civilization Solved. Leavell, Richard Marion, soldier, educator, state legislator, was born Aug. 1, 1838, in He was educated district, S.C. at the Cheery creek academy of Mississippi; and at the university of Mississippi, wnere he received the degree of A.B, In 1861 -Co he served as a lieutenant and cap* tain in the second regiment Mississippi infantry of the confederate states army. In isUa- Ju he was principal of the male academy of Verona, Miss.; and in 1882-80 was protesMor of English language and literature at the Mississippi colh^e of Clinton, Miss. In 1880-00 he was professor of English and Ijt lieS lettres; iiiid since ISIKJ has been professor of philosophy and political economy at the univeraity of Miaaissippi. ls72-7:s he was a member of the MiMiaIll sippi legislature. Leavenworth, Abner J<rtinion, educator, college president, was born July 2, 1803, in Waterbury, Conn. In 1844 he became the principal and proprietor of the Leavenworth


coll(';riate seminary for young ladies, which ac4Uired a wide reputation throughout the south. He died Feb. 12, ISt)!t, in Petersburg, Va.

aeadeniy and

Leavenworth, Elias Warner, lawyer, state congressman, was born Dec. 20, He was a member in Canaan, N.Y. of the state legishiture in 183.'> from Syracuse, N.Y.; and in 1836 was appointed brigadier-general of the state artillery. He was lejrislator, IHOli,

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