Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/511

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He was educated at Phillips City, NJ. aciiJeuiy of Andover, MaB»., where he rer«'ived the d«'j;re«' of LL.B.; and was a student at the New York law school. In 1898 he was admitted to the practice of law; and since that time has practiced at Jersey He is general council for the City, NJ. and is I'rovident inntitution for saving; counsel for Hudson county, N.Y.. and for the Texas steamship company. He haa oran aitl association. In 1907-09 he was a reprewentative from New Jersey to the sixtieth congress as a democrat. Leake, Frank, manufacturer, author, was In horn Dec. 1."), 1S.>«. in Camden, N.J.


18H2-88 he

was engaged



as Frank Leake and company; and since

1888 has been president of the Star and


mills textile





facturers of Philadelphia, Pa. He is also vice-president and dithe Keyrector of stone mutual insur-

ance company; and a director in the Manton mutual insurance company. He has taken an active part in commercial and civic organizations; was •:hairman of the Manufacturers' club committee on pure water in 1899; and since 18{)9 has been chairman of the Allied water committee of Philadelphia organizations. He is vice-prcaidcnt of the Kensington young men's christian association; and has traveled in all parts of the United States. He is the author of Sound Money Versus Conditions in the Factory Bimetallism; South; and various other Monographs. soldier, lawyer, Bloomfield, Leake, Joseph state Hciiator, was born April 1, 1828, in Deerlield, N.J. In 18.'»0 he was admitted to the bar; in 1861-62 was a representative in the Iowa state legislature; and in 1862 was elected state senator. In 1802-65 he served in the twentieth regiment Iowa volunteers from captain to lieutenant-colonel; and was brevetted brigadier-general of the In 1866-71 he United States volunteers. was district attorney of Scott county, Iowa; and in 1808-71 was president of the board of education of Davenport, Iowa. In 1879-84 he was United States attorney for the northern district of Illinois; and in 1887-91 was attorney for the board of education of Chicago, Jll, Leake, Shelton F., lawyer, congressman, was born Nov. .'JO; 1812, in Albemarle counIn 1842 he was elected to the Virty, Va. liouse of delegates; and in 1845-47 18.19-01 he was a representative from Virginia to the twenty-ninth and thirtyHe was a presidential sixth congresses. elector in 1849; and in 1851 was elected



lieutenant-governor of part in the rebellion.

Virginia. He took died in Virginia.


Leake, Walter, soldier, jurist, governor, L iiited States senator, was born about 17tfU ill


He was a »oldier in the revolutionary war; and became a judge of the In 1817territorial court of Mississippi. 20 he was United States senator; and in 1821-25 was the third governor of Mississippi.








Salus, Miss.

Leakin, George Armistead, clergyman, author, was born in 1818 in Maryland. He is an episcopal clergyman of Baltimore, Md. He is the author ol Legion, or Feigned Excuses; and IVriodic Law. Learning, Jeremiah, clergyman, author, was born in 1717 in Middletown, Conn. He was an episcopal clergyman of Conn(.*cticut. He was the author of Defense of Episcopal (lovernment; Evidences of the Truth ul He dietl Christianity; and Dissertations.

September, 1804. in New Haven, Conn. Learning, Thomas, soldier, patriot, was born Aug. 20, 1748. He possessed a large landed estate in New Jersey; and was a member of the convention of 1776 to frame a constitution for that state and declare its independence. He died in 1797 in Philadelphia, Pa. Lear, Tobias, educator, diplomat, was in




1702, in Portsmouth, N.H. 178tf; in teaching until

He was engaged

and then he became private secretary to (jieneral Washington; and also was tutor In 1805 he was appointed to his children. a commissioner to negotiate peace with Tripoli. He died Oct. U, 1816, in Washington, D.C.

Learned, Amasa, congressman, was born Nov. 15, 1750, in Killingly, Conn. In 1772 he graduated from Yale college; and wais admitted to the ministry. In 1791-95 he was a representative from Connecticut to the second and third congresses; and in 1818 was a m<-inber of the state constitutional convention; and was a state repre-

He died May 1825, in New London, Conn. Learned, Arthur Garfield, illustrator, artist, was born Aug. 10, 1872, in Chelsea, Mass. For four years he was on the art stair of the Boston Herald; and has illustrated eight volumes of Brevery Treasures; and also various hooks for Boston publishers. Among his paintings are seven ideal

sentative for several terms. 4,


Heads; and drawings for Life, and

Home Journal. Learned, Ebenezer, soldier, was born in in 1775-76 he served in Massachusetts. the H'volutionary war; and in 1777 he attained the rank of brigadier-general in the He died April 1. 1801. continental army. for the Ladies'

Learned, Mrs. Ellin Craven, journalist, author, was born in New Jersey. For many years slie was on tw staff of The Churchman; waa editor ol the Girls' Friendly Mag-
