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HERRINOSHAW8 LIBRARY OF AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY. rial presbyterian church at Philadelphia, Pa.; and since 1006 has been pastor of the at Wilkinsburg, first presl)yterian cliurcli Pa. He is the author of Sheaf i ittsburgh, Christian; Niagof a (j!<mI's Plan Wlu'at; of ara Harni-ssed; and Brief History of the Presbyterian Church. Lee, Edwin Gray, soldier, was born May On the breaking out of the civil 2r>, 1835.

war he entered


confederate service.


18(54 he waft appointed a brigadier-general; and Inter was sent to Canada on secret servHe died ice for the confederate government. .•ug. 24, 1S70, in Yellow Sulphur Springs. Va. Lee, Eleanor P., poet, was born in 1«17, She hecanie a noted near Natchez, Miss. She died in 1S45) in poet of the south.

Mississippi. Lee, Mrs. Eliza Buckminster, litterateur, autlmr, was Ijorn in 17!M, in Portsmouth. N.H. She was the author of Life of Kiehter; Sketches of a New England Village; Naomi; Florence, the Parish Orphan; and Parthenia, or the l^st Days of Pagjinisin. She dio<l June 22, 18(U, in Brookline. Mass. Lee, Elmer, physician, lecturer, author, was iKirn March 12, 1850, in Piqua, Ohio. In 1892 he visited Russia and (Jerniany to study cholera; and proposed a new method of treatment, which was approved by Virchow and others. He ser^-ed as a surgeon He is the in the Spanish-American war. author of Treatise on Asiatic Cholera; and

other medical works. Lee, Fitzhugh, soldier, diplomat, governor, author, was born Nov. 19, 1835; in Clermont, Va. At the commencement of the civil war he joined the confederate army; was at once appointed adjunct -general of a brigade; and was promoted to the rank of major general. In 188fi-90 he was governor of Virginia. In 189tM)8 he was United States During consul-generAl at Havana, Cuba. the Spanish-American war he was ma«le major-general of volunteers; and in 18!>9 was appointed military governor of the province He was the author of oif Havana, Cuba. He «lied Cuba's Struggle Agjiinst Spain. April 28, 1905. in Washington. D.C. Lee, Francis Bazley, lawyer, journalist, author, was l>oni .Ian. 3, 1809, in Philadelphia, Pa. in 1890 he was admitte<l to the bar: and nas iM'en a member of (he Trenton l>oard of health. Hr is the author of New .Jersey as a Colony and as a State. Lee, Francis Lightfoot, signer of the D<'claration of Indepen<ience. congressman, was born Oct. 24. 1734, in Stratford, Va. In 1705 and 1700 he was elected to the house of burgesses; and was a strong advocate of. equal rights. Tn 1775-80 he was a delegate to the continental congress from Virginia and signed the Declaration of Independence, and also the articles of confederation. He also Ber'ed in the state legislature. He died .April 3, l797. in Richmond. Va. Lee, Mrs. Frank, educator, author, was born July 7, 1849, in Kingston, N.Y. In


1868-75 she taught in the public schools of New York city; has taught schools in Ohio and Kansas; and in 1889-91 taught mission schools among the mountain whites in (Jrand She is the author of .Mart

iew, Tenn.

(.onnor; (iarland (irain; Redmond of the Seventh; and Professor Pin. Lee, Frank Theodosius, clergyman, auin Kenoslia, thor, was born March 23, 184 Wis. For some time he was on the editorial stalT of the Congregational ist of Boston, .Mass. He has filled pastorates in Sparta and Whitewater, Wis.; in Salt l^ke City, Ctab; in .Muscatine, Iowa; and in 1894-99 at Douglas Park Congregational church of 111. He is the author of Popular I hieago. Misecmeeptions as to Christian Faith and Life; an«l Popularizing the Bible.

Lee, Fred E., manufacturer and banker of Dowagiae, .Mich., was born Dec. 0, 1H.»8. He presuient of the Round Oak Stove works of Dowagiae, Mich.; and president of the Lee Paper company of Vicksburg, Mich. He is also a member of I>cc Brotners and companv, bankers of Dowagiae and Buchanan, is







Schiller, 10,


author, Canton, N.Y.

educator, in

Since 1895 he has been professor of physiology in Columbia university of New' York He is the author of Physiology, the ei(y." Vital Processes in Health. Lee, George Hyde, physiciaji, author, was born in 1849 in Mantua, Ohio. Since 1870 he has practice*! medicine in Washington. D.C, He is the author of The Mantle of Klijah; What Was His Dutv; and Kith and Kin. Lee, George Washington Custis, soldier, educator, college president, was born Sept. After re10, 1832, in Fortress Monroe, 'a. ceiving a liberal edu 1854 he cation, in gra^luated from the I'nited States military

academy of West Point and was then

assigned to the corps engineers. Cnited States army. In 1801 he was appoin(eil aidede-camp to the president of the .Houthem confederacy, with the of colonel: in ran.; I8(>3 was made brigadier-general; and in 1804 he was nia<le major general; and in 18(i5-71 he was in (lie chair of civil and military engineering at the Virginia military institute of LeNinpton. Va.; and in 1871-97 he has filled the duties of president of the Wasliington and Lee university; and since 1897 has been president emeritus. Lee, Gerald Stanley, l»-ctuier. author, was He born Oct. 4, 1801, in Brockton, Mass. gives courses of lectures on the Reading Habit aiMl on Life of the Spirit in Mfulern Times. He is editor of the Mount Tom, an all-out-doors magazine. He is the author of of

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