Page:Herringshaw's National Library of American Biography - volume 3.pdf/519

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The Shadow



Paper Civilization;


Hooks; and Alxiut an Uld New Church. Lee, Gideon, merchant, congressman, was born April 2", 1778, in Amh«'rst, Mass. He was at one time mayor of New Vork city,




was a presidential elector; and in 18;}537 he was a representative to the twentylie



Gnieva, N.V. Lee, Gordon,

Aug. 21, 1S41,

lie died


congressman, was He Ijorn .May 2), ISoO, in Ringgold, Ga. has rweive«l the degree of A.M. from Emory college of Oxford, ( Ja. He is engaged in fanning and manufacturing. In 1894-96 he was a inemlK'r of the Georgia house of representatives; and in 1902-05 was a member farmer,


of the state senate.


1905-15 he was a

from Georgia to the


eiglitij. tifty-ninth, sixtietli, sixty-first,



second and sixty-third congresses as a democrat.

Lee, Guy Carleton, educator, was born Since 1900 he has been a lec1 875. turer on com|>arative jjolitics at Columbia university; since 1901 literary editor of the Haltimore Sun: and managing editor of the International Literary Syndicate. He is the author of Public Speaking; The World's Orators, in ten volumes; True History of the Civil War: and History of North America, in twenty v«dume«. Lee, Henry, soldier, congressman, governor, author, was born Jan. 29, 1756, in Leesylvania. Va. He was appointed a captain of cavalry; and joined the in 1777


main armv; and was soon promoted to the

rank colonel.

of lieutenantIn 1785-88 he

was a delegate from Virginia to the continental congress. In 1791-94 he was the second governor of 1799Virginia. In 1801 he was a representative from Virginia to tlu* sixth congress; and in 1799 was a])pointed by congress to deliver a eulogy on the occasion, in which occurred the wonls: First in war. first in peace and iirst in the hearts of his countrymen. He was the author of Memoirs of llie War in the Southern Department of the United States. He died March 25, 1816, at Cumberland Island. Ga. Lee, Mrs. Hannah Farnham, litterateur, author, was born in 1780 in Newburj'port, Mass, She was the author of Grace Seymour: Luther and His Times; Sculpture and Sculptors; Three Kxperiments in Living, which was extraordinarily popular lK>th in .Xinerica and Knglaud: Familiar Sketches of the Old Painters: The Hugm>nots in Franct« and America: and Memoir of Pierre Toussaint. She died Dec. 27, 1865, in Boston,






was l)orn in 1758 in Virginia. He was a member of the Virginia legislature from the district of Kentucky; and also of

the convention that adopted the constitution of the I'nited States. He was appointed judge of the quarter sessions and associate judge of the circuit court for Mason county, Ky. He died in 1846 in Mason county. Ky. Lee, Henry, economist, was born Feb. 4, 1782, in Beverly, Mass. He l)ecame a collector of commercial and financial statistic*}, untl a zealous student of political economy. He died Feb. «, 1867, in Boston, Mass. Lse, Henry, litterateur, author, was bom He in 1787 in Westmoreland county, Va. was the author of The Campaign of 1781 in He the Carolinas; and Life of Napoleon. died .Ian. 30, 1837, in Paris, France. Lee, Henry, soldier, banker, was born Sept. 2. 1817. in Boston, Mass. In 1836 he graduated from Harvard college; and during the civil war was on the staff of Governor .Tohn A. Andrew. He was a member of a Boston banking house. He was the author of The Militia of the I'nitea States. He

1898 in Boston, B., statesman, was born in city. He was elected a representative from New York to the fifteenth congress, but died l)efore taking his seat. He •lied




New York

die<l Feb. 18, 1817. in New York citv. Lee, Henry Washington, clergyman, bishop, was l>orn .Inly 29, 1815, in Haraden. Conn. He was elected first bishop of Iowa in 1854: and was one of the founders of Griswold college of Davenport, Iowa. He died Sept. 26, 1874, in Davenport, Iowa. Lee, Homer, engraver, artist, was born in 1856 in .Mansfield, Ohio. Among his paintings are Building of the Skyscraper; and

Skyscrapers. He is president and founder Homer Ia^ bank note company; and a founder of St. John's guild floating hosof the pital.

Lee, Horace Clark, soldier, was born in Massachusetts. In 1861 he was colonel in the twenty-seventh regiment Massachusetts infantry; and in 1864 was brevetted brigadier-general of volunteers. He died June 22, 1884. Lee, Isaac, soldier, jurist, was born Jan. 17, 1717, in Kensington, Conn. For thirty years he was principal magistrate of New Britain. Conn.: and was called the Father of the Town. With the exception of four years he was a member of the colonial assembly in 1761-75; and was a menilMT of the geni'ral assembly of the state in 177679 and 1782-91. In 1775 he was colonel of the fifteenth regiment militia. He died in 1S02 in New Britain, (^onn. Lee, James, inerehant, was born in 1795 Scotland. ill He was for a long time connect eil with the New York society lil)rary; and Brown's statue of Washington on l^nion square was en*cted mainly through his instrumentality. He died June 16, 1874, in

New York
