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Leslar, jACob, colonial governor. 91 he was colonial governor of

In 1600-




died in



Letto7f Jobn Peten, educator, geologist, •utbor, was born Sept. 17, 1819, in Philadelphia. In 1872-78 he was professor of geology and mining, and dean of the faculty university of Pennsylvania. He was the author of Man's Origin and Destiny from the Platform of £he Sciences; Coal and Its Topogrnphy; The Iron Mannfaf>turer'» Guide; and Paul Dreifus, His Holiday Abroad. He died in 1003 in Milton, Mass. Lesley, Robert W., manufacturer, lawyer, was born July f», 1853, in Philadelphia, Pa. He left college in 1868 and went into the employment of the Public Ledger of Philadelphia, remaining* until 1879 as reporter and associate editor. He was admitted to the bar in 1877 ; and was assistant state reporter of the supreme court of Pennsylvania. In 1874 he established the cement firm of Lesley and Tr inkle; in 1904 established the Cement Age, one of the principal journals lii votedto ct'mcnt in the United states; and was connected with D. 0. Savior in the upbuilding of the first tucoessfnf American Portland roment company. Since that date he has been identified with the Portland cement industry of th« United States. He is president of the American cement company; president of the Lesley and Trinkle company of Philadelphia; and president of the T'nitt'd buiidinjT material company of New York and Boston. He has been president of Amoeiation of Portland cement manufacturers; and vice-president of the American society for testing materials.

Lede7, Hn. Sutta Inches,' philanthropist, in Northauthor, was born April 7. ampton, Mass. She was long actively identified with the work of organised charities Philndr>1pbia, P«.. p!*j"Ti:illy of tlio chil-


dren's aid society.

She was the author of

J. Lyman. Slie died Jan. 16, Milton. Mass. Charles Robert, artist, was born Oct. 19, 1794. in England. In 1848-.'51 he was professor of painting in the Royal Academy of London. Among his best known paintings are: Uncle Toby and the Widow; Slay Days in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth; Tin* Dinner at Mr. Page's House; and Sancho Pan/.a and the Duchess. He died May

Mrs. Annie 1904




18.50, in London, England. Leslie, Eliza, litterateur, author, IS. 17B7. in Philadelphia. Pa.


was bom She was

Mrs. the author of Domestic Cookery; Washinflrton Potts i The Behavior Book: Pencil Skcti



The Dennings. Oloucester,

. iorioan Oirl's

She died Jan.

Book: and





Leslie, Frank, jmblishor. was born March 29. 1821. in England. In 1848 he emigrated to the ITnited States; and in 18.54 began the publication of Thf Gazette of Fashion; and

New York

Journal. In 185.5 he published the first number of Frank Leslie's !]•


lustrated Newspaper; and he subsequently

established the following publications: The Chimney Gomer; The Bc^ and Girls* Weekly; The Lady's Journal; The Budget of Fun; The New World; Pleasant Hours; Popuhir Monthly; Sunday Magasine; The Ch«tter-Box; The Illustrat. d Almanac and the Comic Almanac. in

New York


died Jan. 10, 1880,


Mrs. Frank, journalist, publisher, was born in 18al in New Orleans, La., of a French Creole family. She married Frank I^eslie, the New York publisher, who died in 1880. She succeeded to his business, then badly involved; personally managed it and put it on a paying liasis. Sho was president of the Frank Lrslic laibhshing house and Leslie,

editor of Leslie, is

Frank L.-.^lii 's Monthly. Mrs. Miriam Florence, author. She

the author of

From Gotham





Preston Hopkins, lawyer, jurist, staie senator, governor, was bom March 2, He repre1819, in Clin^n county, Ky. Ht nted Monroe county in the Kentucky state ^'i.Hlature in 1844-50; and was state sena* tor in 18.51-5.5. Re removed to Barren county; was again state senator in 1867-71; and was chosen speaker of the senate, in and a< teil as lieutt nant jifovernor. In 187176 be was the twenty-fourth governor of Kentueky; and was circuit judge in 188186. He was governor of Montana Ti-rritory in 1887-88; and United States attorney for district of Montana 1804-98. He died Feb. 7, 1907, in Helena, Mont. Leslie Thomas Jefferson, soldier, was bom Nov. 2, 1796, in England. In 1865 he was brevetted colonel and brigadier-general for faithful performance of duty during a rout inuous pfriod of fifty years. He ued Nov. ST). 1874, in New York city. Leslie,


paleontologist, author, 18, 1800, in Switaerland. He to America in 1848; and settled in Columbus, Ohio. He was the author of Cat>

Lesquereuz, Leo,

was bom Nov. came

alogue of the Mosses of Switwrland; Musie Americani Exsiccati: Icones Muscarum: Land Plants in the Lower Silurian; The Tertiary Flora; and The Coal Flora; Man* ual of North America. He ddied Oct. 25,

Columbus, Ohio. Montague, lawyer, congressman, wa3 born Jan. 1, 1860, in New York city. In 1880 he graduated from the coU^e of the city of New York with the deforce of B. S. and was a student at the Columbia law school. He is a successful lawyer of New York city. In 1002 he was elected ft mem1889, in


ber of the fifty-seventh congress from New Y'ork to fill a vacancy. He was a member of the naval committee of the flfty-seventh congress. Lester, Charles Edwards, journalist, lecturer, diplomat, author, was July 16, 1815, in Griswold. Conn. He was at one


time consul at Genoa. of Life of Yespueius;

He was the author The Napoleon Dy-

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